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Joined: Aug 31, 2005
Posts: 5
Sat May 05, 2007 2:11 am |
Hi all,
I'm running RN 2.10.00. Initially the portal was autoassigning new registrations to the moderator group, I believe because it was the only group at the time and had the lowest id number.
I've since blown away all of the groups and created 3 new ones for differing levels of access. I thought if I created the least access group first that users would go into that one, but since I made the change they're not getting assigned to any group.
What I'd like to know is which behavior is normal? A default group or no group at all? If the former how do I flag a group to assimilate all new users? |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Sat May 05, 2007 6:55 am |
I could be wrong and I haven't gone in and tested or looked at the code, but I don't believe that a new user should be getting assigned to any group by "default". What are you doing to use groups to control access? How are you setting that up? I know that you can assign blocks and modules to only be accessible to a given group ... is that what you're doing? But even there you'd need to go into groups administration and put the users "manually" into the group (and the process for doing this is a p.i.t.a.) unless I am mistaken.
I think there may be a "bug" which coincidentally resulted in your new registrations being stuffed into moderators group # but this is not something that can be relied on. |
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Sat May 05, 2007 10:00 am |
titworm, I am concerned that without that original Moderator group, that something may not work properly in the Forums. I am not 100% on that either as the phpBB is not my strong suit.
We might want to see if Evaders99 or Susann have any input on that.
Are you trying to auto-place a new user into a NSN Group (i.e., what you see under "Edit Groups" within the ACP) or are you wanting this strictly for Forum permission purposes? Or, is it both? |
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Sat May 05, 2007 12:16 pm |
montego wrote: | titworm, I am concerned that without that original Moderator group, that something may not work properly in the Forums. I am not 100% on that either as the phpBB is not my strong suit.
We might want to see if Evaders99 or Susann have any input on that.
Are you trying to auto-place a new user into a NSN Group (i.e., what you see under "Edit Groups" within the ACP) or are you wanting this strictly for Forum permission purposes? Or, is it both? |
Forums and permission levels thereof seem to be working fine.
I was assuming I broke the auto-add feature because I'd seen the portal behave that way in the beginning and it stopped as soon as I wiped all the groups and remade them.
What I'm doing is taking advantage of the syncing between phpbb_groups and nsngroups to setup 3 levels of access to foums, modules and blocks. Forums access is done by setting all groups that aren't open to anonymous to "private[hidden]" and then modifying the group permissions to "allowed access" or "disallowed access" and "is moderator" or "not moderator" on each forum.
As I said, pretty much everything is working like I want it to, I was just concerned that I'd broken a default group feature for nuke_users. And if it is not normal behavior to assign new user to a default group then I can get rid of my minimal access group because I can accomlish the same thing by having them in no group.
I appreciate the help. |
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Sun May 06, 2007 5:24 pm |
There isn't an autoadd feature. But phpBB does create an internal group within nuke_bbgroups table for every user. Why: because it uses that to simplify its own permissions systems. All groups (whether single or multiuser) can be assigned permissions.
If NSN Groups is somehow relying on the nuke_bbgroups table and interacting with the single user groups, that may be something to look into. |
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Sun May 06, 2007 6:29 pm |
Evaders, I looked into this a bit. I know that when nsngroups creates a group it also creates a separate PHPbb group in the separate PHPbb group table. From there the relationships are more murky. I don't think nsngroups "relies" on the PHPbb tables. And I think you can create a PHPbb group without creating a nsngroup table. I'm not sure about deletions and changes.
I have this "fuzzy" project in mind for improving and extending nsngroups functionality and to do so we would also want to better define the relationships between nsngroups and PHPbb groups. Probably the two should just operate separately because otherwise we would be dependent on something that's beyond our control, namely what core PHPbb does with groups. |

Sun May 13, 2007 10:50 pm |
Thanks for all of your replies. Where I'm stuck now is that I'd like to create an admin account with access only to the groups module, but it seems that only super admins can modify the groups.
I tried making another user the moderator for a group and he was able to add folks using the "usergroups" link ontop the forums, but that did not update the nsn group.
I'm really hesitant about giving super admin to folks who aren't familiar with the cms, but it sure would be handy to have another to help with assigning groups to new registrations.
And I agree. The nsngroups route for modules & block permissions is a royal pain, but since I don't see a way to stop random folks from registering accounts this is the best way to protect modules I don't want strangers looking at. |

Mon May 14, 2007 7:51 am |
Quote: |
And I agree. The nsngroups route for modules & block permissions is a royal pain, but since I don't see a way to stop random folks from registering accounts this is the best way to protect modules I don't want strangers looking at.
Unfortunately, that is how the feature was implemented. This is not a separate module per se, therefore, its administration is in the SuperUser category.
However, one way to stop "random folks from registering accounts" is to use the Approved Membership Lite hack from my site. This gives you the ability to monitor and approve sign-ups. However, it is just a simply "hack" and is not intended to be a full-fledged user management system. You will still need to assign users to groups if you wish to separate out various content. |

Joined: Dec 01, 2008
Posts: 180
Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:18 pm |
Heres an idea that i hope could be achievable, but does anyone know how could i get the approve membership module so that when admin authorises a member, the user gets input automatically into the group the user chooses possibly from a drop down list or similar during registration. |
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Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:17 pm |
Automatically adding a group on approval is on the wishlist for RNYA. But I'm still not sure the benefit of adding to a group if all registered members are in the group... |
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Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:49 am |
BTW, now that RNYA covers much of the capability of the Approve Membership Module (minus the additional communication options which I intend some day to add back into RNYA now), I am no longer going to keep this module up-to-date with RavenNuke(tm) release 2.3.0 and greater. |

Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:45 pm |
I believe that would be a shame really, because from experiance i believe approve membership to be an excellant module, although in broader aspects, it could be alot better.
Whilst the issue at the moment is in connection with nsn groups aswell, i do believe this feature should be added to raven nuke really, because either way you can either automatically allow registered users without authorisation or require that all applications be approved by admin, which is perfect, but there should be a feature, where when a user registers there is a dropdown list, with the different groups that the user can choose which group they want to be within, and say for instance admin has to approve registrations, when they do the user gets automatically added to that group.
Wouldn't this be a great feature.
It would be appreciated to hear of any ways this can be done at all. |

Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:05 pm |
First, just to reiterate what M. said, RNYA covers most if not all the bases that AM covered and it is an integral part of RN which saves upgrade hassles that users of AM had.
I think there is consensus that further integration of NSN GROUPS with YA is desirable as is a better interface for NSN groups. User management in the new YA (RN2.30) is much improved over the old and we should be able to do the same for NSN groups subject to prioritization of tasks for 2.4 and the availability of someone skilled to actually do the programming job.
There is another issue that you are kind of hinting at, and that's that using groups to control privileges is only half-baked into RN at the present time. You can control which groups see which modules and blocks but that's about it. In some other forum threads I've posted some code that I use to control access and privilege within some of my custom modules but that's not generally used or even available. *nuke has a different privilege system based on the author's table and some settings in the modules table and the directory structure and case and links files and we will need to tread carefully to keep that working while we make a second privilege system available also. Not easy, nor is it even determined that we will be going there. |

Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:47 pm |
Well Good Luck and best regards to the person who is able to succeed what you are saying with your account and nsn groups, i often thought the same that modification could be better for groups and YA, and it would be wonderful to see this available, in a way that brings user and admin choice of groups, with greater registration and adding users decisions of groups automatically to the database, with perhaps the ability to then search up all members within a particular group, say just as with members list, but groups listings.
At the moment though the decision is about using AM to control automated placing of users to a given group, of the users choice in the registration process, or if admin desires, to be able to change a user to a different group, when it comes to authorising a member access. This i believe would be perfect with groups and authorised membership. If this can be achieved now i would love to hear how this can be done, if fact i would appreciate if someone could advice me on this.
As i am now using the current 2.3 version, i hope if all is achieved, a link for updates for different versions will be available and posted upon this topic; i am sure many others would appreciate that also.
Thankyou sincerely. |

Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:05 pm |
I have stumbled across a slight issue i hope you could advice me on.
Right first yes as you know i am using the latest raven nuke, but exactly what version of approve membership do i install, because so far i have tried two and none seem to work, one being a version off the authors website for nuke 7.6, and then the AP Lite.
I have even had my host look into it, and they state the montego approve membership lite; i have just tried installing, is a badly written script, and thats why it wont work.
What do i do to get a working version AP to work with RN3.0.
It would really be appreciated to know the exact url to get a correct version of this.
Thankyou sincerely.
Tammy |
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Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:40 am |
The AP membership module will not work with RN without modification and as Montego said above because RN has a new YA he has not updated AP Lite to work with RN 2.30, so this is maybe why this is not working also.
With regards to what your host said, I am shocked that your host says it is badly written. and I am sure Montego will have a few words to say about that!  |

Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:28 am |
Well me personally i do believe AP to be a very good module, and undoubtably i have no disrespect, i just wish i could get a working copy to work with RN2.3, as i do understand, its not badly written scripts that are given on websites such as the original AP authors, montego's, or yourselves, etc, its imcompatibility of it not being able to work, with whatever module version i have. This i understand, but for now how can i make registration, so that admin approval has to be required?
I did believe AP would be the most suitable option, but obviously not, so what can i do from here now to make my website, so no user who gets instant access; and all has to be authorised by me the admin. What other module with this capability is compatible to raven nuke?
It would really be appreciated to know how do i make registrations so they have to be authorised.
Thankyou sincerely. |

Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:15 am |
You setup admin approval using the current YA that comes with RN 2.30. Go into the Admin CP and click Edit Users then Configuration and then Registration. |

Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:50 pm |
Silly me i am so used to the nuke original edit users i completely did not noticed yet that part of it.
Well this has made my day really, but i will investigate further into the raven nuke, and should questions be raised i'll know where to come.
Thankyou, i would though like to see more of the development of AP, nsn groups, and raven nuke, perhaps as a different entity of versions.
Anyway good luck to everyone. |
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Joined: Sep 15, 2003
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Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:50 am |
I am happy that Ravennuke now incorporates a version of CNBYA as standard. The ONLY disadvantage I ever found with CNBYA was that fields added by admin could not be made to appear in The Forums (profiles and user posts). However, CNBYA is also used in PHP-Nuke Platinum. A while ago I made a mod for Platinum Forums which (with some simple edits) allowed fields to be shown in Forum Profiles and Posts. This may be useful for RNYA if someone cares to check it out. As far as I know, this mod was eventually incorporated into Nuke Platinum as standard. Anyhoo here is a link to the Forum thread where this mod was described. Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:42 pm |
Wow...thanks, arnoldkrg! Better forum profile - or a combination of forum and YA profile - is definitely on the list, and your contribution could certainly help. Thanks again! |

Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:11 pm |
arnoldkrg, great to see you on the boards sir!! I was hoping that it would happen some day...
pureliving, RN 2.30.00's RNYA is way too different than the original *nuke version which is why you are having troubles installing either Ken's or my "lite" version. Like I said above, I am NOT going to continue on with the script because I would rather work on improving RNYA's to include some of the now missing features that I loved in AMM, like, the additional email options when communicating with a prospective new user regarding their submission.  |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:34 pm |
arnoldkrg wrote: | The ONLY disadvantage I ever found with CNBYA was that fields added by admin could not be made to appear in The Forums (profiles and user posts). |
The first thing i thought when i found the new custom fields option was how to use it on other parts of the site, most notably the forums... Guess this will be a "lust factor" for now  |

Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:59 pm |
Well Arnold its nice to see you join the topic from our correspondence, thanks, amongst all the other contributors aswell.
As i have not yet been trading a running website with RN i know i can never discriminate any part of it.
Totally pleased with what i see so far, and yes as someone stated RN is far better than php nuke, i would say i totally agree.
All what you ever want from a decent running website, is exactly what RN is; anything additional you require, then input it or develop upon it.
Got to say though i do give a great thanks to the author of php nuke, amongst also all those whose developed mods and such for it, we wouldn't be where we are today without them and yourselves.
In total much appreciation for all the excellance each of you contribute, glad to see reconciliation of works, rather than greed.
I do though think there should be some settings, that enables users in the registration process to be able to choose what group they would like to be in, then upon a successful completion, the user automatically gets input into that group.
Because as of now, users register then they have to click the group link in the site navigation bar, to put themselves manually into a group; seems there's hassle in these quarters.
Would love to see this happen has it enables more automation of group entrants.
Anyone able to avhieve this, it would be appreciated to recieve a copy of the scripting ability.
Thanks to All. |

Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:58 pm |
What makes raven nuke so increasingly hardcoded to not allow working compatibility to the majority of modules etc created for nuke websites.
There's a forum topic as follows:
That stamps out the lack of ability to have working modules, and from recent experiance i'd have to say i have recieved many complications; modules i had on my previous php nuke website, i can no longer get to work with raven nuke. Why is this?
Yes raven has been made in a very secure manner, which is good, but how can RN be configured to work with all nuke modules and add ons etc, as presently there are very few that actually do?
Please someone explain this issue, with any solutions if any.
This would very gratefully be appreciated. |