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Joined: Oct 09, 2006
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Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:24 pm |
Not really an issue, but 2.1 specific...
Will the installer have an easy upgrade function? for those that are already using 2.02? |
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Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:33 pm |
wiz, I know that fkelly is working on one, but Raven is the final judge as to the timing of any patch installer, so cannot say for sure. |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:50 pm |
Site Admin/Owner

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Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:20 am |
I can assure you that once fkelly gets it working and working correctly it will be released. Will it be released at the same time as the full product? That I cannot say. We only have a couple of bigger issues left to resolve and we will release it. The public testing has been worth more than I can say. As many times and as many people that have tested and retested and yet you found even more. I love it! |

Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:31 am |
Yes, no matter how much you think a job is finished...fresh eyes will always find something you missed |
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Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:33 am |
I am copying this post from an internal forum.
begin copy:
I've just finished a table comparison utility. I'm not going to try to post the whole thing here, I'll just explain what it does. You can download it from my Ravennuke test site at:
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go to downloads and pick up the table compare utility.
There are three files. The first, list_tables.php produces a listing of the tables and fields and attributes in my "reference" Ravennuke 2.10 distribution. Since It's possible I've missed something amidst all the updates, it would be helpful if someone else on the team could run it and compare their results to mine. All I do with the output is screen capture it and save it to a text file called fieldlist.txt. A copy of that file is in the "distribution" so if you don't have access to Ravennuke 2.10 you can still run the comparison program.
The third file is compare_tables.php. In this file you will need to put in your dbname, dbuname, password and other information from config.php. I thought of just "including" config.php but I was lazy. Once you have the proper information at the top of this file to make a connection you just run it from your browser window. It will parse thru the fieldlist.txt file and look up corresponding tables and fields in your database. It will then produce a listing of any tables that aren't found, any fields that aren't found and fields that have various attribute mismatches (keys, lengths, extra information etc.). It also produces a smattering of summary statistics at the bottom.
I have tested this locally and on a 2.02 production system and it seems to produce useful and correct results. But obviously I would appreciate it if you can test it on other Nuke versions and get back to me with any problems or suggestions.
The key MYSQL statement to making this work is SHOW COLUMNS from Table like 'xxx'. I was trying to make the the program work with fetch_fields in a SQL statement but the problem with that is that if there are no records in the table then it won't produce any results. So, after considerable mucking around in the MYSQL and PHP manuals and comments I settled on SHOW COLUMNS. But it's all open source and you are free to explore for yourselves.
end copy
If you are considering an upgrade to Ravennuke 2.10 you might want to grab this utility and run it on your current system. Assuming that we are able to complete a reliable upgrade program it will probably ONLY upgrade your table structure from the previous version (2.02) to 2.10. However, you can apply the same logic and approach to upgrade other versions of Nuke.
If you have any questions or experience any difficulties with the utility please report them here. We will post additional information as it becomes available. |

Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:38 am |
nice..ill take a look  |

Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:38 am |
Keep in mind that until we release this publicly it WILL change. I have several changes to the content of the tables to still do. |

Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:59 am |
Good warning. Part 1 of my utilities will produce a listing from the FINAL version just prior to release. Then that listing will become part of the zip distribution ... at least that's my plan. So you will have to redownload the zip prior to planning a final upgrade.
For what it's worth, I reloaded a 2.02 distribution earlier today and just ran the compare utility against it. Here is what the output looks like (again bearing in mind that it will change as changes are made in 2.10). Also bear in mind that if you've upgraded individual components, such as Sentinel or Forums, your listing will vary from mine. Also, please, this is a beta quality program at best and comments, suggestions are welcome and expected. Anyway here's the listing:
column not found in your table: nuke_banner name
column not found in your table: nuke_banner position
column not found in your table: nuke_banner ad_class
column not found in your table: nuke_banner ad_code
column not found in your table: nuke_banner ad_width
column not found in your table: nuke_banner ad_height
Table 'fkelly_rn210.nuke_banner_clients' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_banner_clients LIKE 'cid'
Table 'fkelly_rn210.nuke_banner_plans' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_banner_plans LIKE 'pid'
Table 'fkelly_rn210.nuke_banner_positions' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_banner_positions LIKE 'apid'
Table 'fkelly_rn210.nuke_banner_terms' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_banner_terms LIKE 'terms_body'
Table 'fkelly_rn210.nuke_cities' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_cities LIKE 'id'
field types do not match nuke_config minpass : Base tinyint(4) Your table tinyint(1)
default values do not match nuke_config minpass : Base 8 Your table 5
Table 'fkelly_rn210.nuke_hnl_categories' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_hnl_categories LIKE 'cid'
Table 'fkelly_rn210.nuke_hnl_cfg' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_hnl_cfg LIKE 'cfg_nm'
Table 'fkelly_rn210.nuke_hnl_newsletters' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_hnl_newsletters LIKE 'nid'
column not found in your table: nuke_nsnst_blocked_ips ip_long
column not found in your table: nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips ip_long
field keys do not match nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips user_agent : Base MUL Your table
column not found in your table: nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips refered_from
field keys do not match nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips date : Base MUL Your table
field keys do not match nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips page : Base MUL Your table
null status not match nuke_users bio : Base YES Your table NO
null status not match nuke_users ublock : Base YES Your table NO
column not found in your table: nuke_users user_login_tries
column not found in your table: nuke_users user_last_login_try
column not found in your table: nuke_users textfield
column not found in your table: nuke_users_temp requestor
tables processed: 111
fields processed: 828
fields not found on your system 13
tables not found in your system: 8
when you are finished with using these files please remove them from your server
leaving them there could give a nefarious person access to your passwords |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928
Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:31 pm |
That is SUPER COOL! IT should make it easy for us "Other" folks that will be upgrading......
Dawg |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:34 pm |
That looks great!!
Here is what I had;
Code:Files to remove
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke_banner_clients` ( `cid` int( 11 ) DEFAULT '0'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar( 60 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `contact` varchar( 60 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `email` varchar( 60 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `login` varchar( 10 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `passwd` varchar( 10 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `extrainfo` text, PRIMARY KEY( `cid` ), KEY `cid` ( `cid` ));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke_banner_plans` ( `pid` int( 10 ) DEFAULT '0'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `active` tinyint( 1 ) DEFAULT '0'NOT NULL, `name` varchar( 255 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `description` text, `delivery` varchar( 10 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `delivery_type` varchar( 25 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `price` varchar( 25 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `buy_links` text, PRIMARY KEY( `pid` ));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke_banner_positions` ( `apid` int( 10 ) DEFAULT '0'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `position_number` int( 5 ) DEFAULT '0'NOT NULL, `position_name` varchar( 255 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY( `apid` ), KEY `position_number` ( `position_number` ));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke_banner_terms` ( `terms_body` text, `country` varchar( 255 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke_cities` ( `id` mediumint( 4 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `local_id` mediumint( 3 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `city` varchar( 65 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `cc` char( 2 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, `country` varchar( 35 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY( `id` ))
ALTER TABLE `nuke_banner` ADD `name` varchar( 50 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, ADD `position` int( 10 ) DEFAULT '0'NOT NULL, ADD `ad_class` varchar( 5 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL, ADD `ad_code` text, ADD `ad_width` int( 4 ) , ADD `ad_height` int( 4 )
ALTER TABLE `nuke_bbforums` ADD `cm2f_subscribable` char( 1 ) DEFAULT '1'NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `nuke_bbposts` ADD `lang_id` tinyint( 3 )
ALTER TABLE `nuke_bbtopics` ADD `topic_lang_id` tinyint( 3 )
ALTER TABLE `nuke_nsnst_blocked_ips` ADD `ip_long` int( 10 ) DEFAULT '0'NOT NULL, ADD KEY `ip_long` ( `ip_long` )
ALTER TABLE `nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips` ADD `ip_long` int( 10 ) DEFAULT '0'NOT NULL, ADD `refered_from` text, ADD KEY `ip_long` ( `ip_long` ), ADD KEY `refered_from` ( `refered_from` )
ALTER TABLE `nuke_users_temp` ADD `requestor` varchar( 25 ) DEFAULT ' 'NOT NULL
Columns to alter
ALTER TABLE `nuke_config` CHANGE `minpass` `minpass` tinyint( 1 ) DEFAULT '8'NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `nuke_users` CHANGE `bio` `bio` tinytext DEFAULT '', CHANGE `ublock` `ublock` tinytext DEFAULT ''
Tables and columns removed
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nuke_bannerclient`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nuke_nsnst_flood`
ALTER TABLE `nuke_banner` DROP `type`
ALTER TABLE `nuke_nsnst_ip2country` DROP `country`
ALTER TABLE `nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips` DROP `hostname`

Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:23 pm |
I'm just a bit confused (it's been that kind of a day) Guardian. Where did you generate that output from in your last post? I know my program isn't smart enough to do all that because it inherits from me. |

Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:18 pm |
That was a straight DB compare using the utility on my site.
I had looked at some stuff to try and get a handle on file structure differences but wasn't happy with what I had or what I could find so I did the file comparison by hand.
I'll try your utility though as it looks very interesting. |

Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:29 pm |
I'll be interested to see how you fare. I know for sure that my utility stops short (well short) of recommending actual changes. At best it will give an accurate report of differences. |

Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:42 pm |
The one I used will give an accurate report plus clickable links to actually 'execute' the sql query itself which is really useful.
BUT as always it is give and take....
Your utility has the advantage (if I have read the post correctly) in that its working from flat files so it doesnt actually need a DB connection to work.
I haven't tried your utility yet so I might be wrong on that. Even if it requires one DB connection to compare against a flat file schema, it still has an advantage as there are many who's hosts may limit them to one mysql DB and as mine needs two seperate databases to connect to...... it wouldnt work for them.
I could modify it to utilise DB prefixes but I'm preciously short of time at the moment. |
New Member

Joined: Jul 05, 2006
Posts: 5
Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:52 pm |
When I go to your site I get the dreaded Invalaid IP error |

Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:48 pm |
Quote: | fkelly
When I go to your site I get the dreaded Invalaid IP error |
Oh my gosh! I've been trying to keep that site "alive" across multiple, in fact almost daily, RN 2.10 updates and without reloading the tables. It looks like I will have to bite the bullet and at the least reload the NS related tables and IP2Country in particular. I'll post back when it's done, probably tomorrow, and maybe you can try it again. Meanwhile I'll see if I can PM you the files. |

Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:02 pm |
Try it again, I just made a "quick change" that might resolve the problem. |