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Joined: Jul 15, 2006
Posts: 64

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:33 pm Reply with quote

I'm using iCGstation, and a graphic file was changed, messing up my footer at

That being said, I already had an existing problem in place, with the bottom footer background not lining up, look here:

For the first issue, I've trying overwriting all of the image files associated with iCGstation's theme, but nothing has seemed to change it.

For the second issue, I'm thinking that if I could remove the line which posts Page process time, it would fix the footer.

Thanks for the help, you web gurus, you.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:26 pm Reply with quote

I would suggest contacting the author of the iCGstation theme. I've taken a quick look at the page source and there are all kinds of spacer images in there that are probably needed to line things up but it's asking a lot for someone to start digging into debugging a theme like that. You might try reloading the whole theme including the original images and see if that clears things up, maybe something got left in place that you are not aware of when you changed graphics files?
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 2:06 pm Reply with quote

Well, I've fixed the issue with the improper graphic loading on the index page (case of a gif needing to be changed). So issue one is down.

As for issue too, I guess you're right about the debugging. As for reinstalling the theme, it was there from the very first moment I installed the theme.

I feel like the text containing in that area is too much, and hence pushes the footer gif up, as the text hits the bottom of the page. That's why I'm hoping by removing the Page Generation section of code, it wil alleviate the footer issue. I just dont' know where to do that.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:39 pm Reply with quote

the maker of that theme did not leave enough room for you to have as much footer text as you do. I would suggest going to the css file for the theme and making the footer text smaller in size until things line up. You do not need to remove any code. Try either changing the footer text or removing some from your sites preferences. That is the fastest way for you to fix your issue.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:34 am Reply with quote

Jaded knows far more about themes than I do and I'd try her suggestion first. But just for your information, the page generation time is displayed in one of two places depending on the structure of your theme.

1. Footer.php which is in the root of your nuke site. At the bottom of the footmsg() function there should be a line of code like this:

$footmsg .= $copyright.'<br />'.$total_time.'<br /></div>';

You could just modify this code to take the line breaks and $total_time out of the assignment to the variable footmsg. If this works and you are properly anal you could go back into the function and remove the calculation and variables for $total_time. But realize that would affect any other theme that calls footmsg() of course.

2. Some themes, such as Nukenews, show the page generation time "internally" rather than by echoing it in footmsg(). In those cases the generation time is displayed in a file called footer.html. Still the method shown in #1 would work because the variable $footmsg would not contain the extra line break and the value of total_time.
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