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Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Posts: 143

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:34 pm Reply with quote

Ive been going throught this for almost 10 hours now....

I have been trying the style sheets for image backgrounds in the forums.
and so on.
I looked into the
viewforum_body.tpl and I removed a rollover effect that was put in there by the initail template creator. But it wont go away.

I then noticed there is no theme_info.cfg file. Do I need this?

I have another template I bought and there is one. I was gonna just put it in but.. The $ value on it is $m, so I dont know what to do from here.

So im lost right now, could it be that the css is not responding to the changes?
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:21 pm Reply with quote

Not sure, but it's possible the CSS is cached - did you refresh?

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:23 pm Reply with quote

What version of Nuke are you using and what theme are you trying to use?

Yes, it could be that the css is not responding to changes. The whole topic of Nuke themes and how they tie in to Forum templates and where you can override a Forum template to customize it is extremely complex and filled with issues. I would recommend just using the defaults in Ravennuke, but of course this is open source and you are free to experiment. There may be some folks around who can help you a bit but they will be better able to if you post exact versions and what you are trying to accomplish.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:33 pm Reply with quote

I dont think its catched, I was able to change the bacground of the rows in the forums. But when I tried to remove a mosue over event to get rid of it. It is still there.

Im using the version of nuke that comes with ravennuke 2.10.

Should I through in a theme_info config? woudl that work? but the onlything is I dont know what $ to use.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:56 pm Reply with quote

You are using fisubice?

If so, there is a theme_info.cfg file in the 2.10 distribution.

I don't understand what you mean by "what $ to use".

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:11 pm Reply with quote

This is the theme_info.cfg from a theme I purchaced. This theme uses ravennuke distro as well. This file was in the theme/themename/forums folder.


// phpBB 2.x auto-generated theme config file for XtratoDemons
// Do not change anything in this file!

$M[0]['template_name'] = "forums";
$M[0]['style_name'] = "forums";
$M[0]['head_stylesheet'] = "style.css";
$M[0]['body_background'] = "";
$M[0]['body_bgcolor'] = "303030";
$M[0]['body_text'] = "FFFFFF";
$M[0]['body_link'] = "FFFFFF";
$M[0]['body_vlink'] = "FFFFFF";
$M[0]['body_alink'] = "";
$M[0]['body_hlink'] = "000000";
$M[0]['tr_color1'] = "303030";
$M[0]['tr_color2'] = "404040";
$M[0]['tr_color3'] = "414141";
$M[0]['tr_class1'] = "";
$M[0]['tr_class2'] = "";
$M[0]['tr_class3'] = "";
$M[0]['th_color1'] = "303030";
$M[0]['th_color2'] = "404040";
$M[0]['th_color3'] = "303030";
$M[0]['th_class1'] = "";
$M[0]['th_class2'] = "";
$M[0]['th_class3'] = "";
$M[0]['td_color1'] = "000000";
$M[0]['td_color2'] = "303030";
$M[0]['td_color3'] = "";
$M[0]['td_class1'] = "row2";
$M[0]['td_class2'] = "row2";
$M[0]['td_class3'] = "";
$M[0]['fontface1'] = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
$M[0]['fontface2'] = "Trebuchet MS";
$M[0]['fontface3'] = "Courier, \'Courier New\', sans-serif";
$M[0]['fontsize1'] = "10";
$M[0]['fontsize2'] = "11";
$M[0]['fontsize3'] = "12";
$M[0]['fontcolor1'] = "#A59423";
$M[0]['fontcolor2'] = "FFFFFF";
$M[0]['fontcolor3'] = "666666";
$M[0]['span_class1'] = "";
$M[0]['span_class2'] = "";
$M[0]['span_class3'] = "";


the theme im using right now does not have this in the theme/theme name/forums folder.

what I mean by $ is $M, in the subsilver its labeled $subsilver. where does this string even get handled from. where should I look for it? If I place this config file with the right string label would it fix the problem?

I have been through the all most of the tpls and cross referancing different things and this is the only thing I can come up with.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:24 pm Reply with quote

Honestly, I don't know. Maybe someone else can help. Raven has put autothemes into the RN 2.20 release and maybe there is an answer in the code there. Or maybe someone from Xtrato themes or someone else from here can help.

You say "theme im using right now does not have this in the theme/theme name/forums folder" ... what theme is that? If I were trying to trace a problem like this down I'd do a global search across my whole directory structure on "theme_info.cfg" to try to see what programs are calling or including it. Then I'd look at them. You are correct that you need to know what is getting substituted in place of $M.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:42 pm Reply with quote

The code I placed was from another theme I purchased. Xtrato themes used ravennuke 2.1 as a distro as well.

subsilver has that file as well. I am using darktecha theme and am currently modifying it for my needs for my needs.

here is the subsilver theme_info.cgf


// phpBB 2.x auto-generated theme config file for subSilver
// Do not change anything in this file!

$subSilver[0]['template_name'] = 'subSilver';
$subSilver[0]['style_name'] = 'subSilver';
$subSilver[0]['head_stylesheet'] = 'subSilver.css';
$subSilver[0]['body_background'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['body_bgcolor'] = '0E3259';
$subSilver[0]['body_text'] = '606EC5';
$subSilver[0]['body_link'] = '606EC5';
$subSilver[0]['body_vlink'] = '5493B4';
$subSilver[0]['body_alink'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['body_hlink'] = 'DD6900';
$subSilver[0]['tr_color1'] = 'F5F5FF';
$subSilver[0]['tr_color2'] = 'EAEAFE';
$subSilver[0]['tr_color3'] = 'F5F5FF';
$subSilver[0]['tr_class1'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['tr_class2'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['tr_class3'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['th_color1'] = '98AAB1';
$subSilver[0]['th_color2'] = '606EC5';
$subSilver[0]['th_color3'] = 'FFFFFF';
$subSilver[0]['th_class1'] = 'cellpic1.gif';
$subSilver[0]['th_class2'] = 'cellpic3.gif';
$subSilver[0]['th_class3'] = 'cellpic2.jpg';
$subSilver[0]['td_color1'] = 'FAFAFA';
$subSilver[0]['td_color2'] = 'FFFFFF';
$subSilver[0]['td_color3'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['td_class1'] = 'row1';
$subSilver[0]['td_class2'] = 'row2';
$subSilver[0]['td_class3'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['fontface1'] = 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif';
$subSilver[0]['fontface2'] = 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif';
$subSilver[0]['fontface3'] = 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif';
$subSilver[0]['fontsize1'] = '10';
$subSilver[0]['fontsize2'] = '10';
$subSilver[0]['fontsize3'] = '11';
$subSilver[0]['fontcolor1'] = '606EC5';
$subSilver[0]['fontcolor2'] = '606EC5';
$subSilver[0]['fontcolor3'] = 'FFFFFF';
$subSilver[0]['span_class1'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['span_class2'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['span_class3'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['img_size_poll'] = '';
$subSilver[0]['img_size_privmsg'] = '';


PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:37 pm Reply with quote

I feel noobish now.

in the css file... I forgot to add color extentions to the background. :/

seems like everything is working now.

I feel so noobish.

As soon as I finish modifying thhe whole template I could upload it as a compliant theme if you wish?

Joined: Jul 19, 2005
Posts: 68

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:21 pm Reply with quote

I seem to remember playing with this a while back.

1...Go into the theme you wish to use, and open the forums folder.
2...Find and open the forums.css file and hi light and copy the whole text there
3...Return to the theme folder and open style.css, create a comment “// forums style” at the end of the text. Now after the comment paste the copied text from forums.css.
5...Now open the forums folder again and rename forums.css file to forums.css.bak
6...Open overall header.tpl in the forums folder and (around line 9) change
<!-- link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/fisubice/forums/forums.css" type="text/css" -->
<!-- link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/fisubice/style/style.css" type="text/css" -->

All the styles will be loaded and crashed from the style.css file. All the style statements can now be changed or added to from one file.

I'm sure that is what I did, but its been so long ago im not sure if I left anything out.
Maybe someone can comment on this if it works, if not ill look again.

you may need to check for duplicate style tags and comment them out.

Here is a test sight im running it on, try it out.

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this mod has probably trashed all the effort Raven and the crew has put in to make Raven Nuke 100% css compliant, but that's what happens when armatures get involved.
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