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Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 6437
Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:49 pm |
A continuation of Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! post. It is a summary of the most requested lust factors and is NOT a road map.
Installation / Distribution
- Modular build of the distribution so you can pick the modules, themes, and languages you want to support and not have to load files you don't ever intend to use. Take a look at how Gallery does this: you can install a base set and then go into maintenance mode and load "add-ons" one at a time.
- Version checker in Admin
Themes / Appearance
- GUI ala Worpress or utilise CSS for individual blocks so they can be hidden/shown/expanded/compressed. A site admin might wish to have available a number of blocks but a user should have the final 'option' as to which 'blocks' of data they see.
- Removal of links to duplicate or 'substantially similar content'. For example the news 'readmore', 'comment', and 'rate' links. Why not have all that data available on one page and use something like AJAX to add a comment or 'rating' instead of one link for the news item, another link for the news item and comments, another link for the news item and user ratings.
- Ability to use a different default theme depending on whether the user is registered or not... A nice lightweight SEO friendly theme for search engines and unregistered users, and a more dynamic, higher bandwidth consuming theme with more features, for registered users.
- Ability for users to customize which blocks they see (maybe expand/collapse), and possibly where they appear, and have the site remember those settings for next time.
- An easier way of arranging the blocks / AJAX block maintenance
- How about news stories being displayed in something like the "featured content slider" from dynamic drive?
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Improved Language support
- Better language handling and complete seperation of markup from plain text (literals).
- Auto detect users preferred language so we don't have the current situation where for example someone from Germany visits an English site and cannot read the text to register because the site has English as default (just an example).
- Multilingual keywords
- Multilingual blocks
Video Support - where? Forums, news...
Permissions (Groups) -
- More granular permissions - read/write/edit/delete . As an example, you might want to allow specific individuals to write news posts without having to wait for admin approval but not give them 'admin' status. Likewise you might want to give individuals 'edit/delete' functionality to 'Moderate' news items but not give them admin status (same could apply to news comments).
- A better interface to nsngroups (along the lines of RNYA?) and maybe integration with RNYA and a standard approach to using groups to control privileges. While the "old" admin interface for RN probably can not be phased out in one release, there is no reason a groups approach could not work in conjunction with it.
- A new version of the Site Info block with more options - like what?
- Module-specific blocks (aka blocks by module)
Your Account / User Management
- Profile Image, Content Account (what forums, what galleries, what PM, what News, what Pages, what links, what addons, if any) Links to skype, facebook.
- A "throwaway" registration field type - required for registration only (iow, some registration data deleted after approval) Throwaway registration field type = required for registration, but private (i.e. would still be there, but only visible to admin)
- optionally replacing the RN captcha with Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! and / or a new way of creating a CAPTCHA that does not require any fonts, server side GD libraries or any other server side dependancies and whats more, no numbers or letters to type (Guardian)
-'s Friends functionality
-'s account / profile Edit in Place functionality
- Members_List module to link to RNYA not forum profiles
Social Networking
- Users should have the ability to specify which social networking sites they belong to so links to 'add' content to those sites can be dynamically generated within aproppriate content pages i.e. News, Content, Forum posts...
- Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! integration for comments
- Ability to 'tag' news articles or content pages, forum posts etc with keywords. Possible have an auto generated list of the 5 most frequently used words in that data set, with the ability to edit from them (add/delete) and also manually 'prioritise' the order in which they appear and even create tag 'words' which when clicked, link to a specific url or a search results page (ala Swiki).
- Building on the tags system in Content Plus would be cool. Maybe make it work, (and easy to implement) for multiple modules so when browsing tags you get results from all over the site
Mailer / HTML Newsletter
- Ability to validate and process text file lists right through the HTML newsletter
- Also to process emails in "batches" to work better with servers and avoid job size limitations.
Subscriptions/Donations - ?
- Ability to show last updates of a download file or implementation of NSN GR downloads enhanced with several new features.
- Allow anonymous posting of comments (remove all HTML) with the same anti-spam techniques used in those other blogging systems like Akismet.
- Tricked Out / NSN News 2 enhancements
- Within the forums module integration of a report mod.
- Move to PHPBB3 and stop support for PHPBB2 with way LESS integration ... just have a users bridge and that's it. Use the native PHPBB3 code ... including their templates instead of our themes. Eliminate thousands of duplicative files that are currently in our /themes/forums and includes directories. Since we would be using native PHPBB code we could rely on them for support rather than an overtaxed RN staff. And yeah I know there would be a lot of whining ... so what.
- More default bbcode features like "advanced bbcode box" - like ability to post youtube and google videos directly on the boards, as well as other features.
- better surveys/polls? this Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! is simple but cool ( Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!)
- limitations in block and module by IP and user to prevent multiple votes?
New Modules
- Link to us module.
- Classified Ads
- Image Gallery - a plug and play for flicker, picasa, etc.
- nukeSEO Sitemap
- nukecoder's Docs Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
- MS Analysis
- Update / improved AvantGo module - look at Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! (link courtesy NukeEvangelist). Very interesting...
- Bookmarks - allow members to save bookmarks on this site and / or import bookmarks from browser? Export bookmarks from this site to browser?
There have also been some internal / structural changes (namely, improved HTML filtering).
Thoughts? Let the fun begin... |
_________________ I search, therefore I exist...
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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928
Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:54 am |
I would like a see a "Blank" module added.
I know you are going huh?
On the admin side have an editor....on the public side show what ever was input into the editor.
It would work just like a new "Content" page....except it would be a MOD and have it's own admin.
This way anyone could create just about anything they wanted....have MOD access control.
If you wanted to be niffty about it....have a config area in the MOD that changed the name and alllowed you to add a Pic for use in the admin area. Need a new MOD? Copy the blank one...change the name....upload it...activate it and away you go.
What brought this up is I belong to a Car Club...they are aways wanting something....but the access to the "Content" area is for the entire MOD only not by the single page. So I create fuzzy little MODs with no admin to display whatever they want.
A blank MOD with the editor built in would be an easy solution.
Just a thought...
Dawg |

Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:27 pm |
Some other applications (OS, CMS) have installation profiles / multiple downloads where functions / modules are grouped. In other words, you download a version for community websites or a version for corporate / product-focused websites. I'm not sure that makes sense for RN. What do you think? |
Site Admin

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Posts: 2583
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:52 pm |
kguske wrote: | Some other applications (OS, CMS) have installation profiles / multiple downloads where functions / modules are grouped. In other words, you download a version for community websites or a version for corporate / product-focused websites. I'm not sure that makes sense for RN. What do you think? |
I think that is a great idea. We just need to get to the point where everything is truly modular. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |
New Member

Joined: Jan 03, 2010
Posts: 16
Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:08 am |
kguske wrote: |
Within the forums module integration of a report mod.
Move to PHPBB3 and stop support for PHPBB2 with way LESS integration ... just have a users bridge and that's it. Use the native PHPBB3 code ... including their templates instead of our themes. Eliminate thousands of duplicative files that are currently in our /themes/forums and includes directories. Since we would be using native PHPBB code we could rely on them for support rather than an overtaxed RN staff. And yeah I know there would be a lot of whining ... so what.
It's the beginning of a new year and i think it's time to kick the old phpbb2 and move on to phpbb3
Give us a bridge that works  |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
Posts: 9457
Location: Arizona
Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:43 am |
nuke_q7 wrote: | i think it's time to kick the old phpbb2 and move on to phpbb3 |
I am 100% with you here... been so for many moons...  |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:21 pm |
Nothing else is a priority or interesting? |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 3312
Location: near Albany NY
Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:03 pm |
Reverse engineering modularity into RN, and the installer, is going to be an enormous task. Just to be explicit I'd love to see us load just the MYSQL tables that are required for core plus the modules the person chooses. But that requires us to have a sort of table of MYSQL tables to modules/core matrix and probably also write checks into the code to make sure that a table exists before we actually do a query against it. Or, check on the status of modules before doing any database queries and not do queries against tables for modules which aren't installed.
Put this together with finally coming up with and implementing a filtering standard and the RN team will be very busy for the next year or so. |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Dec 02, 2006
Posts: 1693
Location: Texas, USA
Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:21 pm |
The list is so long I've been afraid to suggest anything more
I'd like to see a developer/maintenance mode as a quick way to close off the site to visitors and search engines. If you are developing a site by yourself xampp is fine, but if you have multiple authors and developers contributing to a site before it's launch, online is the way to go... at least for me
I had a site that I worked on for 2.5yr and the only effective way to keep prying eyes out was to lock it down via htaccess. This was limiting, and managed to ban myself on the server level several times to boot  |

Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:31 pm |
There is a maintenance mode in nukesentinel. |

Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:49 pm |
wow, I had never seen that, thx
even has a template to edit.. |

Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:02 am |
The only problem with it - and we should be able to fix it - is it throws the site out of XHTML compliance, making it difficult to make any final tweaks you may need compliance-wise. But, again, this can be fixed. |

Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:39 am |
a better reviews system that plugs into google's standards, so you can get cool stars and other extra info next to your listings, which really makes them standout from the crowd...
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Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:31 pm |
kguske wrote: |
Installation / Distribution
- Modular build of the distribution so you can pick the modules, themes, and languages you want to support and not have to load files you don't ever intend to use. Take a look at how Gallery does this: you can install a base set and then go into maintenance mode and load "add-ons" one at a time.
- Version checker in Admin
I did start something a while back but sadly it turned to vapoware as enthusiasm waned. Basically it was a 'Module Manager' module that stored the list of files and file locations as well as the DB structure for the modules in XML files so they could be manipulated to install/delete/ CRC check files for a given module and also install/delete corresponding DB data. Although this was really menat for third party modules, it should have been extensible.
Themes / Appearance
- GUI ala Worpress or utilise CSS for individual blocks so they can be hidden/shown/expanded/compressed. A site admin might wish to have available a number of blocks but a user should have the final 'option' as to which 'blocks' of data they see.
I think Palbin is currently working on something like this
- Removal of links to duplicate or 'substantially similar content'. For example the news 'readmore', 'comment', and 'rate' links. Why not have all that data available on one page and use something like AJAX to add a comment or 'rating' instead of one link for the news item, another link for the news item and comments, another link for the news item and user ratings.
Currently working on a 'global' rating system (may or may not be released commercially) and if it works as planned, it should be extnedable to comments too. *Note* I have no desire or interest in migrating old data at this time
- Ability to use a different default theme depending on whether the user is registered or not... A nice lightweight SEO friendly theme for search engines and unregistered users, and a more dynamic, higher bandwidth consuming theme with more features, for registered users.
Excellent idea!
- How about news stories being displayed in something like the "featured content slider" from dynamic drive?
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Nice but the thing I really don't like about it is the way it causes the page to 'judder' when each 'slide' does not have the exact same amount of content. If you are ready something lower down on the page, the text often judders up and down a few lines making reading content a pita.
Improved Language support
- Better language handling and complete seperation of markup from plain text (literals).
- Auto detect users preferred language so we don't have the current situation where for example someone from Germany visits an English site and cannot read the text to register because the site has English as default (just an example).
- Multilingual keywords
- Multilingual blocks
There's lost of stuff out there now to take care of most of this, browser language sniffing, on-the-fly translation etc.
Your Account / User Management
- optionally replacing the RN captcha with Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! and / or a new way of creating a CAPTCHA that does not require any fonts, server side GD libraries or any other server side dependancies and whats more, no numbers or letters to type (Guardian)
As an option, reCAPTCHA is pretty good but it can/does get laggy as it uses a third party site. I'm glad you mentioned this as now we have a more dynamic 'head' I can revisit some other idea's I was toying with a while ago that did not require the use of numbers/text or any typing
-'s Friends functionality
-'s account / profile Edit in Place functionality
- Members_List module to link to RNYA not forum profiles
I liked those, so it's a vote from me. I did do some work on MemberList a while ago adding nofollow tags etc so I'll take this one up. It already tests for Forum data and dislays it if it's there so it would be good to enhance it a little more and get RNYA data.
Social Networking
- Users should have the ability to specify which social networking sites they belong to so links to 'add' content to those sites can be dynamically generated within aproppriate content pages i.e. News, Content, Forum posts...
- Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! integration for comments
I like the idea of users being able to 'store' social networking sites they use and being able to dynamically generate appropriate links (I'm a big fan of but I'm not so keen on using Disqus for comments - it's a third party site so it may be subject to lag. It might also turn into a paid service which means some users would inevitably lose all their data.
New Modules
- Image Gallery - a plug and play for flicker, picasa, etc.
I'll donate a plug'n'play Picassa Gallery module if there is sufficient interest

Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:18 pm |
Commenting on above
Legend: Guardian2003 | spasticdonkey
Themes / Appearance
GUI ala Worpress or utilise CSS for individual blocks so they can be hidden/shown/expanded/compressed. A site admin might wish to have available a number of blocks but a user should have the final 'option' as to which 'blocks' of data they see.
I think Palbin is currently working on something like this
I really like this, but I'd also like to see blocks definable by module as well
Removal of links to duplicate or 'substantially similar content'. For example the news 'readmore', 'comment', and 'rate' links. Why not have all that data available on one page and use something like AJAX to add a comment or 'rating' instead of one link for the news item, another link for the news item and comments, another link for the news item and user ratings.
Currently working on a 'global' rating system (may or may not be released commercially) and if it works as planned, it should be extnedable to comments too. *Note* I have no desire or interest in migrating old data at this time
I saw your rating system, awesome! Very pro looking and doesn't look like phpnuke
How about news stories being displayed in something like the "featured content slider" from dynamic drive?
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Nice but the thing I really don't like about it is the way it causes the page to 'judder' when each 'slide' does not have the exact same amount of content. If you are ready something lower down on the page, the text often judders up and down a few lines making reading content a pita.
I agree I wouldn't want something that makes the page content jump around, it would have to be inside a fixed size DIV and would probably be to limiting for news stories. Maybe it's a job for a custom block or "tricked out" messages
Your Account / User Management's Friends functionality's account / profile Edit in Place functionality
Members_List module to link to RNYA not forum profiles[/list]
I liked those, so it's a vote from me. I did do some work on MemberList a while ago adding nofollow tags etc so I'll take this one up. It already tests for Forum data and dislays it if it's there so it would be good to enhance it a little more and get RNYA data.
I'd like all those ideas and I'd also like to see an all new memberlist module that doesn't just look like an extension of the forums. Support for displaying custom fields, buddy system and buddy suggestions (ala facebook, friends of friends), all users have country flags by IP, (buddy suggestions by country), recent members, top posters, ajax member search, and, I'll stop there
Social Networking
Users should have the ability to specify which social networking sites they belong to so links to 'add' content to those sites can be dynamically generated within aproppriate content pages i.e. News, Content, Forum posts...
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! integration for comments[/list]
I like the idea of users being able to 'store' social networking sites they use and being able to dynamically generate appropriate links (I'm a big fan of but I'm not so keen on using Disqus for comments - it's a third party site so it may be subject to lag. It might also turn into a paid service which means some users would inevitably lose all their data.
At one point I had looked at trying to port the wordpress plugin cute profiles
which I thought could be a pretty good fit for displaying user profile links, completely css (and sprite) based requiring no head js. At the moment it's a left floating menu with mouseover effects, but you could reformat however needed. The plugin ended up to be more of a re-write than a port, so I put it on the shelf for awhile... but could be pretty cool to diplay them on a user's page.
a way for users to add widgets from facebook, youtube, etc would be cool too.
New Modules
Image Gallery - a plug and play for flicker, picasa, etc.
I'll donate a plug'n'play Picassa Gallery module if there is sufficient interest
I'd like to see RN have an image gallery of some sort, but I think it needs to offer uploading capability. If it has the functionality to display external services like flicker and picasa (if applicable to the user) thats a big plus; but IMO it needs the ability to work independent of third-party sites. Having it interface and/or display on the RNYA user page would be a big plus as well. |

Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:39 pm |
spasticdonkey wrote: | Commenting on above
Legend: Guardian2003 | spasticdonkey
Themes / Appearance
GUI ala Worpress or utilise CSS for individual blocks so they can be hidden/shown/expanded/compressed. A site admin might wish to have available a number of blocks but a user should have the final 'option' as to which 'blocks' of data they see.
I think Palbin is currently working on something like this
I really like this, but I'd also like to see blocks definable by module as well
spasticdonkey, I already have thought of that, but it makes the "moveable Blocks" thing exponentially harder to do. So I'm still in the thinking stages about that. Probably have to go to a database based system instead of cookies because it would be to hard to manage from a user perspective in my opinion. Especially if you use more than one computer.
spasticdonkey wrote: | Commenting on above
Legend: Guardian2003 | spasticdonkey
Your Account / User Management's Friends functionality's account / profile Edit in Place functionality
Members_List module to link to RNYA not forum profiles[/list]
I liked those, so it's a vote from me. I did do some work on MemberList a while ago adding nofollow tags etc so I'll take this one up. It already tests for Forum data and dislays it if it's there so it would be good to enhance it a little more and get RNYA data.
I'd like all those ideas and I'd also like to see an all new memberlist module that doesn't just look like an extension of the forums. Support for displaying custom fields, buddy system and buddy suggestions (ala facebook, friends of friends), all users have country flags by IP, (buddy suggestions by country), recent members, top posters, ajax member search, and, I'll stop there
Sound good! When you starting ....  |

Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:51 am |
I'll have to dig up several modules from the CNBYA days. I've seen a nice "Bios" one and one that is more of a true "Contacts" kind of thing... |

Joined: Dec 01, 2005
Posts: 593
Location: Santiago, Dominican Republic
Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:35 pm |
I see there's a plenty of people expecting a built-in gallery for RavenNuke, once upon a time I started to code a gallery from scratch and right now is usable but not completed, no upload capabilities at the time, images have to be uploaded via FTP, but it will auto-detect new pics on request, i did receive good and encouraging comments from teh community, so that's my primary goal at this time, hope to release a stable beta version in the next few months... Don't be hopeless!!!
Something i like to see added to core is to have some standard functions added to mainfile, so that all modules can gain access to that mainfile function instead of each module reinventing the wheel every time they want that specific functionality. By that i mean to have let's say... universal file upload function, universal comments system, universal rating system, add your own here... and of course each module can dynamically set/modify the expected parameters at function call time.
The other thing, universal tag and search module, based on my work on Content Plus tags system, I have long time thinking on possible ideas to expand this this functionality to the whole system...
mmmmm running out of ideas.... continur typing later  |
_________________ "For those whom have not reach the sky... Every mountain seems high"
Best Regards
Jonathan Estrella |

Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:15 pm |
Yet another thing is the themes (visual styles)... We really need to review the themes that get shipped by default. We need to jump to the web 2.0 world and visual appeal is a key factor on this, we need to get rid of all those ugly old full of tables themes and replace with brand new state of the art set of themes of our choice... maybe even we can do a contest for the themes to include so we get input from the community...
There were a recent discussion about removing the journal module... so, it's time to once again invoke/involve the community on what are the modules they are currently really using...
Last but not least (by this time) I want to see all the news ecosystem joint into just one module called news, so that all that bunch of others directories are set into just one (getting rid of Topics, Submit news, stories archive... Am I missing yet another?) |

Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:19 pm |
Thank, jestrella! Just an FYI: I will expand / replace mSearch to use the nukeSEO classes and possibly some more. It will be developed in conjunction with a new sitemap... |

Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:24 pm |
mSearch is just great and I know it will get even better with your coding  |

Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:52 pm |
Something else I think many people would really like: the ability to upload topic images on the topic administration page.
Really - it's 2010! |

Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:03 pm |
jestrella wrote: | ... universal file upload function, universal comments system, universal rating system, add your own here... and of course each module can dynamically set/modify the expected parameters at function call time. |
awesome idea! How about an easy way to retrieve and display custom fields?
excited by all the ideas and the sneak peak into everyone's own 'lust factors'  |

Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:26 pm |
kguske wrote: | Something else I think many people would really like: the ability to upload topic images on the topic administration page.
Really - it's 2010! |
Yeah, I think it's time we looked at some sort of globally accessible upload stuff. |

Joined: Nov 06, 2005
Posts: 339
Location: Los Angeles, USA
Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:24 pm |
I just have to say that even if 10% of the mentioned gets accomplished it will be truly great to see! RN already rocks! I say it would be great to see more on social bookmarks. Regarding gallery flickr is the future. I see it in a lot of wordpress widgets now.
jc |
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