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Joined: Apr 15, 2003
Posts: 466
Location: FL
Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:56 am |
OK, once again, please forgive me if this is touched on & I am repeating things here. I've looked & haven't found my answer. So....
I just uploaded RN2.40 to the server. Went to my just fine.
I had already created the database on MySQL, & edited the config.php file. When I go to the install page I get this error:
Quote: | MySQL Database Connectivity Test Results
config.php file found!
I was unable to reach your MySQL server using the MySQL connection settings in your nuke config.php file. The exact error that MySQL reported is:
MySQL Error # 2 = Access denied for user '*****'@'localhost' (using password: YES) | I've tried changing the MySQL to MySql (it worked for meonce before ) & also to mysql because when I logged into PHPMyAdmin it shows it listed that way, in all lower case. No joy here, either.
I've never had much luck with auto creating d/b & on older versions of Nuke used to just do it from PHPMyAdmin manually.
I'm stuck. ANy suggestions on what my issue is (other than insanity, people!)
Where, oh where is my coder in Raven Armor??????? |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Mar 11, 2007
Posts: 2024
Location: North Carolina
Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:01 am |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:48 am |
I guess I need to pull up my knickers & go home. I read this last night. But went back today & read again. I checked the chmod on my .htaaccess &.staaccess. Can't find an # ultramode.txt or the following:
# /includes/FCKeditor/upload/File
# /includes/FCKeditor/upload/Flash
# /includes/FCKeditor/upload/Image
# /includes/FCKeditor/upload/Media
Yes, I did look thru the folders for the FCK editor & right about now FCK is about how I feel except add a few letters. LOL. Sorry, I'm a sick person...ask Raven, he can vouch for me.
I should be connecting with this d/b, but I ain't.
I'm rusty here, is there an Idiot version? h wait....that's what the wiki is. Well is there is super idiot version.
Heck, I'm just a dumb Skin.... |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:05 pm |
Those should be
and ultramode.txt has been removed from the distro. |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:28 pm |
Maybe I have a corrupt upload. My uploads folder contains nothing but index.html
At least I know I'm not blind now. I couldn't find the dang ultramode to ave my life.
Can you tell I'm easily frustrated? |
Site Admin

Joined: Feb 06, 2006
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Location: United Kingdom
Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:50 pm |
I've updated the wiki accordingly.  |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:55 pm |
Thanks, jakec. Helps idiots like me.
OK, guess I'll empty the site & start over. The loud scream you hear coming from the SE is me. |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:00 pm |
Ain't it good to have her back?  |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:05 pm |
What file type type did you download for 2.40.01?
I've just downloaded the 7ZIP version and there were the right files in the uploads directory. |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:13 pm |
I d/l the zip version. But deleted everything & am gonna try a fresh start just for s&g. I swear, I have always had trouble with the auto tables. Don't ask me why....
Thanks Raven..ya know I luvz ya! |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:46 pm |
Got it! All this time, I really am blind. This server has a rule I've not used before, where the user name has the prefix like the d/b does. Am I saying this right? I had my user name entered & with this server it needs to be such as this: $dbuname_username.
I've always just entered the info like this:
Quote: | $dbuname = 'username'; (instead it has to be like this $dbuname=dbuname_'username';
$dbpass = 'password';
$dbname = 'username_nukedb'; |
Anyone ever seen this before? Am I just naive & stoopid?
The good news is it now works!
Anyway, thanks for the help & putting up with my tantrums.
Hang in there, you'll grow to love me..........
Thanx, Neahwah, Pilamaya! |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:55 pm |
OK, spoke too soon. When I went to run the server environment check I get this error:
Quote: | uploads/file/ Not Found - Not Writeable
uploads/flash/ Not Found - Not Writeable
uploads/image/ Not Found - Not Writeable
uploads/media/ Not Found - Not Writeable |
Checked the folder on server, nothing but index.html & the ftp log file. Checked the files in my d/load & they aren't there either. Te file fairy musta stole 'em.
I really don't wanna go thru all this do-over stuff again. Please, somebody have mercy & send me these bloody files? |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:04 pm |
What ftp client are you using? |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 1123
Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:32 pm |
Hi Deseroka
FlashFXP is a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client for Windows, it offers you easy and fast ways to transfer any file between other local computers (LAN - Local Area Network) running a FTP server or via the Internet (WAN - Wide Area Network) and even directly between two servers using Site to Site transfers (FXP - File eXchange Protocol). This is what I use for more than 3 years. You will not find something better like this one. Try it and let me know. I never had problems. |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:51 pm |
I'm using ws-ftp. But that's not gonna put those files in the folder I downloaded. I also noticed that my output_buffering is off. Got my php.ini file, just unsure of where to put
php_flag register_globals off. This should be simple enuff, I'll stick it in the .htaaccess file if I have to.
My biggest issue is that when checking server enviroment I get the error I listed above. Here it is again:
Quote: | uploads/file/ Not Found - Not Writeable
uploads/flash/ Not Found - Not Writeable
uploads/image/ Not Found - Not Writeable
uploads/media/ Not Found - Not Writeable |
Notice that it says they are not found. They are not in the folder that I uploaded to the server, nor or they in the folder that I downloaded. I looked. Now if they were in the zip file I downloaded & never made it to my server I could understand the FTP client question, and God knows I'm always willing to try something new & see if it's better than what I got. But the FTP client had nothing to do with the files I downloaded.
I'm gonna go download this thing again in hopes that these files are there & I can just upload them to the server & install my tables.
Better yet, I'll dance on the table. |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:05 pm |
Nope, jakec said earlier that he had downloaded the zip file & everything was there. I guess they are just leaving when I go to download it. (SHH! Split quick, here she comes!)
New download of RB2.4.00 in zip format. Unpacked it. Went to the HTML folder. Opened the Uploads folder. Nothing there but an index file & the ftp log. Are these hidden files that I should be doing something special to see? PLEASE tell me the secret.
Oh Gawd, how much ring kissin' is this gonna cost me??????
Can someone please take a look at this download
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! take a look at the "Uploads" folder & tell me what they see?
I do wear glasses, & I might be quite ignorant on some things, but these files are not there. |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Dec 02, 2006
Posts: 1693
Location: Texas, USA
Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:17 pm |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:28 pm |
OK, here I go again..............
I'm supposed to be asleep LOL.
To the download section I go.
The rest waits till tomorrow.
Hold your breath, say a prayer for me & then if all goes well you guys don't have to deal with me again till I have another catastrophe.
I'm sorry....I was thinking most current was at top of list. So you see, that burning smell you had was my poor little dried up walnut overworking itself. |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:08 pm |
I d/l the file from the link Spastic Donkey sent. At first I did not see anything in the uploads directory except "index". So I looked at it thru winzip again, this time in folder view. There they were...the missing files. I extracted them to the uploads directory. Hopefully all is well now. So maybe it's my zip program that's freaked out (along with me)?!
I'm hoping for the best & will upload this tomorrow & see how it goes.
Say a prayer that this all goes well tomorrow, then you guys won't have to deal with me again till my next disaster.
Honestly, I'm not a total novice at this. It's my first time working with this version or RN & I'm a bit rusty because I've been gone for a year or more becoz of health issues. In fact should have been done with my night time treatments & in bed by now, but this was making me crazier.
Sorry to be such a PITA, guess I'm trying to make up for lost time
Thanks guys, for your help & patience.
I'm going to go do what I need to for myself. If I keep up with this tonight I may bash the monitor or bite the mouse.
Anybody got an idea on why these 4 sub-directories were not unpacking as they should.
Also, if someone can point my rusty brain to where I should put php_flag register_globals off in my php.ini file?
OK, I'm done for now....Really!
Good night.......... |

Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:00 pm |
It's already off in the PHP installation of the server . You don't have to worry about it. |

Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:01 am |
Raven, I'm gonna mail you privately. Still I got issues........
Getting ready to do some serious ring kissin' |

Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:28 am |
You can download 7-ZIP for free which is a great application for extracting compressed files.  |

Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:09 am |
Agree with jakec. I use 7zip already for more than 1 year. This aplication has 10/10 points. |

Sat Apr 24, 2010 6:33 pm |
Got a link to d/load it, or can someone send it. I just d/l from another computer & still same problem. Sub-directories, but no files for uploads. I have asked Raven to send it to me direct. Will open it with 7zip & upload with Flash (tho, I have sat & went file by file & see that all I have in the d/l is being uploaded.
Honest people, I'm not stupid, just deflicted
Thankx again for the help & patience. |

Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:55 am |