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Joined: Oct 06, 2003
Posts: 81
Fri May 28, 2004 1:05 am |
Hey there...
I installed and was able to create the table nuke_nsnst_ips, but the installation failed trying to create nuke_nsnst_config. I manually added the table and then manually inserted the data.
Then, when trying to configure, my settings won't save. Any clue what is causing this?
Thanks much,
-Arg |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Fri May 28, 2004 5:18 am |
None at all. Have you tried deinstalling everything and starting over? |
New Member

Joined: May 30, 2004
Posts: 3
Sun May 30, 2004 5:07 pm |
Exact same problem here, is there a .sql file so I can use mysqladmin to enter the correct tables in my database ?
Many thanks in advance ! |

Sun May 30, 2004 5:36 pm |
I wouldn't bother. I chopped out the two queries to create and then insert the data for that table and even after I did, it won't write to the db. I haven't had time to get back to it yet, but I am going to try the re-install. It's possible it's a version problem, the db I am using is 3.x
-Arg |

Sun May 30, 2004 5:45 pm |
Mine too, 3.23.xx MySQL.
I'll watch this topic, maybe there is a way to get it working after all.
Thanks for your reply Argus ! |

Joined: Jan 18, 2004
Posts: 244
Location: Bristolville, OH
Mon May 31, 2004 12:11 pm |
Run the following 3 qureys via phpmyadmin, hope it works
Code:CREATE TABLE nuke_nsnst_ips (ip_addr varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '1', username varchar(60) NOT NULL default 'Anonymous', user_agent text NOT NULL, date varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', notes text NOT NULL, reason tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', query_string text NOT NULL, x_forward_for varchar(15) NOT NULL default 'None', client_ip varchar(15) NOT NULL default 'None', remote_addr varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', remote_port varchar(11) NOT NULL default 'Unknown', request_method VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (ip_addr))
Code:CREATE TABLE nuke_nsnst_config (forward_loc varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', pc_killer tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', pc_killer_loop INT(3) NOT NULL default '0', ban_type tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', harvestlist text NOT NULL, perpage int(4) NOT NULL default '25', htapath varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', act_harvest tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', act_union tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', act_clike tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', act_script tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', act_authors tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (ban_type))
Code:INSERT INTO nuke_nsnst_config VALUES ('', 0, 0, 0, 'alexibot\r\nasterias\r\nbackdoorbot\r\nblack.hole\r\nblackwidow\r\nblowfish\r\nbot\r\nbotalot\r\nbuiltbottough\r\nbullseye\r\nbunnyslippers\r\ncegbfeieh\r\ncheesebot\r\ncherrypicker\r\nchinaclaw\r\ncopyrightcheck\r\ncosmos \r\ncrescent\r\ncusto\r\ndisco\r\ndittospyder\r\ndownload demon\r\necatch\r\neirgrabber\r\nemailcollector\r\nemailsiphon\r\nemailwolf\r\nerocrawler\r\neseek-larbin\r\nexpress webpictures\r\nextractorpro\r\neyenetie\r\nfast\r\nflashget\r\nfoobot\r\nfrontpage\r\nfscrawler\r\ngetright\r\ngetweb\r\ngo!zilla\r\ngo-ahead-got-it\r\ngrabnet\r\ngrafula\r\ngsa-crawler\r\nharvest\r\nhloader\r\nhmview\r\nhttplib\r\nhttrack\r\nhumanlinks\r\nia_archiver\r\nimage stripper\r\nimage sucker\r\nindy library\r\ninfonavirobot\r\ninterget\r\ninternet ninja\r\njennybot\r\njetcar\r\njoc web spider\r\nkenjin.spider\r\nkeyword.density\r\nlarbin\r\nleechftp\r\nlexibot\r\nlibweb/clshttp\r\nlinkextractorpro\r\nlinkscan/8.1a.unix\r\nlinkwalker\r\nlwp-trivial\r\nmass downloader\r\nmata.hari\r\nmicrosoft.url\r\nmidown tool\r\nmiixpc\r\nmister pix\r\nmoget\r\nmozilla/3.mozilla/2.01\r\nmozilla.*newt\r\nnavroad\r\nnearsite\r\nnetants\r\nnetmechanic\r\nnetspider\r\nnet vampire\r\nnetzip\r\nnicerspro\r\nnpbot\r\noctopus\r\noffline explorer\r\noffline navigator\r\nopenfind\r\npagegrabber\r\npapa foto\r\npavuk\r\npcbrowser\r\npropowerbot/2.14\r\nprowebwalker\r\nqueryn.metasearch\r\nrealdownload\r\nreget\r\nrepomonkey\r\nrma\r\nsitesnagger\r\nslysearch\r\nsmartdownload\r\nspankbot\r\nspanner \r\nspiderzilla\r\nsteeler\r\nsuperbot\r\nsuperhttp\r\nsurfbot\r\nsuzuran\r\nszukacz\r\ntakeout\r\nteleport pro\r\ntelesoft\r\nturnitinbot\r\nthe.intraformant\r\nthenomad\r\ntighttwatbot\r\ntitan\r\ntocrawl/urldispatcher\r\ntrue_robot\r\nturingos\r\nurly.warning\r\nvci\r\nvoideye\r\nweb image collector\r\nweb sucker\r\nwebauto\r\nwebbandit\r\nwebcopier\r\nwebemailextrac.*\r\nwebenhancer\r\nwebfetch\r\nwebgo is\r\nweb.image.collector\r\nwebleacher\r\nwebmasterworldforumbot\r\nwebreaper\r\nwebsauger\r\nwebsite extractor\r\nwebsite quester\r\\r\nwebstripper\r\nwebwhacker\r\nwebzip\r\nwget\r\nwidow\r\nwebbandit\r\nwwwoffle\r\nwww-collector-e\r\nxaldon webspider\r\nxenu link sleuth\r\nzeus', 25, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:54 pm |
No, that won't work, because it is the same thing the install script does..
I just need the .sql file.
Anyone ? |

Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:03 pm |
Use phpmyAdmin and delete these tables if they exist.
Then, make sure that you have ftp's Sentinel v1.2 files to your server.
Then try running nsnst.php and doing a fresh install. |