Hangin' Around

Joined: Oct 23, 2004
Posts: 25
Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:50 am |
I have RavenNuke7.6 Distro and i think this is a new one.I cant find the issue anywhere.I'm trying to allow html tags in profile signatures which i wasent able to do,so i reserched the problem and found this at karaka-online here:
and i changed the config.php to allow the tags like this:
"$AllowableHTML = array("b"=>1,
then i changed the mainfile.php from this:
"function check_html ($str, $strip="") {
/* The core of this code has been lifted from phpslash */
/* which is licenced under the GPL. */
if ($strip == "nohtml") $AllowableHTML = array('');
$str = stripslashes($str);
$str = eregi_replace("<[[:space:]]*([^>]*)[[:space:]]*>",'<\\1>', $str);
// Delete all spaces from html tags .
$str = eregi_replace("<a[^>]*href[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\"?[[:space:]]*([^\" >]*)[[:space:]]*\"?[^>]*>",'<a href="\\1">', $str);
// Delete all attribs from Anchor, except an href, double quoted.
$str = eregi_replace("<[[:space:]]* img[[:space:]]*([^>]*)[[:space:]]*>", '', $str);
// Delete all img tags
$str = eregi_replace("<a[^>]*href[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\"?javascript[[:punct:]]*\"?[^>]*>", '', $str);
// Delete javascript code from a href tags -- Zhen-Xjell @"
commenting out these:
"$str = eregi_replace("<[[:space:]]* img[[:space:]]*([^>]*)[[:space:]]*>", ", $str);
$str = eregi_replace("<a[^>]*href[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\"?[[:space:]]*([^\" >]*)[[:space:]]*\"?[^>]*>", '<a href="\\1">', $str); # ""
making it this:
"function check_html ($str, $strip="") {
/* The core of this code has been lifted from phpslash */
/* which is licenced under the GPL. */
if ($strip == "nohtml") $AllowableHTML = array('');
$str = stripslashes($str);
$str = eregi_replace("<a[^>]*href[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\"?javascript[[:punct:]]*\"?[^>]*>", '', $str);
// Delete javascript code from a href tags -- Zhen-Xjell @"
Yet i still cannot add images in profile signatures.Can you help show me what i'm doing wrong?I have allowed html in signatures and the bbphp configuration is correct. |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 6437
Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:43 am |
We are replacing both $allowable_html and the check_html function in the next release of RN. It will now include nukeWYSIWYG by default, and you shouldn't need to make changes if you use that.
But, I'm not certain the forums use the check_html function. In fact, in the same page you referenced, there is no mention of forums using this function.
Have you made any other changes, along the lines of forum mods? I'd recheck the forums configuration site - note that, in the General Admin Configuration just above Allow Signatures and just below Allow HTML, are the Allowed HTML tags. Make sure the img tag is in the list. |
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