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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:36 pm Reply with quote

On the top left of my page Im getting


Viewing source

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="./themes/mytheme.css" type="text/css" />

Im guessing an encoding issue? Will look on changing it unless I get a reply here first on where to do so.

Also running install sql errors
CREATE TABLE `nuke_seo_dh` (`dhid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `levelsort` int(1) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `mid` int(11) NOT NULL, `lang` varchar(30) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `active` int(1) NOT NULL, `metavalue` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`dhid`), KEY `levelsort` (`levelsort`,`title`,`id`,`mid`)) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 FAILED. MySQL reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `mid
INSERT INTO `nuke_seo_dh` (`dhid`, `levelsort`, `title`, `id`, `mid`, `lang`, `active`, `metavalue`) VALUES (1, 0, '', 0, 1, '', 1, '%slogan% - %sitename%'), (2, 0, '', 0, 5, '', 1, 'text/javascript'), (3, 0, '', 0, 6, '', 1, 'text/css'), (4, 0, '', 0, 8, '', 1, '0'), (5, 0, '', 0, 16, '', 1, 'DOCUMENT'), (6, 0, '', 0, 17, '', 1, 'GLOBAL'), (7, 0, '', 0, 18, '', 1, '%sitename%'), (8, 0, '', 0, 19, '', 1, 'Copyright (c) %year% by %sitename%'), (9, 0, '', 0, 20, '', 1, 'Welcome to %sitename%. %slogan%'), (10, 0, '', 0, 21, '', 1, 'RavenNuke, news, technology, headlines, nuke, phpnuke, php-nuke, CMS, content management system'), (11, 0, '', 0, 22, '', 1, 'INDEX, FOLLOW'), (12, 0, '', 0, 23, '', 1, '1 DAY'), (13, 0, '', 0, 24, '', 1, 'GENERAL'), (14, 0, '', 0, 25, '', 1, 'RavenNuke(tm) Copyright (c) 2002-2009 by Gaylen Fraley. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt). RavenNuke(tm) is supported by the RavenNuke(tm) Team at http://www.ravenphpscripts.com .') FAILED. MySQL reported: Table 'phpnuke.nuke_seo_dh' doesn't exist
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'nuke_seo_dh_master' Succeeded.

CREATE TABLE `nuke_seo_dh_master` (`mid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `order` int(5) NOT NULL, `type` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `name` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `default` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `active` int(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`mid`), KEY `order` (`order`)) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 FAILED. MySQL reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `name` varchar(50) collate
INSERT INTO `nuke_seo_dh_master` (`mid`, `order`, `type`, `name`, `default`, `active`) VALUES (1, 0, 'title', 'title', '$slogan', 1), (2, 100, 'http-equiv', 'refresh', '', 0), (3, 200, 'http-equiv', 'Content-Type', '', 0), (4, 300, 'http-equiv', 'Content-Language', '', 0), (5, 400, 'http-equiv', 'Content-Script-Type', 'text/javascript', 1), (6, 500, 'http-equiv', 'Content-Style-Type', 'text/css', 1), (7, 600, 'http-equiv', 'Pragma', 'no-cache', 1), (8, 700, 'http-equiv', 'Expires', '0', 1), (9, 800, 'http-equiv', 'Ext-cache', '', 0), (10, 900, 'http-equiv', 'set-cookie', '', 0), (11, 1000, 'http-equiv', 'window-target', '', 0), (12, 1100, 'http-equiv', 'PICS-Label', '', 0), (13, 1200, 'http-equiv', 'Cache-Control', '', 0), (14, 1300, 'http-equiv', 'Vary', '', 0), (15, 1400, 'name', 'ROBOTS', 'NOARCHIVE', 0), (16, 1500, 'name', 'RESOURCE-TYPE', 'DOCUMENT', 1), (17, 1600, 'name', 'DISTRIBUTION', 'GLOBAL', 1), (18, 1700, 'name', 'AUTHOR', '$sitename', 1), (19, 1800, 'name', 'COPYRIGHT', 'Copyright (c) 2009 by $sitename', 1), (20, 1900, 'name', 'DESCRIPTION', '$slogan', 1), (21, 2000, 'name', 'KEYWORDS', 'news, technology, headlines, nuke, phpnuke, php-nuke, geek, geeks, hacker, hackers', 1), (22, 2100, 'name', 'ROBOTS', 'INDEX, FOLLOW', 1), (23, 2200, 'name', 'REVISIT-AFTER', '1 DAY', 1), (24, 2300, 'name', 'RATING', 'GENERAL', 1), (25, 2400, 'name', 'GENERATOR', 'RavenNuke(tm) Copyright (c) 2002-2009 by Gaylen Fraley. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt). RavenNuke(tm) is supported by the RavenNuke(tm) Team at http://www.ravenphpscripts.com .', 1) FAILED. MySQL reported: Table 'phpnuke.nuke_seo_dh_master' doesn't exist
SELECT * FROM nuke_modules WHERE `title` = 'nukeNAV' Succeeded.

I was able to insert once I removed all references to collate latin1_general_ci but figured id mention it

I also had a quick question about the navbar with the options to alter seo tags. I havent looked into it much yet but was curious as to whether or not there was a block option for this for themes were it might just not fit? I want to be able to access this option but will not be able to use it on my current theme.

Ill go mess around with it a bit more and see if i find anything else but thats it for now.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:01 pm Reply with quote

I guess you didnt take the time to read some posts on the forum.
This post will help you but please read before posting.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:15 pm Reply with quote

unicornio, admin? another new name? Your post is very rude

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:32 pm Reply with quote

Yes it was a bit rid, Im glad Im not the only one who thought as much.

Unicornio have you bothered to use the search feature for  ? It gets parsed out, it does not show.


Im glad out of all I wrote thats all you had to say

Id say thanks for your help but i dont think Ill take the time.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:38 pm Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:56 pm Reply with quote

spasticdonkey, Ty sir

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:24 pm Reply with quote

Thanks that took care of the issue.

I did notice when altering the title tags via the seo in nav im coming up with titles like:

Forums - SITENAME - Forums - - SITENAME

When the title is just set to:

Forums - %sitename%

And When theres no overides Im getting Forums - - SITENAME. Notice the double - -

1. I dont use a siteslogan how would i alter this from showing the double - - as a default?
2. And any ideas on why my altered titles are showing as posted above?
3. Is there a Navblock or away to just add the seo button to the site for just admin? Im not interested in having the entire navbar on site or displayed publicy.

Thanks for any help.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:31 pm Reply with quote

it adds a separator and suffix automatically, which changes depending on what content level the page is... you can edit the separator and suffix, see includes/nukeSEO/dh/dh.class.php

you'll need a separator in there though, as I'm sure it's used for other stuff.

and there is a block which you can set to admin only to remove the need for the nukeNAV menu, if that's how you want it.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:31 am Reply with quote

thanks I was able to reformat the default titles the way i want I ended up removing one of the "-" and the slogan since I dont use one.

Ive seen the nukenav block but it doesnt have to SEO button that Im looking for. Im not worried about the navigation , just the ability to alter the keywords/title/desc. Was trying to see if there was a block that included that opposed to trying to work the nav into the theme and restricting to admin view only
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:40 pm Reply with quote

You could create your own block and in the editor, click source and paste the following
<p><a href="modules.php?name=nukeNAV&amp;op=SEO&amp;dhName=News&amp;index=y" class="colorbox">SEO</a></p>

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:11 am Reply with quote

i think he was looking at the wrong block, try block-nukeSEOdh.php block, not block-nukeNAV.php

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:37 pm Reply with quote

The block-nukeSEOdh.php just displays your keywords, title, desc. I was just looking for the seo button to actually over ride the tags not display them. I didnt want to use the complete navbar in a theme. Was looking for a way to put in a block or to just show that button to admin somewhere on each page.


Wouldnt work it would need somethink to pull the module name wouldnt it? Something like:


PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:49 pm Reply with quote

justbrowsing wrote:
The block-nukeSEOdh.php just displays your keywords, title, desc. I was just looking for the seo button to actually over ride the tags not display them.

i'd look at that block again, it doesn't display the override meta tags link if you are in the admin area. go to a page that you can override tags on an look for a link at the bottom of the block Smile

if you still don't see a link make sure the nukeNAV module is set to active and invisible...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:59 pm Reply with quote

Sorry about that seems I was mistaken the block does include a link to override meta info

modules.php?name=nukeNAV&amp;op=SEO&amp;dhName=' . $name . $parms . '"

instead of


Thanks thats all i needed will add that to the theme as admin view only

The only other thing that hasnt been answered yet is the double display problem


Module will show up

Module name - sitename

but if i change it to a custom tag say Module name2 - sitename

I get

Module name2 - sitename - Module name2 - sitename

Hopefully that made enough sense

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:49 pm Reply with quote

back to includes/nukeSEO/dh/dh.class.php

class dhclass  {

 * Configurable options:
   var $dt_sDelim = ' - ';            // You may change this to whatever you wish to use
   // If a title is generated, the suffix will be preceeded by $dt_sDelim
   var $dh_sModSuffix     = '%module% - %slogan% - %sitename%';
   var $dh_sCatSuffix     = '%sitename%';
   var $dh_sSubCatSuffix  = '%sitename%';
   var $dh_sContentSuffix = '%sitename%';
   var $dh_bLinkCatSubcat = true; // Subcategory is linked to Category, if false subcategory and category are unrelated
   var $dt_iTextSize = 90;            // This will restrict the total size of the Page Title (yes, it will chop off words)
   var $dt_bUseCustNm = true;      // true = will use custom module name - default; false = use regular module name
   var $dt_bUseBBCensor = true;   // true = will use the phpBB word censor pairs for the forum Page Titles

you said you removed slogan, right? that means the module level override will add
- %module% - %sitename%
automatically to the end of a title.

If you do an override as %module% - %sitename% you end up with %module% - %sitename% - %module% - %sitename%

If you just want it titled %module% - %sitename% you don't need overrides. If you want to change the module name edit it in the modules admin under "Custom Title". If you have a saved override for the module you will need to delete it in the modal popup Smile
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