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Hangin' Around

Joined: Oct 24, 2003
Posts: 32
Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:31 am |
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this as I couldn't find a related post. If you go into the Rank screen in Forums, add a rank based off the instructions you would put images/ranks/rank.gif
This fails because somewhere in the code you are not referencing the root/script path. My suspicion is in viewtopic.php. I added code modules/Forums/ beside where you would display the rank image, this fixes the problem and resolves the issues with rank image location in the configuration. This has been a problem since 2 versions of Raven Nuke... |
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Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:20 am |
Are you talking about the text "Rank Image (Relative to phpBB2 root path):" in the add rank screen?
Well in this case the phpBB2 root path is actually modules/Forums. I always just edit an existing rank, and then copy and paste the path it into the box in add rank. |
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Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:30 am |
I agree with Gremmie, everything seems to work fine for me. |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:39 pm |
Gremmie wrote: | Are you talking about the text "Rank Image (Relative to phpBB2 root path):" in the add rank screen?
Well in this case the phpBB2 root path is actually modules/Forums. I always just edit an existing rank, and then copy and paste the path it into the box in add rank. |
in regards to (relative to the phpBB2 root path) yes. that would mean if you add another rank you would, by the instructions, put images/ranks/rank.gif, not modules/Forums/images/ranks/rank/gif.
If you follow the instructions listed the ranks will not appear. A compromise as to not confuse other admins was to edit the viewtopics.php and insert the modules/Forums/ where it displays the rank image under your avatar... or above it... |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:43 pm |
Well I agree it is confusing to newbies, but in PHP-Nuke, the phpBB root path IS modules/Forums. Remember that PHP-Nuke sucked in a completely separate project (phpBB) in order to get forums, and the integration between the two isn't completely seamless.
Again, if you look at existing ranks and the paths they are using, it becomes obvious what to fill in that box. |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:53 pm |
Gremmie wrote: | Well I agree it is confusing to newbies, but in PHP-Nuke, the phpBB root path IS modules/Forums. Remember that PHP-Nuke sucked in a completely separate project (phpBB) in order to get forums, and the integration between the two isn't completely seamless.
Again, if you look at existing ranks and the paths they are using, it becomes obvious what to fill in that box. |
Arrgh I'm not a newbie and that's kind of insulting none the less. I have been working with PHPBB and PHPNuke, Mambo, MKPortal, IPB for many years. And for years I have been putting up Gaming and Business sites. This is the first time I have come across this issue in all of the portal systems I use/configure.
Quote: |
Rank Image (Relative to phpBB2 root path):
Use this to define a small image associated with the rank |
This to me indicates putting simply images/ranks NOT modules/Forums/images/ranks
Using PHPBB, you would put images/ranks NOT modules/Forums/images/ranks
While I agree that PHPNuke inserts PHPBB it doesn't change the fact the instructions are wrong, regardless of having default ranks there. In my case I went from PHPNuke Platinum to Raven Nuke and in the process painstakingly manually transferred all the tables over. All ranks were dead.
In PHPBB config screen the root path/script path is modules/Forums/
Capiche? |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:59 pm |
Well I didn't mean to insult you, but I really don't see this being a problem in the grand scheme of things. It just becomes a maintenance problem to edit the text for that screen, only to have it overwritten during the next bbtonuke update. |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:09 pm |
I am far from a newbie so yeah it is insulting because that's your opening statement to me. But no problem. If you follow the instructions, I believe the rank screen does not show the rank image however in the viewtopic screen it does. So to me, one way or another it is broken. For consistency I would imagine reflecting the ranks configuration screen to accept images/ranks would be more sensible after all that's what the instructions call for. And why I have never seen this problem with any other PHPnuke portal based system is beyond me. It seems only to be a Raven problem. Don't get me wrong, Raven is all I use and I only say this is a problem because I have to make modifications to files to make it work properly every time I deploy Raven Nuke. |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:25 pm |
I already said it was not my intent to insult you. I was not calling you a newbie, I was just saying I agreed that could confuse people new to PHP-Nuke.
RavenNuke is using the BBtoNuke patches to integrate the forums. Stock PHP-Nuke uses these too. Perhaps Nuke Platinum did something different or is using an older version of BBtoNuke, I don't know. I'm sorry if one distro of Nuke doesn't do everything exactly the same as RavenNuke and you had to edit some paths.
But really, multiple people can look at a phrase like "Relative to phpBB2 root path" and come up with different meanings. In my case, I read that and instantly knew the path had to start with modules/Forums. Why? Because in Forums admin under config there is a box that says script path and it is set to modules/Forums. I also examined the existing ranks and they all started with modules/Forums. You thought it mean relative to the PHP-Nuke root path, and thats fine I can understand that. It is easier to edit the path in the database rather than patch the code. |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:38 pm |
I will reverse the code and show you the impact.
To me 'relative to' means that it would be the extension thereafter the script/root path. Meaning images/ranks. This is the same wording in PHPBB by default. And in PHPBB default it is images/ranks, not phpbb/images/ranks...I know I am running standard install of PHPBB. Anyhow, there obviously no desire to fix it.
I am not insulted anymore from the newbie statement. I was just saying, calling someone that in the first sentence would usually mean an insult given you have no idea of a persons experience.
Thanks anyhow. |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:50 pm |
I can see that. Relative to phpBB root, but if and only if you were running stock phpBB. Lots of the text in the forum admin areas is unchanged from stock phpBB and it is confusing. Remember the PHP-Nuke community lifted phpBB up and plopped it down into Nuke, and there are still some rough edges.
A far larger issue with the integration of phpBB into Nuke is the "double head" problem. Have you ever done a "view source" on your page when looking at your forums? You've got two HTML headers in there, one from Nuke and one from phpBB.....  |

Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:06 pm |
Not sure what you mean about the double header... you mean where it include header.php in the index.php of phpbb? or do you mean the navigation menu...I don't see any problem here. Getting back to the BBtoNuke... ya I went through those heart aches. I had to convert a site that was on IPB 2.2... I had to modify the BBtoNuke script to work properly. Then I had to convert dates and other miscellaneous DB stuff. Was not fun.. took me approx a day to convert the IPB to PHPBB. |

Joined: Oct 05, 2003
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Location: Illinois
Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:07 pm |
I had this problem with Platinum also, What I did in the upcoming release was make these changes and all rank areas work fine in both the forum posts and the admin rank areas.
Open your modules/viewtopic.php file
Code:$rank_image = ( $ranksrow[$j]['rank_image'] ) ? '<img src="' . $ranksrow[$j]['rank_image'] . '" alt="' . $poster_rank . '" title="' . $poster_rank . '" border="0" /><br />' : '';
Code:$rank_image = ( $ranksrow[$j]['rank_image'] ) ? '<img src="'NUKE_FORUMS_DIR . $ranksrow[$j]['rank_image'] . '" alt="' . $poster_rank . '" title="' . $poster_rank . '" border="0" /><br />' : '';
then go to your Forums Admin - Ranks area and change the link to all your rank images from:
of course the rankimagename.gif would be the actual name of each image like 6stars.gif for example. |

Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:00 pm |
That is similar to what I am doing actually. I was just in the process of adding my topic for it. Glad to see someone else finds this is something that they need to change. |
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Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:59 pm |
Actually no, the correct path should always be modules/Forums/images/ranks/
For the benefit of others reading this, whenever phpBB refer to relative path, they mean exactly that, relative to the forum installation.
As phpNuke uses a ported version of phpBB the forum installation is actually the forum module directory - modules/Forums/
You'll find that many forum MODS also refer to the phpBB installation directory 'relatively'.
Yes, it is confusing and even I sometimes forget so perhaps the best method is to actually amend the instructions to help avoid the confusion.
Better still would be a proper port that is truly modular, whereby, in an ideal world, to remove the forums you would just need to remove the Forums direcotry and the associated DB tables. |

Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:05 pm |
I agree with you guardian, I do not want to advise against the standard bb port structure. There was several reasons i went that route due to other forum mods rather than simply correcting the wrong link in the modules/Forums/admin/admin_ranks.php file
I would advise anyone having this issue to make this change rather than the one I posted previously to fix the problem.
OPEN your modules/Forums/admin/admin_ranks.php file
Code:"IMAGE_DISPLAY" => ( $rank_info['rank_image'] != "" ) ? '<img src="../' . $rank_info['rank_image'] . '" />' : "",
Code:"IMAGE_DISPLAY" => ( $rank_info['rank_image'] != "" ) ? '<img src="../../../' . $rank_info['Rank_image'] . '" />' : "",

Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:12 pm |
The latest RavenNuke already has that change, I believe. Mine does, anyway...LOL. |

Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:21 pm |
Yes this post actually should be moved to the bb2nuke or phpnuke 7.6 forum. Since that is an issue in the original version. |

Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:49 pm |
I thought Fluke (the OP) was talking about RavenNuke though....? |

Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:07 am |
I was talking RavenNuke... and I am still confused being that I run phpbb
my script/root path is configured as /phpbb/
my rank images are done like this images/ranks which to me seems to indicate it uses the script/root path and tags on images/ranks and that's why I fixed the .tpl file to include this... but I see the avatar paths etc all have modules/Forums/images....
imo, this is a nuke problem not using the variables properly and making things confusing. Port or no port, I don't know why it has to be configured like this, I see the phpbb root/script path being pointless this way...
And if this isn't a problem, like Gremmie says, why is it fixed in later releases? |

Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:56 am |
Who cares.. honestly, I'm tired of repeating myself. Ok one last time. phpbb bases the rank images off the script/root path (eg. /phpbb/). PHPBB inside nuke doesn't you have to specify the full path. It ignores the root/script path. It's likely just a phpnuke problem. I've resolved it in my own way and it works. I guess if the wording was different on the ranks screen then none of this would have happened. As it were, I converted the site from Platinum to Raven... I didn't have the example ranks since I already had the ranks etc populated into the DB. All the rank images had a path of images/ranks. I was answering your question.. Quote: | I thought Fluke (the OP) was talking about RavenNuke though....? |

Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:08 am |
All I know is that if you set your script path in Admin/Forums/Config to /modules/Forums/ and then prefix all your paths for ranks, avatars, etc with modules/Forums/ you are fine under RavenNuke. If you do this, you do not have to make any code changes. |

Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:50 am |
I agree with you that the wording on the phpBB screens are confusing; another rough edge on the integration between Nuke and phpBB. |

Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:48 am |
Thats right. If you look at the code within forum files, you'll see mention of variable php_root_path and this is taken from the admin forum configuration setting.
If the forum admin configuration setting for the forum root path is set correctly, as the installer does for you automatically, there should not be any problems.
Unless of course the forum template was designed for phpBB rather than BBtoNuke
If the root path is set to /phpbb/ then your forums shouldnt be working at all, unless you are actually using a stand alone version of the forum software. |