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New Member

Joined: Dec 30, 2006
Posts: 19
Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:26 am |
Hi, I Installed NSN_News_200rc2_70-79 On My Test Site Running rwsRavenNuke76_v2.02.00_FULL, I added The FPDF library In ("modules/".$module_name."/fpdf/fpdf.php"). I Get These ERRORS:
When I Click on The PDF icon.
Warning: PrintPage(modules/News/fpdf/fpdf.php) [function.PrintPage]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/antiterr/public_html/modules/News/public/NEPortable.php on line 39
Fatal error: PrintPage() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'modules/News/fpdf/fpdf.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/antiterr/public_html/modules/News/public/NEPortable.php on line 39
I Searched for help, but found none. Can Someone please advice me on how I can make this work. |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 6437
Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:01 pm |
Is the fdpd directory in modules/News? |
_________________ I search, therefore I exist...
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Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:38 pm |
YES I Stated That,,"("modules/".$module_name."/fpdf/fpdf.php")" I Think That is Modules/News. |

Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:44 pm |
I don't mean to be flippant - but it never hurts to double check. There are many posts where people find that all is not what it seems when they double check.
The next things I would check are the file permissions, then determine if the command used to open the file is supported on your server's version of PHP with the PHP.ini settings on your server. |

Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:06 am |
Wow, dude thanks for your help, but (double check)?? The fdpd directory Is still In modules/News With Permissions CHMOD 777. "PHP with the PHP.ini settings on your server" What?? I Never Saw Anything About PHP.ini settings In The How To Install File. Sorry man I Question If You Know What You Are Talking About. Anyways I Download This Module NSN_News_200rc2_70-79 Here At This Wedsite. I Followed The Install Instructions Correctly. Nowhere In The Instructions Did It States To Download fpdf.php File From I Saw It in The \modules\News\public\NEPortable.php File That Calls Fpdf A@ ("modules/".$module_name."/fpdf/fpdf.php" (thats in the modules/News)
Before I Installed "/fpdf/fpdf.php") Nuke rwsRavenNuke76_v2.02.00_FULL(Downloaded Here Too) States NOTHING, I Get a White Blank Page "That I Know There's An Error Somewere" Now When I installed "/fpdf/fpdf.php" It States:
Warning: PrintPage(modules/News/fpdf/fpdf.php) [function.PrintPage]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/antiterr/public_html/modules/News/public/NEPortable.php on line 39
Fatal error: PrintPage() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'modules/News/fpdf/fpdf.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/antiterr/public_html/modules/News/public/NEPortable.php on line 39
There Is Some Error I Dont Understand On "Line 39"
Now So Why You State "There are many posts where people find that all is not what it seems when they double check"
Sorry Man, But I Understand English Only: Can Anyone Please Help, Make This Module Work, Thank You Ahead Of Time.
PS: Do You Guys Even Support Your Own Modules ????
P.P.S I Dont Have Or Use PHP.ini |

Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:56 am |
First, we support almost all modules - even those that were not created here. If you read the installation instructions carefully (or even the download description), how did you not realize that NSN News was created by, not (which explains why the RN installation states NOTHING about installing it)? Many of the downloads available on this and most other sites were not written, maintained or supported by the site that has the download.
Next, I never said you did not follow the instructions, nor did I claim to be an expert on this module. I am simply trying to help, though it appears you're looking for something else.
I do know enough to know that EVERY installation of PHP-Nuke (whether it's RN or another distribution) requires PHP, which requires PHP.ini. In most installations, this is controlled by the webhost. But you can override it. The reason I point that out is that webhosts configure that file differently - and some of the settings may be impacting your ability to dynamically create PDFs. This may require the ability to create temp files and is NOT something every host allows or sets up properly.
I stated that there are many posts where people find answers when they double check to explain why I was asking you to double check. I'd be happy to point you to examples, in English, so you can understand.
If you look at the file in question (modules/News/public/NEPortable.php, line 39 is:Code: require_once("modules/".$module_name."/fpdf/fpdf.php");
It's inside a function, but the $module_name variable is global and *should* have a value. If it doesn't (i.e. $module_name has no value inside that function), that would explain why it can't find the file. If you check your site's error log, you may find the exact file it's trying to load (i.e. you will see the value of the $module name). You might try changing line 39 to read:Code: require_once("modules/News/fpdf/fpdf.php");

Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:29 am |
violative, did this solve your problem? |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posts: 44
Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:04 am |
He's so rude,why give him any help.
wonder if he has made all the changes at all,I have nstalled this baby many times and never had any problem with the PDF function |

Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:33 am |
Maybe he found a needle in a haystack and understanding his issue could help with other possible issues... Sometimes people realize later, after calming down, that biting the hand that's trying to feed you isn't always the best approach. Well, we can hope, right? |

Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:00 pm |
Yeah youre right about that,I think do guys are doing a great job here. |
Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

Posts: 5661
Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:45 pm |
yes i agree to.....
i naturaly saw this topic but didnt replied cause i didnt knew what to say...
i absolutely dont recognise the error,and even google doesnt know.
and if google never heard of it then you got something special....
must be or a bad install,or corrupted,or its installed in a way we dont know about...  |

Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:39 pm |
Sorry guys. Thanks for the help. I was offline for a while got a new computer, last one was stolen . I will try to reinstall this module again. But for your question "did this solve your problem?" no it did not. I Will try again thanks I let you all know. Anyone want ftp access to my site:?: may be you can help me install some modules I like from here? or maybe not. but thanks agian for your help.
P.S I also think guys are doing a great job here. |

Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:11 pm |
FTP might help but I'd like to see the error log from your control panel. Where is it trying to locate the file? If it's not a $module_name variable issue, it might be a PHP.ini path issue, but that would really surprise me. Then again, as hitwalker mentioned, the whole issue is surprising...
With FTP access, I could still see the PHP.ini values and trap the error when trying to create the PDF. Please send it via PM. |

Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:00 pm |
kk but I have delete the whole site and uploaded rwsRavenNuke76_v2.02.00_FULL. i'll sent you ftp now if you still want.? |

Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:34 am |
Wish I had gotten this last night...go ahead and send if it still doesn't work on your refreshed site. |

Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:04 pm |
kk will do. i'll retry to make it work if not, i'll pm you ftp pass and info.
Thanks |