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Hangin' Around

Joined: Feb 20, 2007
Posts: 32
Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:48 am |
Can someone confirm if the Helius theme from Link: is working correctly in the new Ravennuke? In version 2.02.02 the blocks on the right side do not appear!
Is this a common problem? Is Helius working correctly in 2.10.00? Can someone tell anything about this?
Martijn |
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Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:58 am |
its not in the standard ravennuke distro but normaly speaking it should work...
if not search for the forum for the right blocks problem.... |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Apr 02, 2005
Posts: 29
Location: Penicuik, Scotland
Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:05 am |
I use Helius on my site RN 2.02.02, right blocks work ok. |
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[_]frisp |
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Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:13 am |

Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:11 am |
congratulations...... |

Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:23 am |
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Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:42 pm |
There are other "fixes" to the themes in RN2.10 relating to replacement of banners with the advertising module. I can't say if they might relate to Helius but I think you will need to wait for the general availability of RN2.10 to test the theme there. If a change is required it will be relatively modest. |

Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:52 pm |
Indeed, this changing in theme.php fixed the problem:
if ($index == 1) {
changed to:
if (defined('INDEX_FILE')) {
Thanks! |

Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:56 pm |
Excellent, I'm glad you fixed it!  |
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:53 pm |
Once 2.10 is released I will be updating our themes, and fixing XHTML compliancy issues as much as I can. |
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:07 pm |
Well it is nice to know someone is making the effort regarding compliancy in theme design - good one!!
If you make any that are fully compliant I'll be happy to advertise them (on my sites) for free etc. |

Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:28 am |
I am running a slightly modified Helius on (Dutch site).
I made the big mistake to run a recent unsafe version of PHPnuke.
As soon as the new Ravennuke is released I will install this in combination with the Helius theme. Nevertheless I will try to adapt the theme so it is fully compatible with Ravennuke.
Hint: now it's only a matter of waiting for the new Ravennuke to be released!
Martijn |
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Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:46 am |
coldblooded wrote: | Once 2.10 is released I will be updating our themes, and fixing XHTML compliancy issues as much as I can. |
Me too!
I have a ton of work on my hands converting old blocks and modules to be compliant and then, something you may or may not have thought of, is your DATA may not be compliant. I'll have to check each and every page to make sure I, or others, hadn't entered non-compliant data.
I am finding the new FCKEditor that is in RN2.10 to be much better and ensuring XHTML compliant data!
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:05 am |
Maybe a bit off-topic but (I hope!) usefull to mention here: I use Navicat to export the relevant database data tables to excel, including the column names of the database.
This makes it very easy to import data back into a database (also with Navicat) with other table properties. I assume some database tables of Ravennuke have other properties than the original phpnuke ones? |

Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:28 am |
Quote: |
assume some database tables of Ravennuke have other properties than the original phpnuke ones?
Correct. Personally, several of us use mySQLDiff. An excellent free "product" to compare two databases. Does structure very well. I have tried also comparing the data, but that can get a little "dicey". |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Jul 09, 2006
Posts: 49
Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:09 am |
Managing three sites I too will have my hands full once 2.10 is released converting a few themes I use Autothemes on one of my live sites so I can imagine I might have my work cut out with that and I have a few themes on a second site that need to be cleaned up as well one of which uses subBlack3dBlue. Both live sites have 300 plus users each so I hope the db conversion goes well The third and final site I just have temp messege boards on til I can get ahold of 2.10 and do a clean install of it
Looking forward to it and all the hard work everyone has put into it is appreciated
Hijack over  |

Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:37 am |
I just took a look at the Helius theme after downloading it. The banner stuff will need to be converted but you can probably just copy and paste from fisubice or another theme in that format. The rest of the theme looks very similar to every other theme that is in that "separate html files and use eval" format. I've been converting some of the old themes for 2.10 over to eliminate the use of eval and have the html inline. It's a lot more efficient and flexible that way. These will be that way in the 2.10 distribution.
When I get a chance (it won't be in the next few days) I will make Helius run on 2.10. I'm not sure about redistributing any changes though ... their readme file requires you to contact them (Nukemods) about any redistribution. Come to think of it, while I am "converting" I am also going to eliminate the evals. As those of you who use it know, the Helius theme also has a matching Forum component ... we'll need to test that separately with 2.10 also.
I will post back when I have some results but it won't be for a week or 10 days. |

Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:43 am |
Please keep us informed. Funny we return to the original topic of this thread.
I am also a Helius user, and would like to have it compatible with 2.10.
MArtijn |

Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:23 am |
Helius does work with RN 2.10 although from reading this thread one small modification is required. |

Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:14 pm |
Well out of curiousity I downloaded the Helius theme from Nukemods and took it on a cross country trip with me to "convert" it to RN2.10. I didn't have the ability to validate it on the trip so I just concentrated on "converting" it to the standards we're using in 2.10. This includes:
using single quotes and string concatenation wherever possible
using indentation to show the structure of tables
I also converted the theme from using evals to using inline code. Translated what this means is that a number of themes rely upon html files that are distributed with them for much of the formatting. The rationale given in Karakas and in a book on Nuke is that you can better visualize the layout of the page in a wysiwyg type editor like Dreamweaver. Sorry: but this is nonsense to me ... the html files are mostly fragments of a page that wouldn't look like anything useful in a editor. And eval is inefficient compared to having the code inline. And I have no way to make constants work as part of the html files and don't have the patience to work on that further. So the themes are converted as I get a chance.
There are a number of overt bugs in the Helius theme too. For instance where it does a the cid is not in single quotes. This is one example, this mistake is repeated.
So anyway I converted the theme on the trip and came back home and ran it up on my test site:
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You are welcome to go over and look at it. I have it (now ... February 27 but it won't stay long so look quick) as the default theme so you can see it without registering. Yeah it looks fine but under the covers it's a mess. Try running validation, it's ugly. Some of the fixes, like putting in / in br's and also closing imgs are relatively simple. Some of the others, like finding unclosed tags would take a lot longer. Like many of the native themes in PHPnuke the tags don't balance out and there are all kind of non-compliant tags too.
I'd be happy to make my changes available for download but over on the Nukemods site and also in their readme they say not to redistribute. So I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll find time to fix the compliance issues or maybe not. I'm starting to think we should just cut our losses with the whole shebang of Nuke themes and come up with a more fundamental restructuring for post 2.10 that will guarantee to eliminate the problems.
Incidentally, I briefly fooled with running the Helius "original" theme on my site just to confirm that I didn't create the compliance issues with my changes. And I didn't. You can't have it and my changes at the same time because they have hardcoded paths to image files in the theme.php and they have to say "Helius".
Bottom line: if you want to run a non-compliant theme go ahead and use Helius. Otherwise when 2.10 comes out try to use one of the compliant themes. I will do another post listing the themes in 2.10 together with the compliance status of each, but that's another thread. |

Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:13 pm |
I won't replicate the wordiness of my previous post The Helius theme is now fully converted to Ravennuke 2.10 and you can see it running on Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. It's the default theme (as of 2/28/07 but not for long) there and the rest of the software is up to date RN 2.10. I have validated the home page and read more page against the W3C and Firefox TotalValidator add on. I'm not turning over any other rocks besides those two pages ... if you know what I mean.
There were many, many changes needed to make this theme validate including many bugs. I borrowed liberally from fisubice to fix parts of it as the authors of that are smarter than I am.
I will check with Nukemods regarding distribution. All you really need is my theme.php and tables.php. You'll need the Nukemods image directories and their Forums. You won't need the html files that come with the distribution from Nukemods as those are now all in-line.
As an interesting aside, by yesterday afternoon I had fixed up everything non-compliant that I could find in theme.php and was banging my head against the wall because the validator was still finding problems, img tags with no alts or not closed, tds using backgrounds, and even some tds that had widths I couldn't find for the life of me in theme.php. Finally this morning the light dawned that the problems could be in tables.php and they were. A few minutes editing and all was fixed.
If you see anything wrong please just post it here. Meanwhile I'll write to Nukemods and see what they say about distribution. I'm tempted to just post the theme and tables php that you'd need but I'd rather work cooperatively with them if possible. And, I avoid GPL discussions like the plague. |

Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:52 am |
Thanks for having it finished. I did also start, but I am not that good as you I guess. It's difficult for me!
I will wait for the decision of Nukemods...
Martijn |

Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:38 am |
Just to update this quickly. Nukemods has agreed to look at the changes and it sounds likely that they will distribute a modified version of the theme. This would be the best outcome for all of us because you could get all the "parts" for the theme from one source -- the original author. I'll report back when we have this finalized. |

Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:06 am |
Klaafstra has pm'd me with some issues with centering and the Helius theme. This problem happens in IE only and is reminiscent to me of some problems we had with centering the RN themes during 2.10 development.
Here is a quick fix you can try with the current theme. In header.html find the td that occurs after the table that has a class of bodyline. Take out the center attribute from that td. I just did that on my site and it seems to work okay both in IE and Firefox that way. I haven't (and won't) test extensively.
The files have been sent to Nukemods. The rest is up to them. I'll report the center issue over there. When I try to run the original Helius theme (pre-RN2.10) on my 2.10 site the left blocks disappear. I have no idea what causes this and it's not in the scope of what I'm going to get into. The revised theme that I've sent the code to Nukemods for does work okay -- again with the caveat that I haven't spelunked thru all the RN testing it. |