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Hangin' Around

Joined: Oct 25, 2005
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Location: Hamburg/Germany
Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:22 am |
Hi all together.
First of all thanks to Raven and the Ravennuke-Team for a really great job!
I think my problem is not a special problem with Ravennuke than with Nuke.
I use the review-module for recipes. Some recipes have a special name, therefor i need to write it with " (e.g. "Osso buco") These recipes are stored in the database but you can't see it in the module.
Thats problem Nr. 1.
Is there a possibility to select not only one letter than all stored recipes in the database all together? That would help very much.
Nr. 2 is a problem with german "umlauts" (ä, ü, ö)
A recipe like Überbackener Blumenkohl is stored at the letter Y.
Nr. 3 is the dateformat. I have found where to chance the format to see the correct dateformat in previews (26.02.08 ) but after storing it it is changed to February 26th 2008.
Can someone help me with these things?
spacy |
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Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:29 am |
1. Just to clarify, in which field in the database is the special name stored?
2. Working with international characters can be tricky - if this module doesn't support it correctly, it might take some work to handle that.
3. The date is formatted around line 275 and line 691 in modules/Reviews/index.php here:
Code: $fdate = date('F jS Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));
You can change that to your preferred format using the Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. |
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Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:58 am |
As far as the umlauts go, I'm curious that collation is being used on the database tables and if that can have an effect on this. |
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Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:20 am |
1. The field in the database is in the table nuke_reviews "title" .
2. Ok. Does anyone has an idea what i could use better for recipes? I used the module Recipes Version 1.5.5, but there are some problems with that module.
3. Thanks. I already tried that but it seems i did something wrong. Now it works perfect. |

Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:30 am |
So you are saying that the reviews module strips the quotes (") out of the title?
Also, can you dump the structure of your reviews table so we can see the colation? I wonder if you could change it so that it would store those characters. I can't think of anything in the PHP code that would mess that up. Unless it is a htmlspecialchars call that isn't using the right character set. |

Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:37 am |
No, my problem is that the quotes stay in the title and the recipe can't be found with the shown letters. E.g. the name of the recipe is "Osso buco", the name is stored in the table nuke_reviews under "title". The recipes can be selected with the first letter and because of the quote you cant select it. Its in the database but you cant find it with the module. |
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Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:17 am |
Unfortunately, that is the way that module is designed from the beginning. It looks at the first character of the title to produce the list. You will need to not have a quote in your first character.
By the way, I am needing to fix Recipes 1.5.5 too for one of my sites. Just haven't gotten to it yet. I have no desire to move to their "Dynamic Module", so am stuck fixing what I have. I'll save off this thread to remind me to let you know when I've gotten that done. |
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Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:44 am |
Thats great. I dont want to move to the "Dynamic Module" too. Its encrypted and it would cost to download. |

Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:33 am |
spacy, sorry to say I still have not gotten to doing this... Still on the list though. |