
Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:56 pm |
// part of qEngine
// copyright (c), usage of this script outside C97 is strictly prohibited!
// please write to us for licensing:
/* Strucure:
// Description
// Parameters - if no info, means the parameter is self explanatory
// Sample of usage - if no sample, means it's quite easy (title is self explanatory)
// Used in (this function is used by ??) - if no info, means used by many ---> used_by only indicates that the function is used within qEngine, so it may be used by other script not listed here
/* ------- ( GENERAL FUNCTIONS ) ------- */
// sending message and just die
function msg_die ($msg_id = '', $msg_txt = '', $url = '')
global $config;
if (empty ($url)) @$url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$msg_txt = safe_send ($msg_txt);
$url = urlencode ($url);
$foo = 'MSG|'.$msg_txt.'|'.$url;
ip_config_update ('system_msg', $foo);
redir ("$config[site_url]/msg.php?admin=0&id=$msg_id");
die ();
// like msg_die, but in popup template
function popup_die ($msg_id = '', $msg_txt = '')
global $config;
$msg_txt = safe_send ($msg_txt);
$foo = 'MSG|'.$msg_txt;
ip_config_update ('system_msg', $foo);
redir ("$config[site_url]/msg.php?admin=0&popup=1&id=$msg_id");
die ();
// generate random string
// param: $l = string length
// $lower = 1 -> lower case only (i.e: abcdef). use $lower = 0 for mixed case (i.e: AbCdEf)
// $hex = 1 -> 0-9, A-F; $hex = 0 -> 0-9, A-Z
function random_str ($len, $lower = 1, $hex = 1)
if ($hex)
$ch = "ABCDEF1234567890";
$ch = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz1234567890";
$l = strlen ($ch) - 1;
$str = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++)
$x = rand (0, $l);
$str .= $ch[$x];
if ($lower) $str = strtolower ($str);
return $str;
// get paramenter from GET, POST or COOKIE ... see also date_param()
// $mode = 'noslash' = ' & " will not be slashed !!!!
// 'nohtml' = remove all HTML tags, ' & " -> \' & \"
// 'filterhtml' = remove selected HTML tags (defined in config), '
// 'html' = allow html (be ware of XSS)
// DEFAULT = add slash, convert html, sql ready
function filter_param ($param, $mode)
global $config; $html = 0;
if (!$config['gpc_quotes']) $param = addslashes ($param);
$param = trim ($param);
$cmd = explode (" ", $mode);
reset ($cmd);
while (list ($key, $cm) = each ($cmd))
if ($cm == 'noslash') $param = stripslashes ($param);
if ($cm == 'nohtml') $param = strip_tags ($param);
if ($cm == 'filterhtml') { $param = strip_tags ($param, $config['allowed_html_tags']); $html = 1; }
if ($cm == 'html') $html = 1;
if ((($cm == 'bbcode') || ($cm == 'bbc')) && $config['bbcode'])
// filter notes
$s = array ('<b>', '</b>', '<i>', '</i>', '<u>', '</u>');
$r = array ('', '', '', '', '', '');
$param = strip_tags ($param, '<b><i><u>');
if (function_exists ('str_ireplace')) $param = str_ireplace ($s, $r, $param); else $param = str_replace ($s, $r, $param);
if (($cm == 'rte') && ($config['wysiwyg'])) $html = 1;
if (($cm == 'rte') && (!$config['wysiwyg'])) $html = 0;
if ($html)
return $param;
return htmlspecialchars ($param, ENT_QUOTES);
// get_param, post_param & cookie_param will extract vars => WE CAN'T TRY EXTERNAL INPUT (incl. COOKIE's)
// $var_name -> if integer will extract in this fashion: index.php?var1,var2,var3 (0: var1,var2,var3; 1: var1; 2: var2...)
// $mode -> see filter_param ()
// default: in sql ready (' -> \'), convert all HTML tags (" -> ")!
function get_param ($var_name, $default = '', $mode = '')
if (is_integer ($var_name))
if (!isset ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) return $default;
$g = explode (',', $p);
array_unshift ($g, $p);
if (empty ($g[$var_name])) return $default;
$v = $g[$var_name];
if (!isset ($_GET[$var_name])) return $default;
$v = $_GET[$var_name];
$v = filter_param ($v, $mode);
return trim ($v);
// like get_param but for POST method
function post_param ($var_name, $default = '', $mode = '')
if (!isset ($_POST[$var_name]))
return $default;
$v = $_POST[$var_name];
$v = filter_param ($v, $mode);
return trim ($v);
// like get_param but for COOKIE
function cookie_param ($var_name)
if (!isset ($_COOKIE[$var_name]))
return '';
$v = $_COOKIE[$var_name];
$v = filter_param ($v, '');
return trim ($v);
// like get_param but to get MODULE PARAMETER (eg: <!-- BEGINMODULE xyz --> param1 = value1 <!-- ENDMODULE -->)
// used in: mostly by modules
function mod_param ($var_name, $default = '')
global $mod_ini;
if (empty ($mod_ini[$var_name])) return $default; else return $mod_ini[$var_name];
// cut long line to short line, but cut it nicely!
// regular cut: "this is a very bor..."
// line_wrap: "this is a very ..."
function line_wrap ($txt, $l)
if ($l < 1) return $txt;
$ori = strlen ($txt);
$txt = str_replace ("\n", " ", $txt);
$txt = wordwrap ($txt, $l, "\n", 1);
$i = strpos ($txt, "\n");
if (empty($i)) $i = $l;
$foo = substr ($txt, 0, $i);
if (strlen ($foo) < $ori) $foo .= '...';
return $foo;
// get microtime (ie. milisecond)
function getmicrotime ()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
// format num using predefined $config
// $currency = 1 : display currency formatting (ie. $config['num_*'])
function num_format ($number, $comma = 0, $currency = 0)
global $config;
if ($currency)
if (empty ($config['num_thousands_sep'])) $config['num_thousands_sep'] = ' ';
if ($number < 0) $neg = TRUE; else $neg = FALSE;
$val = number_format (abs ($number), $config['num_decimals'], $config['num_dec_point'], $config['num_thousands_sep']);
if ($config['num_curr_pos']) $val .= $config['num_currency']; else $val = $config['num_currency'].$val;
if ($neg) $val = '-'.$val;
$val = number_format ($number, $comma, $config['num_dec_point'], $config['num_thousands_sep']);
return $val;
// split string or array.... eg. string '1;abc;2;def' -> array (array ('1', 'abc'), array ('2', 'def'))
// $as_key: use odd value as key (array[1] = 'abc'; array[2] = 'def')
// used in: load_form() & form.php
function array_split ($source, $divider = ';', $as_key = 0)
$ok = TRUE; $i = 0;
$output = array ();
if (!is_array ($source))
if (substr ($source, -1) != $divider) $source .= $divider;
$source = explode ($divider, $source);
reset ($source);
while ($ok)
if ($as_key)
$k = current ($source); $v = next ($source);
$output[$k] = $v;
$output[1][$i] = current ($source);
$output[2][$i] = next ($source);
if (!next ($source)) $ok = FALSE;
return $output;
// clean an array (single or multi dimension) from empty (0, '') values
// (c) alessandronunes at gmail dot com, based on Nimja's func (
// used in: real_url ()
function array_clean ($array)
foreach ($array as $index => $value)
if (is_array ($array[$index])) $array[$index] = array_clean ($array[$index]);
if (empty($value)) unset($array[$index]);
return $array;
// prepare random seed
// used in: usually in init.php
function make_seed()
list ($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000);
// merge 2 arrays to 1 array, using array1 as key, array2 as val => new_array[array1] = array2
// used in: mostly by qadmin
function array_pair ($array1, $array2, $first = '')
$t1 = array_values ($array1);
$t2 = array_values ($array2);
$t = array ();
$l = count ($t1);
if (!empty ($first)) $t[0] = $first;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $l - 1; $i++) $t[$t1[$i]] = $t2[$i];
return $t;
// clean a url from some GET queries (eg. a.php?o=1&p=2&q=3 => clean 'o', 'p' => a.php?q=3)
// $needle = can be array ('o', 'p') or string
// used in: mostly by qadmin
function clean_get_query ($needle)
$foo = '';
// get active php
$t = parse_url (urldecode (cur_url()));
$script = basename ($t['path']);
// filter
if (is_array ($needle))
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val)
$val = urlencode ($val);
if (!in_array ($key, $needle)) $foo .= "&$key=$val";
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val)
$val = urlencode ($val);
if ($key != $needle) $foo .= "&$key=$val";
return $script.'?'.substr ($foo, 5);
// get abs url from rel url
function real_url ($absolute, $relative)
$absolute = str_replace ('%20', ' ', $absolute);
$relative = str_replace ('%20', ' ', $relative);
$relative = str_replace ('\\', '/', $relative);
$dir = parse_url ($absolute); // explode abs url to path info
$aparts = array_clean (explode ("/", $dir['path'])); // split each path level (level1/level2/level3) to array
$rparts = array_clean (explode ("/", $relative));
if($relative[0] == '/')
$aparts = array (); // if $relavtive => absolute => remove aparts array
$foo = $rparts; // otherwise, if current level = . => remove level; if .. => remove level and remove bottom level of abs path
foreach ($foo as $i => $part)
if($part == '.')
array_shift ($rparts);
if($part == '..')
array_pop ($aparts);
array_shift ($rparts);
$apath = implode("/", $aparts);
$path = implode("/", $rparts);
$url = "";
$url .= (!empty ($dir['scheme'])) ? $dir['scheme'].'://' : '';
$url .= (!empty ($dir['user'])) ? $dir['user'] : '';
$url .= (!empty ($dir['pass'])) ? ':'.$dir['pass'] : '';
$url .= (!empty ($dir['user'])) ? '@' : '';
$url .= (!empty ($dir['host'])) ? $dir['host'].'/' : '';
$url .= $apath;
if (substr ($url, -1, 1) != '/') $url .= '/'.$path; else $url .= $path;
return $url;
/* ------- ( MYSQL FUNCTIONS ) ------- */
// sending query to MySQL
function sql_query ($sql, $debug = 0)
global $dbh, $config, $db_prefix;
if ($debug) echo $sql.'<br />';
if (!$result = mysql_query ($sql, $dbh))
if ($config['debug_mode']) echo $sql,'<br />';
die (mysql_error ());
return $result;
// get one line quickly
function sql_qquery ($sql, $debug = 0)
$res = sql_query ($sql, $debug);
return sql_fetch_array ($res);
// input: $slash => add (keep) slash (\) for special chars, such as ' -> \'
// 0 equal to stripslashes
// $html => allow html
// 0 equal to strip_tags
function sql_fetch_array ($res_id, $allow_html = 1, $slash = 1)
global $config;
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($res_id);
if (!$slash && is_array ($row))
{ reset ($row); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($row)) $row[$key] = stripslashes ($val); }
if (!$allow_html && is_array ($row))
{ reset ($row); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($row)) $row[$key] = strip_tags ($val); }
return $row;
// generate blank vars from a table (useful for creating empty fields in form)
function create_blank_tbl ($tbl)
global $db_name, $db_prefix;
$res = mysql_list_fields ($db_name, $tbl);
$l = mysql_num_fields ($res);
for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++)
$name = mysql_field_name ($res, $i);
$row[$name] = '';
return $row;
// create multipage sql result ... only display item #1 to #X in page Y (see $config['list_ipp'] & $config['list_ppp'])
// $table = table name | $columns = columns to select (use * or col_name, col_name, col_name) | $where = where query
// $order_by = order by query | $cur_page = current page | $script_name = script to handle list (not used?)
// $per_page = number of item per page (if empty -> $config['list_ipp'])
function sql_multipage ($table, $columns, $where, $order_by, $cur_page, $script_name = '', $per_page = '')
global $config, $txt, $lang, $tpl_block;
$tmp = array ();
$i = 0;
$p = $cur_page;
if (empty ($per_page)) $ipp = $config['list_ipp']; else $ipp = $per_page; // ipp = items per page
if (!empty ($where)) $where = 'WHERE '.$where;
if (!empty ($order_by)) $order_by = 'ORDER BY '.$order_by;
// get total pages
$res = sql_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM $table $where");
$row = sql_fetch_array ($res);
$total = $row['total'];
$pages = ceil($total / $ipp); // number of pages of list
// verify vars
// if $p is not defined or $p > number_of_pages
if (empty ($p) or ($p > $pages) or ($p < 1)) $p = "1";
$start = ($p-1) * $ipp;
$sql = "SELECT $columns FROM $table $where $order_by LIMIT $start, $ipp";
$res = sql_query ($sql);
while ($row = sql_fetch_array ($res))
$tmp[$i] = $row;
// generate page list
$txt['pagination'] = generate_pagination ($script_name, $pages, $p, $total);
// done
return $tmp;
// generate pagination
// $base_url = url link to use. this func will add '&p=xx' at the end of $base_url
function generate_pagination ($base_url, $total_pages, $cur_page, $num_item)
global $config, $tpl_block, $lang;
// clear $script_name from &p param
$base_url = clean_get_query ('p');
if (!strpos ($base_url, '?') && !strpos ($base_url, '&')) $base_url .= '?';
// template
if (strpos (cur_url(), '%2Fadmin%2F')) $tpl = load_tpl ('admin', 'pagination.tpl'); else $tpl = load_tpl ('pagination.tpl');
$row['block_pagelist'] = '';
$per_page = $config['list_ppp'];
$mid = floor ($per_page / 2);
$page_string = array ();
if ($total_pages <= 1) return '';
if ($cur_page <= $mid)
$start = 1;
if ($cur_page + $mid > $total_pages)
$start = $total_pages - $per_page + 1;
$start = $cur_page - $mid;
$finish = $start + $per_page - 1;
if ($finish > $total_pages) $finish = $total_pages;
if ($start < 1) $start = 1;
for ($i = $start; $i <= $finish; $i++)
if ($i == $cur_page)
$page_string[] = "<b>$i</b> ";
$page_string[] = "<a href=\"$base_url&p=$i\">$i</a>";
// previous & next page link
$pr = $cur_page - 1;
$nx = $cur_page + 1;
if ($cur_page > 1)
$row['pg_prev'] = "<a href=\"$base_url&p=$pr\">".$lang['l_pp_prev']."</a>";
$row['pg_prev'] = $lang['l_pp_prev'];
if ($cur_page < $total_pages)
$row['pg_next'] = "<a href=\"$base_url&p=$nx\">".$lang['l_pp_next']."</a>";
$row['pg_next'] = $lang['l_pp_next'];
// first & last pages
if ($cur_page == 1)
$row['pg_top'] = $lang['l_pp_top'];
$row['pg_top'] = "<a href=\"$base_url&p=1\">".$lang['l_pp_top']."</a>";
if ($cur_page == $total_pages)
$row['pg_last'] = $lang['l_pp_last'];
$row['pg_last'] = "<a href=\"$base_url&p=$total_pages\">".$lang['l_pp_last']."</a>";
// generate pagenumber
foreach ($page_string as $val)
$row['pp'] = $val;
$row['block_pagelist'] .= quick_tpl ($tpl_block['pagelist'], $row);
// generate list content
$row['pg_current_page'] = $cur_page;
$row['pg_total_pages'] = $total_pages;
$row['pg_total_items'] = num_format ($num_item);
$pagelist = quick_tpl ($tpl, $row);
// return $pagelist;
$pagelist .= '<!-- q E i s c r e at e d b y C 9 7 . n e t ( h t t p : / / w w w . c 9 7 . n e t ) -->
<!-- Contact us for more information -->';
return $pagelist;
// create SQL's where query
function create_where ($row, $query, $mode = 'AND')
$where = array ();
$keyword = strtok ($query, ' ');
while ($keyword)
$where[] = "$row LIKE '%".$keyword."%'";
$keyword = strtok (' ');
$where = implode (" $mode ", $where);
return "($where)";
// from by:
// $line: the csv line to be split
// $delim: the delimiter to split by
// $removeQuotes: if this is false, the quotation marks won't be removed from the fields
// used in: load_form (), form.php
function csv_split ($line, $delim=',', $removeQuotes=true)
$fields = array();
$fldCount = 0;
$inQuotes = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($line); $i++)
if (!isset($fields[$fldCount])) $fields[$fldCount] = "";
$tmp = substr ($line,$i,strlen($delim));
if ($tmp === $delim && !$inQuotes)
$i += strlen($delim)-1;
if ($fields[$fldCount] == "" && $line[$i] == '"' && !$inQuotes)
if (!$removeQuotes) $fields[$fldCount] .= $line[$i];
$inQuotes = true;
if ($line[$i] == '"')
if ($i+1 < strlen($line) && $line[$i+1] == '"')
$fields[$fldCount] .= $line[$i];
if (!$removeQuotes) $fields[$fldCount] .= $line[$i];
$inQuotes = false;
$fields[$fldCount] .= $line[$i];
return $fields;
/* ------- ( DATE & TIME FUNCTIONS ) ------- */
// converting SQL Formatted date to HUMAN UNDERSTANDABLE & READABLE DATE (HURT)
// $sql_date = date in sql format (yyyy-mm-dd)
// $mode = [sql = sql formatted; 1 = dayname, monthname dd, yyyy; 0/else = mm/dd/yyyy]
// $days = [0 / blank = return specified date; X = return X days after specified date]
// and translate it to other language (if configured) ... still, much more easier than i though! REALLY!
function convert_date ($sql_date, $mode = '0', $days = 0)
global $config, $lang;
if (($sql_date == '0000-00-00') && ($mode != 'int' && $mode != 'unix')) return 'Invalid Date';
if (($sql_date == '0000-00-00') && ($mode == 'int' || $mode == 'unix')) return FALSE;
if (empty ($sql_date)) return '';
if (($sql_date == 'today') || ($sql_date == 'now')) $sql_date = date ('Y-m-d');
$thn = substr($sql_date, 0, 4);
$bln = substr($sql_date, 5, 2);
$tgl = substr($sql_date, 8, 2);
$tglbener = mktime(0, 0, 0, $bln, $tgl, $thn);
if ($days != 0) { $tglbener = $tglbener + ($days * 24 * 3600); }
switch ((string) $mode)
case '0':
case 'short':
$tanggal = date ($lang['l_short_date_format'], $tglbener);
case '1':
case 'long':
$tanggal = date ($lang['l_long_date_format'], $tglbener);
case '2':
case 'mini':
$tanggal = date ('d/m', $tglbener);
case '3':
case 'form':
$tanggal = date ($lang['l_form_date_format'], $tglbener);
case 'sql':
$tanggal = date ('Y-m-d', $tglbener);
return $tanggal;
case 'int':
case 'unix':
return $tglbener;
$tanggal = date ($mode, $tglbener);
// translate (if configured)
if ($config['multi_lang'])
$i = 0;
while (list($key, $val) = @each($lang['datetime']))
$search[$i] = $key;
$replace[$i] = $val;
return str_replace ($search, $replace, $tanggal);
return $tanggal;
// verify SQL formatted date (yyyy-mm-dd)
function verify_date ($sql_date)
$thn = substr($sql_date, 0, 4);
$bln = substr($sql_date, 5, 2);
$tgl = substr($sql_date, 8, 2);
$bener = checkdate($bln, $tgl, $thn);
return $bener;
// calculate 'how many days have passed since...' (different between 2 dates)
// parameters are in SQL formatted date
function diff_date ($sql_date1, $sql_date2 = 'now')
if ($sql_date1 == "now") { $sql_date1 = date ("Y/m/d", time ()); }
if ($sql_date2 == "now") { $sql_date2 = date ("Y/m/d", time ()); }
$thn1 = substr($sql_date1, 0, 4);
$bln1 = substr($sql_date1, 5, 2);
$tgl1 = substr($sql_date1, 8, 2);
$thn2 = substr($sql_date2, 0, 4);
$bln2 = substr($sql_date2, 5, 2);
$tgl2 = substr($sql_date2, 8, 2);
$tanggal1 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $bln1, $tgl1, $thn1);
$tanggal2 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $bln2, $tgl2, $thn2);
$tanggal = ($tanggal2 - $tanggal1) / 86400;
return ($tanggal);
/* ------- ( HTML FUNCTIONS ) ------- */
// to generate <select> for a <form>, and automatically select the 'selected' value.
// $source = array of data for <select>
// $select_name = name for <select>
// $selected_value = selected value
// $first_line = should be NOT SELECTABLE option, such as '--PLEASE SELECT--'
// $addtl_option = can be javascript, like: onchange=document.forms[0].submit()
// special array key: --- to disable, *** to add <optgroup>, /// to add </optgroup>; don't forget to add an
// index, eg: ---1, or ***a, or ///whatever.
function create_select_form ($select_name, $source, $selected_value = '', $first_line = '', $disabled = 0, $addtl_option = '')
if ($disabled) $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; else $disabled = '';
$t = "<select size=\"1\" name=\"$select_name\" $disabled $addtl_option>\n";
if (!empty($first_line)) $t .= "<option value=\"\">$first_line</option>\n";
foreach ($source as $key=>$val)
$foo = '';
$doh = substr ($key, 0, 3);
if ($doh == '***') $t .= "<optgroup label=\"$val\">";
elseif ($doh == '///') $t .= "</optgroup>";
if ($doh == '---') $foo .= " disabled=\"disabled\"";
if ($key == $selected_value) $foo .= " selected=\"selected\"";
$t .= "<option value=\"$key\" $foo>$val</option>\n";
$t .= "</select>\n";
return $t;
// create checkbox form, useful for multiple box ("i need box, lots of boxes" - Neo)
// $box_name = field name
// $source = array[$key] = $val, $key = field value, $val = text to display
// $selected = string: 1,5,8,9; or use array[] = $selected
// $col = number of colums to display
// $form_id = form name -- when defined, will display "Select/Deselect All" button
function create_checkbox_form ($box_name, $source, $selected = '', $col = 3, $form_id = '')
$t = array ();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $col; $i++) $t[$i] = '';
$i = 0;
// selected vals
if (!is_array ($selected)) $select = explode (',', $selected); else $select = $selected;
if ($selected == '') $select = array ();
foreach ($source as $key => $val)
$j = ($i % $col) + 1;
$k = $i + 1;
if (in_array ($key, $select))
$t[$j] .= "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$box_name}_{$k}\" value=\"$key\" checked=\"checked\" /> $val</label><br />\n";
$t[$j] .= "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$box_name}_{$k}\" value=\"$key\" /> $val</label><br />\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $col; $i++) $t[$i] = substr ($t[$i], 0, -7);
if ($form_id)
$out = "<label><input name=\"checkall\" type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"SetAllCheckBoxes('$form_id','div_$box_name',this.checked);\" /> Select/Deselect All</label><div id=\"div_$box_name\">";
$out = '<div>';
if ($col > 1)
$w = round (100 / $col);
$out .= "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr>\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $col; $i++) $out .= "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"$w%\">$t[$i]</td>\n";
$out .= "</tr></table>";
return $out."</div>";
return $out.$t[1]."</div>";
// to generate <radio> for a <form>, and automatically select the 'selected' value.
// $source = array of data for <select>
// $radio_name = name for <select>
// $selected_value = selected value
// $mode = 'h' - horizontal, 'v' - vertical (only if col = 1)
// $col = number of column
function create_radio_form ($radio_name, $source, $selected_value = '', $mode = 'h', $col = 1)
$t = array ();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $col; $i++) $t[$i] = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($source as $key => $val)
$j = ($i % $col) + 1;
if ($key == $selected_value)
$t[$j] .= "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"$radio_name\" value=\"$key\" checked=\"checked\" />$val</label>\n";
$t[$j] .= "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"$radio_name\" value=\"$key\" />$val</label>\n";
// if col == 1, then can have h or v formatting
if ($col == 1)
if ($mode == 'h')
$t[$j] .= ' ';
$t[$j] .= '<br />';
// if col > 1, only vertical formatting
$t[$j] .= "<br />\n";
if ($col > 1)
for ($i = 1; $i <= $col; $i++) $t[$i] = substr ($t[$i], 0, -7);
$w = round (100 / $col);
$out = "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr>\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $col; $i++) $out .= "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"$w%\">$t[$i]</td>\n";
$out .= "</tr></table>";
return $out;
return $t[1];
// create a simple tickbox, it's different from create_checkbox_form, as this is easier
function create_tickbox_form ($name, $string = '', $toggle = 0)
$check = empty ($toggle) ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
return "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$name\" value=\"1\" $check />$string</label>";
// create date (dd-mmm-yyyy) select form
// - return: a form field to select date-month-year
// - input:
// $prefix = add prefix to form field (prefix_dd, prefix_mm, prefix_yy)
// $show_year = self explanatory, also to indicate start year
// $show_date, $show_month = self explanatory
// $select = default $select date (format: Y-m-d), or use 'now' or 'today'
// $yyrange = if today is 2010, then $yyrange = 10 will display year form: 2005-2015;
// - example: date_form ('mydate', 2005, 1, 1, 'today');
// example: date_form ('mydate') create form for today with Y-m-d
function date_form ($prefix, $show_year = '', $show_month = '', $show_date = '', $select = '', $yyrange = 6)
global $lang;
$ok = FALSE;
$mi = array ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); // define month index
// get default date
if (empty ($show_year) && empty ($show_month) && empty ($show_date))
{ $show_date = 1; $show_month = 1; $show_year = date ('Y'); $select = 'now'; }
if (($select == 'now') || ($select == 'today')) $select = date ('Y-m-d');
if (empty ($select)) $select = '0000-00-00';
$f = explode ('-', $select);
if (empty ($f)) $f = explode ('/', $select);
if (empty ($f)) $f = explode ('.', $select);
if (empty ($f[1])) $f[1] = '00';
if (empty ($f[2])) $f[2] = '00';
$thn = $f[0];
$bln = strlen ($f[1]) > 1 ? $f[1] : '0'.$f[1];
$tgl = strlen ($f[2]) > 1 ? $f[2] : '0'.$f[2];
if ($show_date)
for ($d = 1; $d <= 31; $d++) $dt[$d] = $d;
$tmp['D'] = create_select_form ($prefix.'_dd', $dt, $tgl, '[ date ]');
else $tmp['D'] = '';
if ($show_month)
for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++)
$i = current ($mi);
$mt[$m] = $lang['datetime'][$i];
next ($mi);
$tmp['M'] = create_select_form ($prefix.'_mm', $mt, $bln, '[ month ]');
else $tmp['M'] = '';
if ($show_year)
if ($show_year < 1901) $show_year = date ('Y');
$ys = $show_year - round($yyrange / 2);
$ye = $show_year + round($yyrange / 2);
if ($ys < 1901) $ys = 1901;
for ($y = $ys; $y <= $ye; $y++) $yt[$y] = $y;
$tmp['Y'] = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"{$prefix}_yy\" value=\"$thn\" size=\"4\" />";
else $tmp['Y'] = '';
$output = '';
for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++)
$j = $lang['l_select_date_format'][$i];
$output .= $tmp[$j];
return $output;
// time form
// interval is for minutes, eg. interval 5 = show minute form: 00, 05, 10, 15, etc. interval 1 = 00, 01, 02, 03...
function time_form ($prefix, $select = '', $interval = 5)
global $lang;
$ok = FALSE;
// get default date
if (($select == 'now') || ($select == 'today')) $select = date ('H:i');
if (empty ($select)) $select = '00:00';
$hou = substr ($select, 0, 2);
$min = substr ($select, 3, 2);
$min = round ($min / $interval) * $interval;
// hour: 00-23
$hh = array ();
for ($h = 0; $h <= 23; $h++)
if (strlen ($h) < 1) $hh[$h] = '0'.$h; else $hh[$h] = $h;
$tmp['H'] = create_select_form ($prefix.'_hou', $hh, $hou);
// minute: 00-59
$mm = array ();
for ($m = 0; $m <= 59; $m=$m+$interval)
if (strlen ($m) < 2) $mm[$m] = '0'.$m; else $mm[$m] = $m;
$tmp['M'] = create_select_form ($prefix.'_min', $mm, $min);
$output = $tmp['H'].':'.$tmp['M'];
return $output;
// get date input from date_form() function
// - return: date in Y-m-d format (sql ready)
// false if invalid date (2005-02-31)
// die() if out-of-bound date (2005-13-32)
// - note: if all field exists (complete YYYY-MM-DD) also check date validity (2005-02-29 will return FALSE); otherwise
// (only YYYY-MM or YYYY) return as-is.
function date_param ($prefix, $method = 'get')
$tmp = '';
$method = strtolower ($method);
if ($method == 'get')
$yy = get_param ($prefix.'_yy');
$mm = get_param ($prefix.'_mm');
$dd = get_param ($prefix.'_dd');
$yy = post_param ($prefix.'_yy');
$mm = post_param ($prefix.'_mm');
$dd = post_param ($prefix.'_dd');
$d = "$yy$mm$dd";
if (($d == "") || ($d == '0000')) return FALSE;
if (strlen ($yy) != 4)
die ('Incorrect year value for date_param()');
$tmp = $yy;
if (($yy < 1901) || ($yy > 2038)) die ('Out of bound for date_param()');
if ($mm)
if (strlen ($mm) < 2) $mm = "0$mm";
if (strlen ($mm) > 2) die ('Incorrect month value for date_param()');
if (($mm > 12) || ($mm < 1)) die ('Out of bound for date_param()');
$tmp .= "-$mm";
if ($dd)
if (strlen ($dd) < 2) $dd = "0$dd";
if (strlen ($dd) > 2) die ('Incorrect day value for date_param()');
if (($dd > 31) || ($dd < 1)) die ('Out of bound for date_param()');
$tmp .= "-$dd";
if (!verify_date ($tmp)) return FALSE;
return $tmp;
// get time
function time_param ($prefix, $method = 'get')
$tmp = '';
$method = strtolower ($method);
if ($method == 'get')
$hh = get_param ($prefix.'_hou');
$mm = get_param ($prefix.'_min');
$hh = post_param ($prefix.'_hou');
$mm = post_param ($prefix.'_min');
if ("$hh$mm" == "") return FALSE;
if (($hh > 23) || ($hh < 0))
die ('Incorrect hour value for time_param()');
$tmp = $hh;
if (($mm > 59) || ($mm < 0))
die ('Incorrect minute value for time_param()');
$tmp .= ":$mm";
return $tmp;
// get checkbox value (built by create_checkbox_form)
// $as_array = 1 : return values in an array; 0 : return as string (1,2,3,4,5...)
function checkbox_param ($box_name, $method = 'get', $as_array = 0)
$method = strtolower ($method);
$foo = array ();
$l = strlen ($box_name) + 1;
if ($method == 'get')
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) if (substr ($key, 0, $l) == $box_name.'_') $foo[] = get_param ($key);
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) if (substr ($key, 0, $l) == $box_name.'_') $foo[] = post_param ($key);
if ($as_array)
return $foo;
return implode (',', $foo);
// this function will transform (convert?) a url query (eg: abc.php?var=val&yes=no) to array ('var' => 'val', 'yes' => 'no');
function url_query_to_array ($query)
$result = array ();
$x = strpos ($query, '?');
$xx = substr ($query, $x + 1, strlen ($query) - $x);
$tok = strtok($xx,"&");
while ($tok)
$y = 0;
$y = strpos ($tok, '=', $y);
$key = substr ($tok, 0, $y);
$val = substr ($tok, $y + 1, strlen ($tok) - $y);
$result[$key] = $val;
$tok = strtok('&');
return $result;
// create HTML header (title, description, keywords, etc)
// return nothing
// output directly into global $txt
function generate_html_header ($title = '', $description = '', $keywords = '')
global $txt, $lang, $config;
$txt['site_name'] = $config['site_name'];
$txt['site_email'] = $config['site_email'];
if ($title == 'adm') $title = 'Administration Panel :: '.$config['site_name'];
if (!empty ($title)) $txt['head_title'] = $title;
else $txt['head_title'] = $config['site_name'];
if (!empty ($description)) $txt['site_description'] = $description;
else $txt['site_description'] = $config['site_description'];
if (!empty ($keywords)) $txt['site_keywords'] = $keywords;
else $txt['site_keywords'] = $config['site_keywords'];
// create rating image (star)
// show 5 stars, input: 0-5
function rating_img ($rating)
global $config, $inc_folder;
$img = "";
$s_rating = floor ($rating);
// full star
for ($i=1; $i<=$s_rating; $i++) $img .= "<img src=\"$inc_folder/$config[skin]/images/star_full.gif\" alt=\"full star\" />";
// half star
if ($s_rating < $rating)
$h_rating = $rating * 10;
if (($h_rating / 5) % 2) { $img .= "<img src=\"$inc_folder/$config[skin]/images/star_half.gif\" alt=\"half star\" />"; $s_rating++; }
// empty star
for ($i=$s_rating+1; $i<=5;$i++) $img .= "<img src=\"$inc_folder/$config[skin]/images/star_empty.gif\" alt=\"empty star\" />";
return $img;
// convert string from html_entities () into original html (esp. values from <form>)
// we don't use html_entity_decode (which is only available from php 4.3.0), because it wrongly convert a double
// html_entities, e.g <img => <img => &lt;img, which converted to <img directly, when it suppose to be <img.
// used by: email(), update_wordmatch(), user_init.php
function html_unentities ($text, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES)
$trans_table = array_reverse (array_flip (get_html_translation_table (HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style)));
$trans_table = array ('&' => '&tmp;', ''' => '\'', '"' => '"', '<' => '<', '>' => '>');
$s = array_keys ($trans_table);
$r = array_values ($trans_table);
$text = str_replace ($s, $r, $text);
$text = str_replace ('&tmp;', '&', $text);
$text = preg_replace ('/&#(\d+);/me', "chr(\\1)", $text); #decimal notation without zero (123, 234, etc)
$text = preg_replace ('/&#x([a-f0-9]+);/mei', "chr(0x\\1)", $text);#hex notation
return $text;
// convert smilies code to smilies images (see lang.php for list)
function convert_smilies ($text)
global $smilies;
$parent_dir = get_inc_folder ();
foreach ($smilies as $key => $val)
$smile_key[] = $key;
$smile_val[] = "<img src=\"$parent_dir/$val\" alt=\"$key\" />";
return str_replace ($smile_key, $smile_val, $text);
// display smilies list
// f_id = form name, i_id = input text -or- textarea name
function get_smilies ($f_id, $i_id)
global $smilies;
$parent_dir = get_inc_folder ();
$tmp = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nfunction insert_smilies (id)\n{ document.forms['$f_id'].$i_id.value+=' '+id+' ' }\n</script>\n";
$tmp .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\"><tr>\n";
foreach ($smilies as $key => $val)
$tmp .= "<td width=\"17\"><img src=\"$parent_dir/$val\" alt=\"$key\" title=\"$key\" onclick=\"insert_smilies ('$key')\" /></td>\n";
$tmp .= '</tr></table>';
return $tmp;
// censor some words (see lang.php for list)
function word_censor ($text)
global $censor;
foreach ($censor as $key => $val)
$censor_key[] = "/$key/i";
$censor_val[] = $val;
return preg_replace ($censor_key, $censor_val, $text);
// $mode = 0 (default) : use header then html. 1 : html only
function redir ($url = '', $mode = 0)
global $config;
if (empty ($url)) $url = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
if (empty ($url)) $url = $config['site_url'];
if ((headers_sent () && $config['force_redir']) || ($mode))
echo "<html>\n<head>\n";
echo " <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$url\">\n";
echo " </head>\n<body>Redirecting to <a href=\"$url\">$url</a></body><html>";
header ("Location: $url");
die; // <<- IMPORTANT!
/* ------- ( FILE FUNCTIONS ) ------- */
// get file list from a path
function get_file_list ($path)
$list = array ();
if (substr ($path, -1) != '/') $path .= '/';
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if (is_file ($path.$file)) $list[] = $file;
return $list;
// convert a string to a filename, removing invalid characters
// used by: create_filename ()
function safe_filename ($fn, $len = 50)
$fn = strtolower ($fn);
$foo = pathinfo ($fn);
// get only filename
if (empty ($foo['extension'])) $foo['extension'] = '';
$foo['filename'] = substr ($foo['basename'], 0, -1 * strlen ($foo['extension']) -1);
$fn = preg_replace ("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "_", substr ($foo['filename'], 0, $len)).'.'.preg_replace ("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "_", $foo['extension']);
return $fn;
// create a file name that doesn't exist in $folder folder
// $folder = folder location
// $fn = original filename (required even if random filename to determine extension)
// $rnd = TRUE: create random name; FALSE: create safe filename
function create_filename ($folder, $fn, $rnd = TRUE)
$ok = FALSE;
$foo = pathinfo ($fn);
$ext = $foo['extension'];
$add = ''; // addtional random string(for safe filename), eg: 3c1_somename.ext, '3c1_' is additional string
while (!$ok)
if ($rnd)
$tmp_name = random_str (16).'.'.$ext;
$tmp_name = $add.safe_filename ($fn);
if (!file_exists ($folder.'/'.$tmp_name)) $ok = TRUE;
$add = random_str (3).'_';
return $tmp_name;
// safe file upload: 1. limit uploadable files (by extension); 2. disabled in demo mode
// $field = form field name; can be array
// $target = target folder OR target folder and name (= needs file extension); can be array
// $overwrite = TRUE to overwrite same filename; FALSE to save as different name
// return = true if uploaded, false if failed; if inputs are array, it will return array corresponding with each upload status (eg: $return = array (1 => TRUE, 2 => FALSE, 3 => TRUE, 'summary' => 'T')
// --- where $return['success'] is TRUE if all uploaded, FALSE if any failure
function upload_file ($field, $target, $allow_overwrite = FALSE)
global $config;
$overwrite = FALSE; $count = $size = 0;
$result = array (); $result['success'] = TRUE; $result['demo_mode'] = FALSE; $result['count'] = $result['size'] = 0;
// for demo mode, return FALSE, explaining, it's in demo mode
if ($config['demo_mode'])
$result['success'] = FALSE;
$result['demo_mode'] = TRUE;
return $result;
// if not array, create as array
if (!is_array ($field))
$field = array ($field);
$target = array ($target);
$array = FALSE;
$array = TRUE;
// process
foreach ($field as $k => $v)
if (!empty ($_FILES[$v]['tmp_name']) && !$_FILES[$v]['error'])
$result[$k]['source'] = $_FILES[$v]['name'];
$src = $_FILES[$v]['tmp_name'];
$tgt = $target[$k];
$err = FALSE;
if (is_dir ($tgt)) // if folder, use it
$tgt_folder = $tgt;
$tgt_name = $_FILES[$v]['name'];
else // if not folder, is it an existing file, a new file, or invalid path?
$foo = pathinfo ($tgt);
$tgt_folder = $foo['dirname'];
$tgt_name = $foo['basename'];
// not existing file & invalid path => die!
if (is_file ($tgt)) $overwrite = TRUE;
if (!is_file ($tgt) && !is_dir ($tgt_folder)) { $result[$k]['err'] = 'NoTarget'; $result['success'] = FALSE; }
// fix file name
if (substr ($tgt_folder, -1, 1) == '/') $tgt_folder = substr ($tgt_folder, 0, -1);
if (!$allow_overwrite) $tgt_name = create_filename ($tgt_folder, $tgt_name, FALSE); // if not allow overwrite = create a safe & non-existing name
if ($allow_overwrite) $tgt_name = safe_filename ($tgt_name); // if allow overwrite = only make sure it's a safe name
$path = $tgt_folder.'/'.$tgt_name;
$result[$k]['path'] = $path;
$result[$k]['filename'] = $tgt_name;
// is it allowable files?
$dis = explode (',', $config['disallow_file']);
foreach ($dis as $dv)
$foo = pathinfo ($tgt_name);
$ext = empty ($foo['extension']) ? '' : $foo['extension'];
if (in_array ($ext, $dis)) $err = TRUE;
// upload!
if (!$err)
move_uploaded_file ($src, $path);
@chmod ($path, 0644);
if (file_exists ($path))
$size = $size + $_FILES[$v]['size'];
$result[$k]['err'] = '';
$result[$k]['err'] = 'NotWriteable';
$result['success'] = FALSE;
$result[$k]['err'] = 'Disallow';
// if $field is not array, return simpler result
$result['count'] = $count;
$result['size'] = $size;
return $result;
// to open a remote file (file in different host or url)
// generally we can use fopen ($url), but in some host, it's not allowed
function remote_fopen ($site_url)
// if remote fopen allow, use it (it's faster)
if (ini_get ('allow_url_fopen')) return file_get_contents ($site_url);
// if not allowed, use curl
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 5; // set to zero for no timeout
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $site_url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$file_contents = ob_get_contents();
return $file_contents;
/* ------- ( EMAIL FUNCTIONS ) ------- */
// send email (advanced feature)
// $html : 0 : send only plain text | 1 : send HTML email
// $log; log this email?
// $debug : 0 : display nothing | 1 : display email information (NOT SENDING EMAIL!)
function email ($to, $subject, $body, $html = 0, $log = 0, $debug = 0)
global $config, $db_prefix;
// remove double new line under Windows
$body = str_replace("\r",'', stripslashes ($body));
if ($html) $content_type = 'text/html'; else $content_type = 'text/plain';
// prepare headers
$headers = "From: $config[site_email]\r\n";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: $content_type; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers .= "X-Priority: 3\r\n";
$headers .= "X-MSMail-Priority: \r\n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP-mailer\r\n";
// and now mail it
if ($debug)
if (!$html) $body = html_entity_decode ($body);
$body = str_replace (''', "'", $body);
if (!$html) $body = '<font face="Courier New" size="2">'.nl2br ($body).'</font>';
echo "<table width='100%' border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse;' bgcolor='lightblue'>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan='2' width='100%' align='center'><b>Email Debug</b></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td nowrap><b>Email type</b></td><td width='90%'>$content_type</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td nowrap><b>Send to</b></td><td width='90%'>$to</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td nowrap><b>Subject</b></td><td width='90%'>$subject</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td nowrap><b>Additional Headers</b></td><td width='90%'>".nl2br($headers)."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td nowrap><b>Message</b></td><td width='90%'>$body</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
if (!$html)
// reverse & -> &; " -> ", etc
$b = html_entity_decode ($body);
$b = str_replace (''', "'", $b);
mail ($to, $subject, html_unentities ($b), $headers);
mail ($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
$subject = addslashes ($subject);
$body = addslashes ($body);
$to = addslashes ($to);
if ($log) sql_query ("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."mailog VALUES ('', '$to', '$subject', '$body', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '$html')");
// validate email address (eg: need to be xxxx@yyyy.tld
function validate_email_address ($address)
if (empty ($address)) return FALSE;
// check address format
$pattern = '/^([a-z0-9])(([-a-z0-9._])*([a-z0-9]))*\@([a-z0-9])' .
'(([a-z0-9-])*([a-z0-9]))+' . '(\.([a-z0-9])([-a-z0-9_-])?([a-z0-9])+)+$/i';
return preg_match ($pattern, $address);
/* ------- ( RTE - WYSIWYG EDITOR & BBCODE EDITOR) ------- */
// We are using TinyMCE as wysiwyg editor
// You can obtain full TinyMCE source in
// TinyMCE is (c)copyright Moxiecode
// display wysiwyg editor
// $id = ID of form field
// $text = initial value
// $pagebreak = display pagebreak button ( <!-- pagebreak --> )
function rte_area ($id, $text = '', $width = 400, $height = 350, $pagebreak = false)
global $config, $txt, $rte_mode;
if ($config['wysiwyg'])
$rte_mode = 'rte_init';
if ($config['multi_rte']) $rte_mode = 'rte_multi'; else $config['multi_rte'] = 1;
$rte_mode = 'text';
if (strpos (Cur_Url (), 'includes%2F') OR strpos (Cur_Url (), 'admin%2F'))
$rte['basedir'] = '../'.$config['rte_basedir'];
$rte['basedir'] = $config['rte_basedir'];
if ($pagebreak) $rte['pagebreak'] = 'pagebreak,'; else $rte['pagebreak'] = '';
$rte['f_textarea'] = $id;
$rte['f_width'] = $width;
$rte['f_height'] = $height;
$rte['f_html'] = htmlentities ($text);
$rte['site_url'] = $config['site_url'];
return quick_tpl (load_tpl ('etc', $config['rte_skin']), $rte);
// convert bbcode to html, eg bold to <b>bold</b>
function BBCode($Text)
// Declare the format for [code] layout
$CodeLayout = '<div class="code"><b>Code:</b><br />$1</div>';
// Declare the format for Quote: | layout
$QuoteLayout = '<blockquote><b>Quote:</b><br />$1</blockquote>';
// Set up the parameters for a URL search string
$URLSearchString = " a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\.\=\_\~\#\'";
// Set up the parameters for a MAIL search string
$MAILSearchString = $URLSearchString . " a-zA-Z0-9\.@";
$match = array ('<', '>', '[*]', '[/*]', '[p]', '[/p]');
$replace = array ('<', '>', '<li>', '</li>', '<p>', '</p>');
$match2 = array ("/\[url\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/url\]/", "(\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\](.+?)\[/url\])",
"(\[mail\]([$MAILSearchString]*)\[/mail\])", "/\[mail\=([$MAILSearchString]*)\](.+?)\[\/mail\]/",
"(\[b\](.+?)\[\/b])is", "(\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\])is", "(\[u\](.+?)\[\/u\])is",
"(\[s\](.+?)\[\/s\])is", "(\[o\](.+?)\[\ ])is", "(\[color=(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/color\])is",
"/\[list\](.+?)\[\/list\]/is", "/\[list=1\](.+?)\[\/list\]/is",
"/\[list=i\](.+?)\[\/list\]/s", "/\[list=I\](.+?)\[\/list\]/s",
"/\[list=a\](.+?)\[\/list\]/s", "/\[list=A\](.+?)\[\/list\]/s",
"(\[font=(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/font\])", "/\[code\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is",
"/\[img\](.+?)\[\/img\]/", "/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.+?)\[\/img\]/");
$replace2 = array ('<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>', '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$2</a>',
'<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>', '<a href="mailto:$1">$2</a>',
'<b>$1</b>', '<i>$1</i>', '<u>$1</u>',
'<strike>$1</strike>', '<span style="text-decoration: overline">$1</span>', "<span style=\"color: $1\">$2</span>",
"<span style=\"font-size: $1px\">$2</span>",
'<ul>$1</ul>', '<ol>$1</ol>',
'<ol type="i">$1</ol>', '<ol type="I">$1</ol>',
'<ol type="a">$1</ol>', '<ol type="A">$1</ol>',
"<span style=\"font-family: $1;\">$2</span>", "$CodeLayout",
'<img src="$1">', '<img src="$3" height="$2" width="$1">');
// Perform search & replace
$Text = str_replace ($match, $replace, $Text);
$Text = preg_replace($match2, $replace2, $Text);
$Text = nl2br($Text);
return convert_smilies ($Text);
// display bbcode editor
function bbc_area ($id, $text = '', $width = 450, $height = 100)
global $config, $txt, $rte_mode;
if ($config['bbcode'])
$rte_mode = 'bbcode_init';
if ($config['multi_bbc']) $rte_mode = 'bbc_multi'; else $config['multi_bbc'] = 1;
$rte_mode = 'text';
if (strpos (Cur_Url (), 'includes%2F') OR strpos (Cur_Url (), 'admin%2F'))
$rte['basedir'] = '../'.$config['rte_basedir'];
$rte['basedir'] = $config['rte_basedir'];
$rte['f_textarea'] = $id;
$rte['f_width'] = $width;
$rte['f_height'] = $height;
$rte['f_html'] = $text;
return quick_tpl (load_tpl ('etc', $config['rte_skin']), $rte);
/* ------- ( IMAGE FUNCTIONS ) ------- */
// require GD version 2.0.28 or later
// optimize image without sacrificing image quality (only in GD 2)
// $source = file source; $target = file output;
// $target_x = output x size; $target_y = output y size; $target_q = output quality
// $target_x can be 'thumb' to create thumbnail, or empty to smart-resize
function image_optimizer ($source, $target, $target_q = 0, $target_x = 0, $target_y = 0)
global $config;
$gd_version = $config['gd_library'];
$thumb_size = $config['thumb_size'];
// quality
if (empty ($target_q)) $target_q = $config['optimizer'];
// works only on JPEG
$inf = getimagesize ($source);
$format = $inf[2];
if (($format >= 1) && ($format <= 3) && (!empty ($target_q)))
$img_size = GetImageSize ($source);
if ($format == 1)
$img_in = ImageCreateFromGIF ($source);
elseif ($format == 2)
$img_in = ImageCreateFromJPEG ($source);
elseif ($format == 3)
$img_in = ImageCreateFromPNG ($source);
die ('Unrecognized Format');
// if $x & $y empty -> original size
if (empty ($target_x) && empty ($target_y)) { $target_x = $inf[0]; $target_y = $inf[1]; }
// if $x = any (not 'thumb') & y = empty -> resize
if (!empty ($target_x) && empty ($target_y))
if ($target_x != 'thumb')
$thumb_size = $target_x;
$target_x = 'thumb';
// if $x thumb -> create thumb
if ($target_x == 'thumb')
if (empty ($target_q)) $target_q = $config['thumb_quality'];
if ($img_size[0] > $img_size[1]) $thumb_on = 'x'; else $thumb_on = 'y';
if ($thumb_on == 'y')
$target_x = ($thumb_size/$img_size[1]) * $img_size[0];
$target_y = $thumb_size;
$target_y = ($thumb_size/$img_size[0]) * $img_size[1];
$target_x = $thumb_size;
// create optimized version
if ($gd_version == '1')
$img_out = ImageCreate ($target_x, $target_y);
ImageCopyResized ($img_out, $img_in, 0, 0, 0, 0, $target_x, $target_y, $img_size[0], $img_size[1]);
elseif ($gd_version == '2')
$img_out = ImageCreateTrueColor ($target_x, $target_y);
ImageCopyResampled ($img_out, $img_in, 0, 0, 0, 0, $target_x, $target_y, $img_size[0], $img_size[1]);
// optimized (output)
if ($format == 1)
ImageGIF ($img_out, $target, $target_q);
elseif ($format == 2)
ImageJPEG ($img_out, $target, $target_q);
elseif ($format == 3)
ImagePNG ($img_out, $target, round ($target_q / 10));
die ('Unrecognized Format');
ImageDestroy ($img_out);
ImageDestroy ($img_in);
@chmod ($target, 0644);
return true;
return false;
/* ------- ( IP CONFIG ) ------- */
// IP CONFIG is not the same with Windows' ipconfig, instead it means 'User-IP based configuration'. Each user can store
// his configuration (skin, language, etc) without opening an account or saving in cookie.
// Config is only stored for 120 minutes.
// update config value
// $what = field name in ip_config table (optional)
function ip_config_update ($what = '', $value = '')
global $current_user_id, $db_prefix;
$now = mktime ();
$was = $now - 7200; // 7200 seconds = 2 hours
sql_query ("DELETE FROM ".$db_prefix."ip_config WHERE last_update < $was");
sql_query ("INSERT IGNORE INTO ".$db_prefix."ip_config (ip, username, last_update) VALUES ('$ip', '$current_user_id', '$now')");
if (!empty ($what)) sql_query ("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."ip_config SET $what='$value', username='$current_user_id' WHERE ip='$ip' LIMIT 1");
// get ip_config value of $what from ip_config table
function ip_config_value ($what)
global $db_prefix;
$res = sql_query ("SELECT $what FROM ".$db_prefix."ip_config WHERE ip='$ip' LIMIT 1");
$row = sql_fetch_array ($res);
return $row[$what];
// count numbers of stored ip_config ==> can be used as 'Number of online users' (but time range too big, 60 minutes)!
function ip_config_count ()
$res = sql_query ("SELECT SUM(username!='') AS member, SUM(username='') AS guest FROM ".$db_prefix."ip_config LIMIT 1");
$row = sql_fetch_array ($res);
$row['total'] = $row['member'] + $row['guest'];
return $row;
// qVC - the simplest visual confirmation engine yet
// use qvc_init() --> <img src="visual.php"> --> compare qvc_value() == sha1 (strtolower($user_input) )?
// qVC uses db to communicate with visual.php, then set user cookie using sha1, then db not used!
// $num = either 3 or 5, 3 => only 0-9, 5 => 0-F
function qvc_init ($num = 5)
if ($num == 3)
$value = mt_rand (100, 999);
$value = random_str (5);
ip_config_update ('visual', $value);
setcookie ('qvc_value', sha1 ($value), 0, '/');
// return qvc value (it's sha1'd, so be sure to compare with sha1'd value)
function qvc_value ()
$correct_val = cookie_param ('qvc_value');
// block browser BACK
qvc_init ();
return $correct_val;
/* ------- ( AXSRF - Anti Cross Site Request Forgery ) ------- */
// Google the web for XSRF
// So, to fight XSRF, we have to generate random token for each form & user, and compare it with stored token in db
// qTPL cleverly & automatically add hidden field to all forms, but only if you use flush_tpl()
// create AXSRF token value, this function called upon user login/register
function AXSRF_init ()
global $login, $db_prefix, $current_user_id, $current_admin_id;
$value = random_str (32);
if ($login)
sql_query ("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."user SET axsrf_token='$value' WHERE user_id='$current_user_id' LIMIT 1");
elseif (!empty ($current_admin_id))
sql_query ("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."user SET axsrf_token='$value' WHERE user_id='$current_admin_id' LIMIT 1");
return FALSE;
return $value;
// get AXSRF token value
function AXSRF_value ()
global $login, $db_prefix, $current_user_id, $current_admin_id;
if ($login)
$res = sql_query ("SELECT axsrf_token FROM ".$db_prefix."user WHERE user_id='$current_user_id' LIMIT 1");
elseif (!empty ($current_admin_id))
$res = sql_query ("SELECT axsrf_token FROM ".$db_prefix."user WHERE user_id='$current_admin_id' LIMIT 1");
return FALSE;
$row = sql_fetch_array ($res);
return $row['axsrf_token'];
// get & compare token ID automatically
// it automatically get token and do comparison, if failed => die
// $field = hidden form field name (default: AXSRF_token) - both get & post method
// call this function before processing any forms
function AXSRF_check ($field = 'AXSRF_token')
global $config;
$db = AXSRF_value ();
if (empty ($db)) die ("Invalid token ID. If this problem occurs, please <a href=\"mailto:$config[site_email]\">contact us.</a>");
$foo = post_param ($field);
if (empty ($foo)) $foo = get_param ($field);
// AXSRF in DB doesn't match with hidden field => die
if ($foo != $db) die ("Invalid token ID. If this problem occurs, please <a href=\"mailto:$config[site_email]\">contact us.</a>");
// safe
return TRUE;
/* ------- ( FORM LOADER ) ------- */
// save_form saves user input values for form, so it can be used in form loader
// ONLY 1 FORM can be saved at a time, new save will overwrite old one
function save_form ($form_id, $method = 'post')
$tmp = '"form","'.$form_id.'",';
if ($method == 'post')
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) $tmp .= '"'.$key.'","'.post_param ($key).'",';
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) $tmp .= '"'.$key.'","'.get_param ($key).'",';
$tmp = addslashes (substr ($tmp, 0, -1));
ip_config_update ('saved_form', $tmp);
// load_form loads user input values from db, so user doesn't need to re-input values
// return array to be used in tpl
function load_form ($form_id)
$foo = ip_config_value ('saved_form');
$tmp = csv_split ($foo);
if (empty ($tmp)) return FALSE;
if ($tmp[1] != $form_id) return FALSE;
foreach ($tmp as $var) $doh[] = stripslashes ($var);
return array_split ($doh, '', TRUE);
// empty saved values
function reset_form ()
ip_config_update ('saved_form', '');
/* ------- ( FAST SEARCH ) ------- */
// Fast Search (FS) is a search alternative for traditional SQL search (SELECT * FROM table WHERE body LIKE '%keywords%')
// FS offers much faster search result, up to 20x faster (or more, on large database)
// to use it: register article using update_wordmatch, then find it using fast_search
// also using FS db, we can create tag cloud (cloud tag?)
// FS uses word_match function's result(see admin_func.php)
// do fast search
// $query = keywords to find
// $identifier = unique ID to identify owner, eg. news, media, shop, etc
// $mode = search mode, OR || AND
// returned is $result (array) containing article id.
// used by: search.php
function fast_search ($query, $identifier, $mode = 'or')
global $db_prefix;
$foo = array ();
$i = 0;
$keyword = strtok ($query, ' ');
while ($keyword)
$keyword = strtolower ($keyword);
$res = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."wordlist WHERE word_text LIKE '%$keyword%' LIMIT 20");
while ($row = sql_fetch_array ($res))
if (!empty ($identifier))
$res2 = sql_query ("SELECT article_id FROM ".$db_prefix."wordmatch WHERE word_id = '$row[word_id]' AND identifier = '$identifier'");
$res2 = sql_query ("SELECT article_id FROM ".$db_prefix."wordmatch WHERE word_id = '$row[word_id]'");
while ($row2 = sql_fetch_array ($res2)) $foo[$i][] = $row2['article_id'];
if (!empty ($row2)) $i++;
$keyword = strtok (' ');
$j = count ($foo);
if (@is_null ($foo[0])) $j = 0;
if ($j > 1)
if ($mode == 'and')
// if $mode = 'and', we need to find which article_id has all word_id, by finding similar (intersection) values. Only similar values return
$result = call_user_func_array ('array_intersect', $foo);
// if $mode = 'or', we simply takes all value, but remove double values (merge it, not remove)
$result = call_user_func_array ('array_merge', $foo);
elseif ($j == 1)
$result = $foo[0];
$result = array ();
return array_unique ($result);
// we can tag cloud using wordlist db
// $url = url to link (eg. index.php?cmd=open&tag=)
// $num = number of top tags
// used by: index.php
function create_tag_cloud ($url = '', $num = 100)
global $db_prefix, $config;
$tmp = qcache_get ('cloud');
if (!$tmp)
$foo = array (); $total = $i = $max_count = $min_count = 0;
$max_size = 16;
$min_size = 8;
$tmp = '';
// get tags collection & max count
$res = sql_query ("SELECT word_text, count FROM ".$db_prefix."wordlist ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT $num");
while ($row = sql_fetch_array ($res)) $foo[$row['word_text']][] = $row;
sort ($foo);
foreach ($foo as $row)
$total = $total + $row[0]['count'];
if ($max_count < $row[0]['count']) $max_count = $row[0]['count'];
if ($min_count > $row[0]['count']) $min_count = $row[0]['count'];
$foo[$i]['word'] = $row[0]['word_text'];
$foo[$i]['count'] = $row[0]['count'];
// create cloud
for ($j = 1; $j <= $i; $j++)
$s = ($foo[$j]['count'] / $max_count) * $max_size;
if ($s < $min_size) $s = $min_size;
$size = round ($s).'pt';
$word = $foo[$j]['word'];
$tmp .= "<span style=\"font-size:$size\"><a href=\"$url$word\">$word</a></span>\n";
// save to cache
qcache_update ('cloud', $tmp);
return $tmp;
/* ------- ( SEO URL ) ------- */
// create the URL for SEO
// $item_id = real item_id
// $label = title of article, eg "Welcome To Our Forum" -> will become "welcome-to-our-forum"
// used by: qadmin.php (and by other scripts that doesn't use qadmin)
function create_seo_url ($item_id, $label)
// create new item_id
return $item_id.'-'.preg_replace ("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "-", substr (strtolower (html_unentities ($label)), 0, 255));
// get param for SEO URL; eg. page.php?pid=welcome --> page,pid,1-welcome.php (original item_id is 1) from table qe_page
// $item_id = the item_id from URL ('welcome')
function seo_param ($item_id)
global $config;
// seo url only for ADP 3
if ($config['enable_adp'] != 3) return $item_id;
$foo = explode ('-', $item_id);
if (!empty ($foo[0])) return $foo[0]; else return $item_id;
/* ------- ( qCACHE ) ------- */
// the easiest cache ever
// get cache from database, $id = identifier
function qcache_get ($id)
global $config, $db_prefix;
$id = $id.':'.$config['skin'];
$c = sql_qquery ("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."cache WHERE cache_id='_cache:$id' LIMIT 1");
if (empty ($c['cache_id']))
sql_query ("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."cache SET cache_id='_cache:$id'");
$c[1] = '';
$lu = substr ($c[1], 0, 10);
$cc = substr ($c[1], 11);
if (time () - $lu > $config['cache']) return FALSE; else return $cc;
// update cache to db, $id = identifier; $content = cached content to save (must be clean from slashes)
function qcache_update ($id, $content)
global $config, $db_prefix;
$id = $id.':'.$config['skin'];
$cc = time().'|'.addslashes ($content);
sql_query ("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."cache SET cache_value='$cc' WHERE cache_id='_cache:$id' LIMIT 1");
// clear cache
function qcache_clear ()
global $config, $db_prefix;
sql_query ('TRUNCATE `'.$db_prefix.'cache');
/* ------- ( MISC ) ------- */
// (c) forceone at [ ]
// get varname & value from .ini formatted vars, eg:
// [ Section ]
// var = value
// var2 = value2
// used by: tpl.php for modules
function parse_ini_str ($Str, $ProcessSections = TRUE)
$Section = NULL;
$Data = array();
if ($Temp = strtok($Str,"\r\n"))
$Temp = trim ($Temp);
if (empty ($Temp)) $Temp = ';dummy';
switch ($Temp[0])
case ';':
case '#':
case '[':
if (!$ProcessSections) { break; }
$Pos = strpos($Temp,'[');
$Section = substr($Temp,$Pos+1,strpos($Temp,']',$Pos)-1);
$Data[$Section] = array();
$Pos = strpos($Temp,'=');
if ($Pos === FALSE) { break; }
$Value = array();
$name = trim(substr($Temp,0,$Pos));
$val = trim(substr($Temp,$Pos+1),' "');
if ($ProcessSections)
if (empty($Section))
$Data[$name] = $val;
$Data[$Section][$name] = $val;
$Data[$name] = $val;
while ($Temp = strtok("\r\n"));
return $Data;
// safely send string via url (without the risk of 'simple injection' or 'lost in translation').... IT'S NOT A SAFE METHOD!
function safe_send ($string)
if (empty ($string)) re |
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