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Joined: Jan 08, 2009
Posts: 5
Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:06 pm |
Hey all,
I've looked around the forums and not found an answer. I've tried installing both v1.0 and v1.1 and get the same error using both so I think it must be something I'm missing.
Basically, after I edit the file and create the database in sql I uploaded all of the files correctly. I activate the module and create the block.
I get an error " No Database Selected".
It's almost like there is no database in the sql, but I have confirmed that it's there. My next step is to just add it to the main sites database.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
EDIT: I have just added the contents of the SQL file to my main database and the error message has changed:
Table 'newbiesw_phpn0.transactions' doesn't exist (for block location)
Table '' doesn't exist (when trying to set up the module)
The thing is, I have VERIFIED that they are there..
Any ideas??? |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 30, 2004
Posts: 3221
Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:40 pm |
Are you sure your SQL user has permissions to read the newsbiesw_phpn database?
Another thing from another thread - it may be that the should be named config.php and placed in modules/Donations/config.php |
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Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:01 pm |
evaders99 wrote: | Are you sure your SQL user has permissions to read the newsbiesw_phpn database?
Another thing from another thread - it may be that the should be named config.php and placed in modules/Donations/config.php |
Here is the credentials portion of my modules/donations/ file:
/* Database configuration */
$hostname_ipnppd = "";
$database_ipnppd = "newbiesw_donate";
$username_ipnppd = "newbiesw_phpn0";
$password_ipnppd = "xxxxxxx";
the user: newbiesw_phpn0 has full permissions on localhost and
Will also try the rename and come back in 5 mins.
As you can see from the above, I have re-installed the module. I have done the following:
1) Created Database: newbiesw_donate
2) Imported the sql file using myphp import tool
3) changed permissions for user newbiesw_phpn0 on localhost and to have full permission to database newbiesw_donate
4) Edited to reflect the credentials as above (password changed)
5) Copied the file and renamed it to config.php and put it in the same directory
I am still getting the same error. No Database Selected |

Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:53 am |
Table 'newbiesw_phpn0.transactions' doesn't exist
If that is the error, it says that 'newsbiesw_phpn0' is the database name itself, not the user name. But it is in $username_ipnppd - which doesn't make much sense.
There may be a coding error somewhere. I would try making the database name and user name consistent ... the same. Maybe it will work then |

Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:49 pm |
evaders99 wrote: | Code:
Table 'newbiesw_phpn0.transactions' doesn't exist
If that is the error, it says that 'newsbiesw_phpn0' is the database name itself, not the user name. But it is in $username_ipnppd - which doesn't make much sense.
There may be a coding error somewhere. I would try making the database name and user name consistent ... the same. Maybe it will work then |
That WAS actually the uname and dbname for my nuke install. However as I mentioned, I created a new db for treasury called newbiesw_donate and still get the same error. Not sure what else to do .. im a lil stumped, I had this working about a year ago but took my site down. Now Im putting it back up and havving no joy. |

Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:48 pm |
Got it figured out... It appears that my webhost had 2 myphpaccounts set up for me. The database was being added to the wrong myphp.
As soon as I added the tables to the correct db, boom .. working no problem.
Thanks for your replies!
DeMoN |

Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:40 am |
It's always the simple stuff. Thanks for letting us know! |

Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:30 am |
No problem.. it's a great mod/block and im happy to be running it... if if no will ever donate..  |