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Joined: Dec 01, 2008
Posts: 180
Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:57 pm |
Why are you arguing over who said this who said that, whose religion best whose not, whose prophets the only one who speaks truth or whose don't.
If fact why do u even particpate in a religious institute, call yourself a christian, a muslim, a jew etc, etc, or why do we dictate to others what they have to do, when we are meant to be free to make our own decisions, to learn life for ourselves; others being there to take advice from, to teach us to understand what we know not of or to compromise with.
Religion as caused so much death, so many problems and so much animosity. Well remember religion was formed yeah, but God was here before, speaking and writing was learned and expanded, so to books, but God was here before. So forgot being part of any religion, as long as you have faith.
Faith was here in the beginning but the rest wasn't, so to find the ultimate piece in the paradise of creation, erase yourself from what you have been brainwashed to see, or hear, and revert back to when faith wasn't expectations of men and institutes, but was thankfulness, prayers, forgiveness and learning.
Think about it, if you have grown to only be faced with a certain level of knowledge, that is all you will know; so as it goes for reading one holy book, if you have only read parts of the bible for instance, you will only know of christianity and cathlicism, yet if i am right, every single religious book, is just parts of history that has taken place, in many parts of the world, along with many philosophies, therefore creating seclusion of understanding and dividation of the population.
Take a step outside religion, its books, its classifications, its stories; take away history even, what's left? God that's what.
No body can say they are any better than one another, or demand you have to be this religion or that religion, you have to read this book or that.
When i say how can i be wrong, i refer to if you live good and do not commit any bad, you know God will LOVE you anyway, no matter how your dressed, no matter where you are, no matter who your with, just BE GOOD TO EVERYONE. UNITE as 1. `We all` as 1 Race of People having faith in 1 God.
Angels walk on earth also in this present day, to bring good words, and teach others, are you one of God's angels, or are you helping the mass confused disaray of religious tales? Well where do you want to be in the future?
I know some may disagree(because of what you've been taught), but if you weren't taught, if you weren't grown up around the religion you are possibly in, yet you were created, how would your faith be?. Would you still have faith for God? If you were banned from all temples, all churches, all mosques, etc would you still have faith? Well you can without any of them freely.
Its your mind, your soul, your life, so you live it and let God alone judge you.
x x x
Messenger of God, love all.
x x x |
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Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:07 am |
Every man's way is right in his own eyes. We (you included) are but mere mortal men/women. To follow you and your tenets would be just fruitless. You may mean well but you are not The Son of God, you didn't sacrifice yourself on the cross, and you didn't rise up from the dead nor ascend into heaven. These would be the least of the proofs you would have to offer  |

Joined: Apr 06, 2008
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Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:42 pm |
I am god  |
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Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:27 am |
pureliving, there is a difference. Where many religions follow one book written by one author, I follow (study and apply its principles) a book made up of 66 sub-books with over 30 different authors over the course of a few thousand years, and when taken together, everything ties together in a way that cannot possibly have been done by mere man. In this same book, there are hundreds of prophecies given in the Old Testament of books pointing to the cross of Christ and His ministry on this earth. Every one of those prophesies came true. No other "religious" book can make the same claim.
These are only a small handful of the reasons why I believe, yes, on faith, that the Bible, with its 66 books (i.e., not the new books added by the Catholic church some time later which have numerous contradictions and other concepts that are self-serving IMO) is the Divinely Inspired Work of God, the one and only God, and that when it says it is the "mind of Christ", I believe it.
Man is the one who distorts the Bible and turns it into an excuse for Crusades, persecution, etc. If anyone was even paying attention to Christ's own ministry on the Earth, they would have known that religious persecution was not condoned by God.
I will agree with you that Religion is "bad". In fact, I will go so far as call it evil... Satan's own ace trump to blind man to the Truth. But, as Scripture says: "you can do nothing against the Truth, only for it". The Bible has stood the test of time and it will continue to do so for all of eternity as it is the "mind of Christ". |
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Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:20 pm |
"When the mind which has been wandering in the persuasions of many religions, is brought to rest in contemplation of the Divine, the goal of Yoga shall be thine." The Bhagavad Gita
or as Joe Campbell so aptly put it; 'God is a word, God is an Idea, God is a Thought, BUT that to which it refers is beyond all words, all ideas, all thought!' Alas Man must imprint his ideas, his notions, his characteristics on something that is so beyond his time/space arena. Ergo the rubbish that results in the 'name of their respective gods.' Look to the Middle East as one example where you have some of the major religions of the world, each with his picket fence erected claiming that they have the 'True God' and if you don't believe in his/her/it, well then you are 'on the out'. Look to the Christ Consciousness, the Buddha Mind, the Perennial Philosophy underlining ALL religions, and there one finds one's path.
I believe that if Christ, the Buddha, or any of those Enlightened Beings who have come before us to help us / show us as we move along our respective paths, were to return they would be appalled at the interpretations spun by mankind 'in their respective names'. |

Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:27 pm |
testy1 wrote: | I am god | I don't profess to have neither depth nor span to my knowledge of the Bible, but I seem to recall that somewhere Christ does say, ...... words to the effect..... ' those things which I do, you shall do even greater things.'
I believe there is within each of us some 'Divine Spark' as it were that motivates us to move beyond who and where we are, to find our way back to our eternal home, as it were. Man is evolution in process. As that great Sufi Poet (Rumi) puts it.... " out beyond the wrong doing and the right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there'. |
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Joined: Aug 30, 2006
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Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:01 pm |
i never like to comment on these kinda threads but until we all can accept/respect each other regardless of what kinda faith we believe or how each person chooses to live their life their will always be frustration over it, sadly we all know that wont happen an until it does their will always be anger/hate an frustration towards mankind an i think that just sux.
Their must be something better out their we can do instead of fighting/debating over a subject that i doubt we will Eva reach a happy medium over (re mankind) |

Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:12 pm |
This forum is for debate but not personal attacks. Feel free to comment but as you said, with respect. Feel free to be passionate in demonstrating what/why you believe as you do. There is certainly nothing in this thread that demonstrates disrespect, is there? I think not . Post away. If one of the staff feel someone has stepped over the line we will address it . |

Joined: Jan 17, 2009
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Location: Missouri
Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:03 pm |
I seem to have missed this and skimmed through all but the first post but....
Raven, I try not to ever think of my way as the right way Thats led to alot of trouble.
pureliving, What if you had no religion, teaching etc, but yet you choose to believe in more than 1 God?
I cant actually come to grips with accepting a creator, or someone/something we were created "like; or, in his image", as God or the "Gods" are perfect, something humans don't come close to. I still have faith something did something which somehow made life, life is somehow eternal in some form or another.  |

Joined: Sep 10, 2008
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Location: France,Translator
Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:32 pm |
horrorcode wrote: |
Raven, I try not to ever think of my way as the right way Thats led to alot of trouble.
I try not to think my way is not the only way  |