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Hangin' Around

Joined: Jun 05, 2004
Posts: 29
Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:54 pm |
Hi mates...i just read that has been relased another fix patch for Nuke 7.3
....however i red many Forums and i saw that has been relased MANYYYYY fix patch for Nuke 7.3 and now i'm really confused...
...i don't know how to do.....
..should i install all the patches????os should i install olny the last one (relased on 09/06/2004) ??'s impossible to have an accomulative patch that include all the fixes....becouse the problem is that i have to edit one for one all the php files becouse i have edited some of tham....(so if i simply replace trhan...something will not what should i do??..and where can i fin the materials??'
tnxx!! |
Spouse Contemplates Divorce

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
Posts: 2496
Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:18 pm |
Maybe some of the confusion is they all come from chatserv here,, are all chatservs "Patched Series" which is at 2.4 version but he just released a 7.3 only update which has a buggie in the language switching so if you have the 2.4 series installed I'd just hold off a few days for this latest one or even hold off for the 2.5 version since there aren't any vulnerabilities I'd call "high risk" addressed it should be safe to hold off a little on the latest fixes.
Chatserv feel free to correct me if I'm wrong there!!!!!! |

Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:48 am |
Hi sixonetonoffun and tnx !!
...i don't have any "Patched Series" installed on my Nuke...i just have Nuke 7.3 with Sentinel installed.
I didn't installed any Fixes i only repaided some small problems such as the problem with your_account (it's a problem existing more or less only with my server) and nothing more... you think i should wait for the newest "Patched Series" (2.5) or should i install Sec-Fix_73 ????
....tnx for all...but i still don't have a clear idea....tnx!!  |

Thu Jun 10, 2004 7:45 am |
There are some critical fixes included in the Patched Series 2.4 that should be applied to any live site. But I think that 7.3 is the package that has been updated and is having trouble reading the changes when saving the sites language choice. I guess we'll have to see what chatserv says about that one.
Sorry I don't have a more concise answer. |

Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:08 am |
| u suggest to wait for 2.5 ??? |

Joined: Jun 02, 2004
Posts: 268
Location: Englewood, OH
Thu Jun 10, 2004 11:12 am |
If all you have installed is 7.3, and Sentinel, with no other modules or add-ons, then what I would suggest is what I did:
Back up your site.....
Then, offline, take the patched 2.4 files, put them in a folder, then take the Sec-Fix 7.3 files from Chatserv, and copy them to that same folder, copying over the 2.4 files as necessary, and then edit the config.php file as well as the mainfile.php file (which has the includes call for Sentinel) and then upload to your site.....then you have all the latest patches installed.
Test your site to ensure it works properly....
My 2 cents.... |

Thu Jun 10, 2004 11:31 am |
Tnx mate...however i think that this isn't so easy....becouse i have Nuke 7.3 + Sentinel + Phpnuke Addon Adminsecure + modules (and i don't really remember if i had edited the config-mainfile-auth file).... now i think that the only way is to confront the code line per line to see the changes no???
.....arrgggggggggg......could be so difficultttttttttt protect oursites???  |

Thu Jun 10, 2004 11:36 am |
Well, due to this issue coming up in the past for me, with every update I need to do to the site I run, I keep a text file of which files were updated and with what when/if I need to do something like this, it's as simple as referring to one text file and edit the appropriate files offline, then uploading.....
(and that text file is typically just "cut and paste" instructions taken from the "module instructions" it's usually not that much more work to do to start with, but saves a lot of headache down the road!)
"practice makes perfect" so they say......I don't have it "perfected", but I have taken out a lot of the headaches for myself, that's for sure!
For your current situation, just go back to all the modules/add-ons instruction text files and look at the installation instructions and gather all of this info into one text file now for future reference.....and add to it with any new add-ons in the future.....  |

Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:21 pm |
Ok...tomorrow i'm going to do this fixes.... i have copied all the files presents in sec fix folder inside the 73patched folder (hope to have done all right!!)...
....tomorrow i will try to replace my site's files with the newer ones....
......last question is....SOMEONE KNOWS IF IS COMING A NEWER RELASE OF Patched Series ??? OR A NEWER RELASE OK FIX ???
....becouse if it's so i think the best thing is to wait no??
tnxx for the support!! |

Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:39 pm |
One suggestion if your site is highly modified use a file comparision utility Beyond Compare, CompareIT, WinMerge (DonationWare) and merge the updates into your existing files keeping a backup of course.
Yes there will be a 2.5 fairly soon but its more of when its ready it will be released since there aren't any "Critical Updates" I am aware of.
2.4 is out and does contain what I consider "Critical Updates". Since you are running Sentinel and AdminSecure you "Might" get by waiting for 2.5 but that is a judgement call you will have to make. |

Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:13 pm |
| i'll make this update..
.....i checked the modules and blocks that i have uploaded but i think that no modifications has been made in the config or mainfile .php except for 3-4 modules....
....hope to do all right!! |
Member Emeritus

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Posts: 1389
Location: Puerto Rico
Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:35 pm |
Hi everyone, as some might have noticed i was absent for a week+, i have been meaning to take a short break but not like this, my lines were down and now i'm way behind on everything so please allow me 2 or 3 days to catch up, regarding the patches Nuke Patched 2.5 is ready but i won't release it today as i need to be around in case of any bug reports so by sunday or early monday it should be out, i first need to finish its changelog for the benefit of those that have heavilly modified files, until then... |

Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:12 pm |
chatserv really tnx.....i'm one of tham who MUST HAVE a detaliated txt files with the instructions becouse my php files are modified a lot...
....tnxx !!
....see u ! |