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Joined: Jan 29, 2004
Posts: 624
Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:30 am |
Well, I took the plunge and decided to migrate to RN 2.10. First I upgraded from nuke 7.1 to 7.6 using the scripts in the phpNuke7.6_Docs\upgrades\7.x folder. No probs. Then I ran the installsql.php in the INSTALLATION folder and no errors, then setup.php, and no probs again. So I u/led all the files in the html folder and overwrote my old files. Now I'm getting a blank page on my admin and index pages. I know I've done something wrong somewhere... or more than one thing lol How should I get it fixed? Thanks |
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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:01 am |
By chance during the upgrade did you not load the default theme fisubice? |
Site Admin

Joined: Feb 06, 2006
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Location: United Kingdom
Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:43 am |
What parts are you running in the installsql.php and setup.php?
I don't have my files at the moment, because I'm at work, but I don't think you should be running those files. Check the HowToInstall folder again, but I think that once you have upgraded to RN 2.02.02 you should then run this file: rndb_upgrade.php.
You should then run: rndb_upgrade_nukesentinel.php to upgrade Sentinel and then the only thing that should be run in the installsql.php is the bit to update the IP2Country. |

Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:04 am |
FireATST wrote: | By chance during the upgrade did you not load the default theme fisubice? |
As a matter of fact I'm getting Not Found errors that reference the fisubice theme. I don't have this theme and it's not in the RN 2.10 themes folder, so I didn't think it was needed. How would I correct this and set a different default theme? |

Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:12 am |
jakec wrote: | What parts are you running in the installsql.php and setup.php?
I don't have my files at the moment, because I'm at work, but I don't think you should be running those files. Check the HowToInstall folder again, but I think that once you have upgraded to RN 2.02.02 you should then run this file: rndb_upgrade.php.
You should then run: rndb_upgrade_nukesentinel.php to upgrade Sentinel and then the only thing that should be run in the installsql.php is the bit to update the IP2Country. |
Well, I simply dumped the RN 2.10 tables into my mysql database, Core Tables, NukeSentinel, IP2Country, and installsql.php said all was OK so I clicked the Setup link... I wasn't aware you had to install 2.02.02 first, the HowtoInstall says:
Quote: |
From Other Versions of PHP-Nuke
These instructions are for migrating from a non-RavenNuke™ version of PHP-Nuke to the latest RavenNuke™. Given the shear number of variations in use today, it is impossible to write one set of specific instructions that will cover everyone's needs. Therefore, what follows is a very simple, high-level set of guidelines to help you approach this task. Read ALL steps first to get the complete "picture" of what needs to be done and when. Bear in mind, however, that these are only guidelines and one suggested approach.
Backup Current Installation FIRST! - This step is always the most crucial. You need to have a clean restore point (files and database) in case something goes wrong. We also recommend that you "test drive" this migration process on a local PC or server setup so you get a better feel for the process and have time to resolve any specific issues that your installation might throw your way. There are so many different ways in use today for backing up your site files and database, so the "how" will not be discussed in these instructions.
Determine PHP-Nuke Version - The most important thing to remember is that RavenNuke™ is PHP-Nuke 7.6 at its core. You must therefore find out what version you are running in order to plan out the proper migration.
Determine BBtoNuke (phpBB - Forums) Version - This one is easier to determine. Go to the Administration Control Panel of PHP-Nuke and then "Forums". On this page, find where it says "Version Information". The latest version is 2.0.22 as of this writing, which is what RavenNuke™ is using.
Upgrade or Downgrade Database - If you find in Step 1 that your PHP-Nuke version is less than 7.6, then you need to UPGRADE your database to the core 7.6 version. If you find that your PHP-Nuke version is greater than 7.6, you will need to DOWNGRADE your database to the core 7.6 version.
How Do I Determine my PHP-Nuke Version? Try Raven's Nuke Version Number Admin Add-On or using phpMyAdmin, view the field "version" in the nuke_config table. The absolute best way to determine what you have is through keeping good notes on what you installed and when .
How Can I Downgrade my Database? - For versions 7.7 - 7.8, you could use the downgrader tool from NukeScripts. NOTE: this may also work for 7.9 and 8.0, but has not been tested as such as far as we know (at this writing).
How Can I Upgrade my Database? - For versions less than 7.6, the individual upgrade scripts can be found within the RavenNuke™ distribution here: phpNuke7.6_Docs/upgrades. You will have to execute each in succession starting from your current version up to 7.6.
Upgrade BBtoNuke (phpBB - Forums) Version - The individual BBtoNuke upgrade scripts can be found within the RavenNuke™ distribution here: UtilityFiles/ You will have to execute each in succession starting from your current version up to 2.0.22.
Apply RavenNuke™ Core Database Changes - As of this version, there are three sets of primary code database changes: 1) Resend Email Hack, 2) NSN Groups, and 3) HTML Newsletter. Each of these has a separate step within the RavenNuke™ installer which can be executed to bring that portion of the database up-to-date. Execute the script INSTALLATION/installSQL.php following these guidelines:
Resend Email Hack - If you already are using this hack, you should not have to do anything here. However, if you do not have it already, execute ONLY (!!!) Step 2 of the installSQL.php script. This will alter the nuke_users_temp table.
NSN Groups - If you already have NSN Groups installed in your original database, you should not have to do anything here as long as the table structure is the same as the 1.7.1 release. However, if you do not have it already, execute ONLY (!!!) Step 3 of the installSQL.php script. This will alter the nuke_blocks, nuke_message, and nuke_modules tables appropriately as well as create the NSN Groups tables. If your current installation has NSN Groups and it is not compatible table structure-wise with 1.7.1, then you may need to treat this as a fresh install by executing Step 3 of the installSQL.php script, and then manually re-do your groups and assignment of users to groups (so you may wish to note both your groups and user-to-group assignments before running Step 3).
HTML Newsletter - If you already are using a version of the HTML Newsletter (from Montego Scripts) that is below 1.3.x, then you will need to use the HTML Newsletter installer. You can find this within the RavenNuke™ distribution here: AddOnFiles/HTML_Newsletter (read the README.txt and following the instructions). If you do NOT already have the HTML Newsletter installed, simply apply ONLY (!!!) Step 4 of the installSQL.php script. This will add the necessary HTML Newsletter tables.
What to Do About NukeSentinel™? - There are two schools of thought. It really depends upon whether you want to retain all your current blocked IPs, string and harvester blocker data, etc. If you do not mind starting over fresh, you may simply execute Step 5 and 6 of the installSQL.php script and then re-configure the new version (Step 6 will give you the latest IP to Country data). The other option depends upon whether you decide to upgrade "In-Place" or "Move Data" (see next item); use the separate NukeSentinel™ installer for version 2.5.06 found on the NukeScripts web site to bring your current version up to date.
Upgrade Database "In-Place" or Move Data - There are two methods for which to migrate a database to RavenNuke™: 1) migrate "in-place", or 2) migrate a copy of the database and then move the data into an empty RavenNuke™ "shell".
Migrate "In-Place" - This method involves taking an existing database, with all its data intact, and performing the above mentioned upgrades. Once the database upgrades are done and the script files are overwritten, everything should work.
Migrate Database Structure, then Move Data - This method involves taking an existing database, perform the above mentioned upgrades, create a new RavenNuke™ database (an "empty shell" so to speak) and then move the data over. You could use phpMyAdmin to "Export" the Data ONLY (i.e., NO Structure) and then analyze each failure on the INSERTs and manually determine how to get the data in. For help in creating a new RavenNuke™ database, please see the rest of the steps in this HowToInstall manual under Installation and Configuration.
Each of these methods have their pros and cons, and there may even be other alternatives. Since there are so many different possible combinations of PHP-Nuke versions, hacks, add-ons, etc., there may still be a few minor issues / differences that you are going to have to analyze and fix.
Remove the INSTALLATION Directory - This directory should NOT be retained on the system. Someone can very easily wipe out your entire database in one shot if you do so. It is best to REMOVE this directory entirely from your system. (You can always get it back later from the distribution.)
Overwrite Script Files - Once the database has been migrated, then the script files need to be overwritten with the ones from the RavenNuke™ distribution. For the most part, if you have NOT made any modifications to your existing same files (yeah, right, who doesn't?), then you can simply overwrite. HOWEVER, for files such as config.php, .htaccess, .staccess, .ftaccess and possibly others (like some blocks and modules) which have embedded configuration options, YOU will need to analyze the differences yourself PRIOR to overwriting. The more hacks you have made, the more complex your job becomes. Using a good file comparison utility such as Beyond Compare 2 or Winmerge (free from SourceForge) will be essential for you. NOTE: If you normally experience difficulties FTP'ng large quantities of files to your server, and if you have a means of decompressing files on the server, you might want to consider compressing the distribution (zip or tar.gz) and ftp'ng the compressed distribution as a single file and then decompressing it there.
What About Existing Add-On Blocks and Modules? - It depends! The new RavenNuke™ installer for version 2.10.00 and up no longer drops ALL tables; it only drops and re-creates the tables that are part of core nuke (with the few exceptions already noted above). Therefore, if your add-on blocks / modules are completely independent of the core PHP-Nuke tables and would normally work on PHP-Nuke 7.6 and the 3.3 patches from Chatserv, then there is a high probability that they will work with RavenNuke™. Sometimes, even older modules / blocks require only a few minor code "tweaks" to make them work. Many of these have already been brought up and discussed in the support forums. If any given block / module is highly dependent upon the core PHP-Nuke database structure (one example might be one which inserts or updates the nuke_users_temp table), then you will need to rationalize the differences and analyze what code "tweaks" are needed.
Clean-Up Unused Files - It is also suggested that you compare the core RavenNuke76™ script files / directories and remove any files that are no longer needed. Unfortunately, since we do not know which version you are migrating from, it is next to impossible for us to tell you which files to remove. You will have to compare your final migrated installation to the RavenNuke™ distribution and analyze any differences (as some may be legitimate - such as add-on modules/blocks). Leaving obsolete script files on the server could present a security hole.
Test, Test, Test! - Do NOT skip this part! Whether migrations are easy or complex, YOU should always test your final migrated system thoroughly. You never know what might be lurking underneath. You do not want your end-users / customers to find these for you.
Reminder on File Permissions - Just a quick reminder that once fully configured, only .htaccess and .ftaccess should have permissions of 666. The .staccess file may be set to 644 as an additional security caution, HOWEVER, if you add a new admin, you must change it back to 666 long enough to re-write the file with the encrypted passwords. (You would only have these files if you are using NukeSentinel™'s Admin Auth.) All other files should be 644 or less and directories 755 or less. The only exceptions to this would be any add-ons that might require additional priviledges.
Final NOTE - Just remember: many have come before you and many will come after you on this same "journey". It IS possible to perform this migration, and many of already done it, but just make sure you are prepared to see it through to the end. We ALWAYS recommend that you take a copy of your production database over to a local test environment and run through these steps and test thoroughly FIRST! Also, once you are ready to do this on your production web site, take a complete database backup as well as a backup of all your files BEFORE doing anything! If you are using NukeSentinel™ (and why would you not? LOL), you might even want to disable your site for the duration of the migration and final test out.
I do have a backup of my old database but I wanna get 2.10 to work. |

Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:15 am |
Sorry, maybe I am leading you astray. I have only upgraded from RN 2.02.02 and I was working from memory.
OK, so if you are getting a blank page then there is probably an error somewhere and it could very well be what FireATST is suggesting. Therefore upload the fisubice theme and see if it works, then if you want to change the theme once you are in you can. |

Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:18 pm |
Oh I manage to lead myself astray pretty well most of the time so don't worry lol I went to phpmyadmin and changed Default Theme in nuke_config to a theme I have but I still get a blank page so either the change didn't take or something else is causing it. I can't seem to find the fisubice theme to d/l, the RN 2.10 install sets fisubice as the default theme but it's not included in the distro nor is it in Downloads here hmmph I'll go back to google and look for it... |

Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:46 pm |
Well it should come with 2.10, so it looks like you may have a dodgy download, which is probably causing your problems. Please can you download the package again and check the fisubice theme is present. |

Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:11 pm |
I doubt it is all that dodgy as I d/led it from here
It just has the standard nuke themes in it, Deep Blue, Slash etc. none of which I use. I found fisubice on nukeresources, it is for nuke 6.5 but it got me into my site and I turned the site off til I can get back mods and my menu and articles... I had over 1,400 articles that were toasted *sob* but I can restore those from my mysql backup, right?
Thanks, FireATST, for the fisubice lead. |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:49 pm |
I just downloaded and uncompressed all the available packages for download here and they all have the fisubice theme present so I'm not sure why yours is missing.
If the theme thats set in the nuke_config table is available on your site then I would have to suspect failed ftp issues when the files where uploaded. |

Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:19 pm |
My mistake, Guardian, fisubice is indeed in the themes folder of RN 2.10, I guess I overlooked it when I saw the standard nuke themes. Oh well, alls well that ends well.  |

Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:12 am |
southern wrote: | I doubt it is all that dodgy as I d/led it from here. |
When I said dodgy I meant that it had downloaded properly. lol
Anyway I'm glad you got it sorted. |

Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:41 am |
So you are working ok now? |

Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:19 am |
Me too, jakec. All I need to do now is figure get stuff back from my mysql backup but that's another topic. |

Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:32 am |
Guardian2003 wrote: | So you are working ok now? |
Define OK RN 2.10 is working as it should. The layout is different and I need to get some old blocks like sommaire to work, and addons/modules that worked before don't now, they don't even show up in modules admin. Plus 1,400 some stories are gone except from a backup. On the plus side I like the WYSIWYG editor and the captcha and a lot of other stuff... right now I have the site turned off to test it and get things back. On balance things are OK. |

Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:54 am |
Sommaire wil work as I have used it with RN 2.10 and Montego is using it on his site.
If you deleted all you old files before installing RN then you'll have o locate those files and put them back, likewise with the database - if you upgraded from 2.0.2 the upgrader should have only changed those tables that needed changing but if you installed over a different version there are instructions in the help files or you could use a utility like mysqldiff or the one I have on my site that compares two seprate databases.
Personally I prefer to do 'clean' installs and then re-add whatever modules/ blocks I need because I'm a sucker for installing stuff which then never gets used so it gives me the chance to do some excellent house cleaning, so to speak. |

Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:09 pm |
Thanks for the experience, Guardian. I'm glad to learn sommaire will work with RN 2.10, and other things. For all intents and purposes this was a clean install, running Core Tables in the installsql.php dropped all the core nuke tables and their data and recreated them fresh. I didn't use a lot of stuff I had myself and a clean house is nice for a while lol I'll check out the mysqldiff after I do some chores in the back forty. |

Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:30 pm |
No problem, glad to help. |