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New Member

Joined: Nov 11, 2008
Posts: 6
Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:11 pm |
I first want to say I found this site via google while searching for some assistance with nuke treasury. I'm recently new to php but have gotten a site up and running with full functionality except 1 part of it. which just happens to be the donate-o-meter of this. I had to do some recoding of the script to meet paypals new means of data trasnfer to get the ipn test to pass, but even before or after none of the information in the donate-o-meter block changes. I was wondering if anyone could give me tips and insight on how to get this script to work properly..
I've gone threw about 19 different downloads trying to find a donation meter that works and this was the closest I could come by most of the others were e107, which from what I've read isn't to compatible with phpNuke.
I've read threw many posts on here and most of peoples mistakes were user errors which if thats the case with mine I would be more then happy to take a public lashing over it..
The files are in the correct place and the mySQL database was created. |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:17 am |
Can you please elaborate on what you have tried that isn't working? We have several threads/tutorials on how to ensure it works and to diagnose problems. |

Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:58 am |
Well the Donat-o-Meter stats don't change when people donate, and I get no new IPN records. The only part of the whole addon that I've changed was the post back to paypal system to validate and that was the first 2 header lines to change the url to what paypal had told someone else it should be. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
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Location: near Albany NY
Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:28 am |
Search on "treasury" ... you will find this thread:
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There are specific suggestions for debugging the IPN at the bottom of the thread. |

Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:46 pm |
I understood very little of I suppose to put some special coding into the ipnppd.php so see all the information its returning? because when I do the test via the admin's treasury config panel the test says its ok. I have noticed that no transactions are going into the sql database when donations are sent.
I did however understand
testy1 wrote: |
You just need Instant Payment Notification (IPN) which requires a premium account.The premium account is free so you just upgrade.Once that is done it is as easy as,
1. activating IPN and inputting your notification url
2. Turn on auto reporting and set the url.
3. turn on payment data transfer
4. turn off block non-encrypted payment
5. turn on paypal account optional
and your done |
and did all that. no new ipn records were received though... |

Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:08 pm |
Someone who knows Treasury will have to respond. I'm not sure that the information about needing a premium account is accurate. A subsequent post in the thread contradicted that.
The IPN program in your site is just that ... a computer program. You tell Paypal which program to access on your site when the payment completes. It sends a transaction listing back to that program which executes "asynchronously" ... that is not as part of any particular user's session. The program receives the transaction listing as POST variables, writes them out to a log file on your site, sends a copy of the POST variables back to Paypal which verifies them against its original listing and returns a VALID or INVALID listing depending on whether they match. All this verification is primarily intended for security purposes I believe. There is also an email sent to your adminemail address upon completion in the IPN programs that I've seen.
The debugging suggestions that I made in the thread were intended to help diagnosing problems in the somewhat complex process described above. How well they would work with the Treasury version of the IPN program I don't know. Obviously you need some facility with PHP to be running these diagnostics. |

Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:16 pm |
fkelly wrote: | Someone who knows Treasury will have to respond. I'm not sure that the information about needing a premium account is accurate. A subsequent post in the thread contradicted that.
The IPN program in your site is just that ... a computer program. You tell Paypal which program to access on your site when the payment completes. It sends a transaction listing back to that program which executes "asynchronously" ... that is not as part of any particular user's session. The program receives the transaction listing as POST variables, writes them out to a log file on your site, sends a copy of the POST variables back to Paypal which verifies them against its original listing and returns a VALID or INVALID listing depending on whether they match. All this verification is primarily intended for security purposes I believe. There is also an email sent to your adminemail address upon completion in the IPN programs that I've seen.
The debugging suggestions that I made in the thread were intended to help diagnosing problems in the somewhat complex process described above. How well they would work with the Treasury version of the IPN program I don't know. Obviously you need some facility with PHP to be running these diagnostics. |
Well the account is a premium account so it does have the ipn usage and set up so, while going threw your suggestion of searching for treasury on the site I began attempting but now all I get is a blank white screen when I click the treasury link in the admins mod panel. |

Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:23 pm |
Just go to the main forums page.
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Click on search near the top. Type in treasury in the search box. Hit enter. Select the thread relating to Treasury. Or click on the thread I listed at 11:28 a.m. Take some time and read down through it for debugging suggestions. |

Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:30 pm |
fkelly wrote: | Just go to the main forums page.
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Click on search near the top. Type in treasury in the search box. Hit enter. Select the thread relating to Treasury. Or click on the thread I listed at 11:28 a.m. Take some time and read down through it for debugging suggestions. |
I read threw it several times infact I posted after reading it for my 5th time and stated just how much I understood it when I stated
hutoshi wrote: | I understood very little of I suppose to put some special coding into the ipnppd.php so see all the information its returning? because when I do the test via the admin's treasury config panel the test says its ok. I have noticed that no transactions are going into the sql database when donations are sent. |
So we are on the same page for the debugging the fact is that I haven't a clue of what I'm actually doing because my knowledge with php coding is limited. |

Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:06 pm |
Sorry, if you knowledge of PHP coding is very limited you might not be able to figure this out. You might try posting in the for hire section because for anyone to debug this for you they will have to look on your site and spend a significant amount of time on it. Unless there is someone here who knows Treasury in detail and can help. I don't have any use for Treasury on my sites so I have no idea what it is testing in its control panel when it says things are okay. |

Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:13 pm |
guess I'll just have to wait for raven to post back, worse case come to it I DL the one he has hosted and see if I have any better luck with it...most of the nuke treasuries I found on the net were for e107 which didn't help me at all.. |