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Joined: Mar 01, 2007
Posts: 11
Location: Yorkshire
Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:37 pm |
sent a email that sentinel banned me here and about the link to us block being way too big after iodating to2.10 from previous release and ye I am here a second after sentinel banned me here but am still here?????
why I got banned posting code between code tags very strange needs looking at
did the update on my mirror site first
here to see the problem ignore missing language files |
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Posts: 5661
Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:40 pm |
hi, just tried to view your site in firefox and IE but it doesnt load...
not for me anyway...
as for not getting blocked here,thats because raven didnt set sentinel to ban people.... |

Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:55 pm |
well it looks like am not going to upgrade my main site as there are loads of blocks that do not work in the new script |

Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:59 pm |
well i doubt if that has anything to do with new ravennuke..
your site refuses to load...and is still doing that..
if you think its because of the blocks,try to disable them one at a time...till your site loads.. |
Site Admin

Joined: Feb 06, 2006
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Location: United Kingdom
Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:45 am |
Your site seems to be working now, but I was just wondering which blocks you say are not working, as I can't see anything out of the ordinary.
Your site info block appears to still be using the old version, so I'm just wondering if something has gone awry while uploading? |

Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:56 am |

Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:29 pm |
Its working now because its a fresh install @ groundhost my live site which is up to date as far as nuke sentinel and phpbb but not 2.10 am gong to work on the mirror site first
I am going to make a new database then copy over my main site database to it then update that one then incert the data from it to the new install at groundhost if all goes well then I will update my main site in my sig
btw found out why it did not load (the mirror site) after upgrading was because my config file I had located away from main directory eg in a folder called xxxxx and had a config file in main directory to include it .. but that way does not seem to work in the new version of raven 2.10
Ye when I have edited the header html file the menu don't show so i had to enter html myself to get the links there that I wanted
so far cz link to us block does not work properly
my info block on my main site does not work in the new version
I just hope my drivers module works in it has I have coded well over 650 pages for it... |

Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:06 am |
If you are going from RN 2.02.02 to 2.10 the upgrade process should be relatively simple, but if you've got loads of core edits it may not be that simple.
Quote: |
btw found out why it did not load (the mirror site) after upgrading was because my config file I had located away from main directory eg in a folder called xxxxx and had a config file in main directory to include it .. but that way does not seem to work in the new version of raven 2.10
The reason this may not work now is because some of the config information has been moved to the rnconfig.php file. So if you move the config.php it may break it, but it really isn't necessary to move this file.
Essentially RN 2.10 is phpNuke 7.6 under the bonnet, so most blocks should work in theory.
You seem to know what you are doing, so good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.  |

Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:14 pm |
AWW Dam man sentinel updated on both sites looks like raven is slow on the uptake for this!?
still plodding on with update have to update the language files as I go along hope to get page numbers back on now (but you know I need some sleep)
adding modules back one at a time thanks for the Fingers being crossed.... |

Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:12 am |
Code:/* Set Warning Coulors For 1 - 5 ------------------------------------------------------ */
echo " r_style = new Array(6);\n";
echo " r_style[1] = 'style=\"'+r_common+' background:$Alert1;\"';\n";
echo " r_style[2] = 'style=\"'+r_common+' background:$Alert2;\"';\n";
echo " r_style[3] = 'style=\"'+r_common+' background:$Alert3;\"';\n";
echo " r_style[4] = 'style=\"'+r_common+' background:$Alert4;\"';\n";
echo " r_style[5] = 'style=\"'+r_common+' background:$Alert5;\"';\n";
why is it taking no notice of the font colours in this block code
the font for 1 to 5 should be in white yet its black and if I put the style back the border is just too much it worked fine in last version check here for ok
and here in 2.10 version it don't want work why? god its flustrating |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:55 am |
TRy using a different theme temporarily, this will help diagnose if the there is some overriding CSS in the theme style. |

Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:46 pm |
Sorry its nothing to do with templates themes as Renamed the one I was using and installed the one I was using on my main site .... I am putting it on hold my mirror site and staying on 2.02.02 version on my main site but I have taken some elements over from 2.10 to my main site. |