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Hangin' Around

Joined: Feb 22, 2004
Posts: 40
Location: Dorset, England
Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:07 pm |
Ok, so before I start I'd like to point out that I have no problems with my Raven Nuke Install, or with any of the themes that come with it! My problem is related to the fact that I bought a theme and basically got stiffed.
Shortly after setting up my install I went looking for a nice SCUBA related theme, I couldn't find one and ended up buying one that looked pretty sweet from one of the big theme sites. The first problem I had was that hardly anything displayed, turned out that loads and loads of links in the theme files were calling to directories that didn't exist, a quick edit and they were then calling to the right directories. Problem solved? No!
With my site now displaying fairly normally I decided to change the writing on the top buttons, a simple task you may have thought? Especially as I had been promised "Full source PSD files" with the theme. Excitedly I opened up the source archive only to be greeted with some random PSD files for what looked like desktop icons Not to be put off I spent several hours with ImageReady making up new graphics from the old one, I added a button too, as I had been told the theme would automatically cope (can you guess what?)
I now had a theme that looked terribly out! The extra button had stretched that part of the site and screwed up some other bits, a hour or so looking at code and modifying other images and I managed to fix that.
At this point I was relatively happy, sure there was a random one pixel gap on the side of the blocks and I was also getting errors in my log about a missing graphic but overall the site looked how I wanted, life was good! Then I discovered Google Maps....
"Wouldn't it be neat if I had a nice map on my site" I thought. I figure I'll use the Google Maps API to add a simple map onto the contact page, you know the deal, preset marker and a set starting zoom. I though it would be nice to help people find the place easier. So I play with the code in dreamweaver, and yep, all looks good. I integrate that into a basic module so I can stick it into the modules menu and upload it... Now I must admit, at this time I was feeling pretty happy, life was good! The sun was out, the sea was flat and the women were looking fine. Happy days!
At this point I clicked my newly created module and rapidly lost my sense of inner calm... The previously good looking map was now sprouting ugly shapes round the address box and the buttons were missing there graphics! "d*** you Nuke" I shouted while randomly waving my fist..
Several hours later and having played with all sorts of code variations I was just about ready to admit defeat, then, a little voice inside told me to switch themes, just in case. A quick couple of clicks later and the map is loading up fine inside the default theme! My "professional" theme had once again biten me in the ass!
So is there a point to this rant? Well yes there is. I have now accepted that this theme is fundamentally flawed However I do like how it looks so my question is this. Is there anyone I can go to that will take what I have and remake it into a proper, CSS and HTML compliant, working theme? I accept this is going to cost me but I don't even know where to start asking. Names or sites of good theme creators would be greatly appreciated
Cheers, Paul K
P.S. Yes I know I should of just asked for what I wanted at the start, but I needed to get this off my chest! |
Site Admin

Joined: Feb 06, 2006
Posts: 3048
Location: United Kingdom
Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:47 pm |
Wow, that took a while to read, but also an interesting read I'm glad you included it.
Jaded can probably help you. The site is:
Can I ask, if you remove the module you created does the theme you bought then work? |

Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:21 pm |
Thanks for the link, I'll fire off a email and see if they fancy a crack at it.
It was the theme that would make the module not work properly, the minute I switched to a default Raven Nuke theme it was all good again! I'm guessing there is some poor coding in my theme that causes the Google Maps API to get it's knickers in a twist?
Cheers, Paul K |

Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:36 pm |
I'm just wondering if there is something in your module code that is conflicting with the theme. If it is it might be easier to alter the module, but I'm just taking a stab in the dark. Jaded should definitely be able to help. |
Theme Guru

Joined: Nov 01, 2003
Posts: 1006
Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:38 pm |

Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:45 pm |
Excellent, I knew you would be able to help. |

Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:51 pm |
It was good timing as I was just reading this post as his email arrived. Thanks for the referral jakec. I do appreciate it.
Paul, I have sent you an email reply. Please let me know if you have not received it. |

Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:15 pm |
email received and replied too. My thanks to jakec for the recommendation!
Cheers, Paul K |

Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:16 pm |
No problem Jaded/Paul_K.  |