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Joined: Apr 15, 2003
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Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:01 am |
OK, I looked in on my site this morning and had several news stories posted main page by a new author. She forgot to add the subtopics, so I went to edit them....but the edit link carries me right back to the main page. What can be causing this? Help! It's driving me nutz! |
Site Admin

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Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:25 am |
Just to clarify, which edit link? Also, were any modifications made? Are you using the standard News module, or a replacement like NSN News? |
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Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:02 pm |
Sorry, I should have given more info. It was a just waking up find, so kind of posted here in my sleep. I do use the FCK editor, and recently discovered that the link for authors did not go to the WYSIWYG editor, so I did change that link to reflect rather than just
I'll change that to see if it makes the difference, but that kinda puts me in a hard spot since it means my HTML illiterate news editor has to jump between "submit news" to use the WYSIWYG editor and the news link when she logs in.
If you've got a simpler answer for me I would love to hear it. |

Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:25 pm |
Nope, edited the admin link to what came stock, and it does not change it. I am unable to edit any news stories that are posted. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:40 pm |
You need to post version information along with answering Kguske's earlier question. Also, are you doing this as a GOD admin or superuser or just as an admin with rights to news?
The symptoms sound like you might be hitting a SQL error in the background and it's just popping you back to index.php. Kguske can also address this better than I but I've never heard of fckadminstory that you are referring to.
Was your system working to edit news stories before this happened? Can you edit a story that you post? What changes were made recently, if any? We have very little to go on based on what you posted. |

Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:17 pm |
I've got version 7.6. It's actually something like 7.631 or something and is patched to 2.3. I'm sorry I don't remember more-- It's been a couple years since the update was done and I've had some health issues that effect my memory. If someone can remind me how to find exactly what version, I'll be happy to post it.
I'm doing this as GOD admin. I cannot edit any story that has been posted. I haven't needed to edit a story in a while, but a new author posted some news without subtopics and when I went in to add them, I found the error.
I wanted my new author to be able to use the WYSIWYG editor, she knows nothing about making a link, much less having it open in a new window--nor does she know how to make a line break, so anything she pasted into the stock editor just came out as one long sentence. I edited the link in /modules/news/links to go to the WYSIWYG editor. Changing it back does not correct the problem.
I'm sure there's something in the database that's gone screwy on me, but I don't know where to start looking |

Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:06 pm |
Kguske is the expert on the editor but I don't recall anywhere that you edit the link to activate it. I'm wondering if it got fouled up when you changed it back. Maybe you could reload the file you changed from a backup or from the original distribution.
Ravennuke 2.10 is available and Kguske made the wysiwyg editor work even better there. You might want to bite the bullet and do the upgrade to that, the editor works like a charm there. |

Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:56 pm |
I'm not doing any upgrades. My database is so huge...I just don't have the mind to do it these days. Upgrading would mean starting fresh for me, and I just can't do that right now. As I stated, changing the file back to the original makes no difference.Maybe kgusje knows what table might be corrupted. If not, I guess I'll learn to live with it till I am feeling better and can face doing an upgrade or fresh start.
Kguske??? |

Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:59 am |
Bump---no one can even suggest what table I might look at? C'mon folks, I need a little help. I'm sorry that my life just doesn't allow me time to try to convert the old site to Raven't new release, but I ain't gonna be feeling bad forever. Can't someone help me with this till I'm able to do a change? |

Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:40 am |
The problem that many of us have in replying to your question is that we don't have 7.6 per se and we can't install it just to see what you are talking about. In a couple of your posts you state:
Quote: | I edited the link in /modules/news/links to go to the WYSIWYG editor. Changing it back does not correct the problem.
I do use the FCK editor, and recently discovered that the link for authors did not go to the WYSIWYG editor, so I did change that link to reflect rather than just |
I'm sorry but that makes no sense to me. There is no op called fckadminstory in Ravennuke. Here's the entire block of ops from the news/admin/case.php file:
Code:case 'YesDelCategory':
case 'subdelete':
case 'DelCategory':
case 'NoMoveCategory':
case 'EditCategory':
case 'SaveEditCategory':
case 'AddCategory':
case 'SaveCategory':
case 'DisplayStory':
case 'PreviewAgain':
case 'PostStory':
case 'EditStory':
case 'RemoveStory':
case 'ChangeStory':
case 'DeleteStory':
case 'adminStory':
case 'PreviewAdminStory':
case 'PostAdminStory':
case 'autoDelete':
case 'autoEdit':
case 'autoSaveEdit':
case 'submissions':
Does your file look like that? I don't know, maybe the esteemed PHPnuke author made fckadminstory be a separate op in his admin file. Like I say, none of us has the time or resources to have each of his releases loaded to be able to find out.
You could also boost the level of error reporting and/or look in your server error log after the edit fails and see if anything shows up. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 06, 2006
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Location: Iowa, USA
Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:34 am |
Yes, I'm not clear what admin link you have edited either.
Let's try a different route. If you go into your admin panel it will display the last 20 articles. There will be an edit link beside each one of the form:
Where 100 is the story id. Your actual number may vary.
If you click on that, what happens?
If you get a white screen, turn on error reporting in config.php ($display_errors = true;) and try again to see if any errors appear in your browser. Also look in your server logs in case PHP put some errors in there. |
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Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:39 pm |
When I click on any of the stories in the admin panel it takes me to the index page. Also, when you choose "read more" and in your right hand blocks is an option block that for "printer friendly page" "send to friend" then below those options are some admin options "edit" "add" or "delete". Clicking edit there also takes me to the index page.
The link I edited (to the best of my knowledge and I admit that ain't much!) should not have affected this--I do not believe it did, since I restored the original and still have the same problem. The link edited was the one for when you have an author log in with permission to post a news story they have a little admin panel with a link to each of the modules they have access to and to log out. I edited the link for news stories to go to my FCKeditor page so that my news editor was not having to jump between "submit news" to use the WYSIWYG editor and the original link (the one I edited) to post a story.
I hope I've been clear--I'm not always real good at that. |

Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:48 pm |
Well it is really hard to say what happened here. The best bet would be to re-upload your files from a backup.
What version of Nuke? Has it been patched? I did not realize Nuke came with the FCKeditor, I thought some versions had TinyMCE. So perhaps whoever modified Nuke to work with the FCKeditor didn't get all the edits right or the right files uploaded. I'm just speculating and could be (probably) wrong.
Did this problem just start happening? I doubt the problem is table corruption. I think some of the files are inconsistent. |

Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:06 pm |
It is Nuke 7.6 and this is the forum I posted in. I know there are several versions of 7.6 and I believe this one is 7.631a or something like that, but since the update a year or so ago, I have had some health issues and unfortunately forgotten the exact version. I know it is patched to 2.3.
This has just started happening. Within the last week...I don't have to go in and edit a news story very often, but I gave authorization to post news to a new person and noticed it then. However, it has worked previously. Within the month of July I used it. There was some trouble on my server a few weeks ago and we had a short down time. Maybe something happened during that time. I dunno.... |

Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:10 am |
I think that what you are telling us is that you went into administration, then blocks, then brought up the "administration" block to edit. Then you edited the line in there that has a link to New Story. That link should be:
Quote: | <a href="admin.php?op=adminStory">NEW Story</a><br />
Unless the admin.php in the version you are running has been modified from what we have in Ravennuke (and what used to be in Nuke) you can't do what you were trying to do. Whether fckeditor gets invoked has nothing to do with an "op" or link in any version I am familiar with. If you really want fckeditor to work you are just going to have to get with RN ... I don't know how much help anyone here can be with debugging what the original author of Nuke did with wysiwyg editors in the various versions of Nuke from 7.6 and on. We do sympathize with your health issues and your time issues but that doesn't mean we can necessarily fix your problem. |

Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:00 am |
I guess I am speaking a foreign language because this is not the link I described editing. I do not believe that editing the link had anything to do with the edit option in admin failing to work. If that were so, restoring the original file would have fixed the problem and this is not what happened.
The link I edited, (and once again, have restored to the original with no success in correcting this problem) is located here:
FCKEditor works fine...has worked fine since this version of Nuke and the editor were installed. Before a week ago, I was the only person posting news stories, I assigned someone else permission to do that (post any story she wants, I do not have to review it, she has full privilege in news stories). Since the link in her admin panel took her to a stock no WYSWYG editor and she knew nothing about how to make a line break, or a bold word or anything I wanted her to be able to access the WYSIWYG editor.
My issue is with being able to edit any story that has been posted. Not from the main admin panel, not from the admin block, not from anywhere. I believe that a file got corrupted somehow last week when we had trouble on the server. I thought surely someone here would be able to tell me what files to look at, but it seems that I am just too stupid to even convey to you what I am talking about. If someone would be interested in taking a look, I would be glad to allow them to do so. It is annoying, tho not life threatening that it does not work properly.
I certainly never thought that everyone here knew everything that was to know, or I'd spend every waking hour here sucking up knowledge and beauty, but I also know that Raven can usually look at something at tell me "go do this" and it's right. Since no one even said "we don't know" I bumped the thread in hopes of help.
Sorry to have been such a problem....dang, stay gone a little while and all of a sudden it's like you're spreading smallpox because you asked a question. Thanks for your help.
My big issue has been that she failed to put some of the stories into categories as well, I'll try to dig around in phpadmin and add the categories.
Thanks again. |

Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:26 pm |
Hold on here.... No one is mad or upset. You just have to understand how hard it is to understand a problem when you can't actually see it and all you have is text descriptions.
Anyway, I don't think you want to edit modules/news/admin/links.php, and I'm glad you put that back.
So, have you uploaded your all your files again from a backup? Or at least just the News and possible the admin.php and admin files?
Failing that someone is probably going to have to take a look for you. |

Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:10 pm |
Putting it back did not make a bit of difference. I reloaded admin.php, but it's no good. I'll learn to live with it, I guess.
I did not figure anyone was mad, but it sure seems I am speaking a foreign language, or people are not reading my posts in entirety, one of the two. I just kind of felt like the comment about being able to fix my problem was a little condescending.
As I said, if someone would like to take a look, I'd be happy to let them--if Raven trusts them so do I. If not, I can wait till he is able to help me. I can live with it till then if that's what it takes. |

Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:33 pm |
If my earlier comment seemed condescending then I apologize. I was just trying to say that we understood that you might not be able to update right away. I did go back and reread your posts and I was trying to restate my understanding of what you did so you could verify it or tell us if it was false. It turned out the be a misunderstanding but an honest one. Anyone who Raven designates as a moderator can be trusted to help with your problem and I'm sure he will tell you that privately too. However, I generally stay away from going onto user's sites directly, it's just too much of a slippery slope and I have my hands full with other things. But yeah, what Gremmie said, someone may need to take a look for you. |

Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:56 pm |
fkelly..please accept my apology. I realize that I sometimes have trouble spitting out what I want to say--I feel horrible, and I've lost a family member this week,I've got what seems to me a problem with my site that I should be able to figure out and can't concentrate that long ---my feelings are on my sleeves. I took it wrong, I guess.
If someone is willing to take a look at it, I'd be willing for them to do so. I understand your position on it tho--I think I would feel the same way.
Meanwhile, I'm just gonna try to assign categories thru phpmyadmin.
Gremmie if you or someone else wants to take a peak, let me know by pm and I'll send you the info. |

Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:20 pm |
No problem Deseroka and I am sorry for you loss. Above all we need to bear in mind the human aspect of what we do here. Let's just take some time to regroup and I'm sure we can help you resolve your problem -- it just might not be as instantaneous as we all might like. |

Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:26 pm |
Thanks. I do appreciate the help. I'm not always such a b***h. Sometimes I'm worse Ask Raven. |