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Joined: Apr 17, 2011
Posts: 117
Location: Amsterdam
Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:49 pm |
I am almost finished with upgrade to Ravennuke 2.5x ... evey thing went well I guess .. now I suddenly found that articles I publish are not being saved/posted . I tried via the cp to add an article but just the same... no error just nothing posted.
it is on a subdomein.. no prob I think right. |
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Joined: Dec 02, 2006
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Location: Texas, USA
Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:40 pm |
Do you see the stories posted on the main admin page at the bottom? I ask because it's possible the stories were posted in a language other than the one you are viewing the site in. |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:53 am |
spasticdonkey, No, I thought about that you are right.
I just posted an article as a test in more than one language.. but without success I can't see it in the cp neither
Unfortunately I face this stupid thing.. I have fixed more difficulty errors -_- what a pitty
Let me think I just tried on my local sever 2. same prob O_o |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 22, 2007
Posts: 1775
Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:14 am |
In my local installations of RN251 and RN25 i don't have a issue to add articles - all fine here. I think you have created own mistakes while upgrading because if the News module is "untouched", then is all fine. |
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Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:25 am |
neralex wrote: | In my local installations of RN251 and RN25 i don't have a issue to add articles - all fine here. I think you have created own mistakes while upgrading because if the News module is "untouched", then is all fine. |
I see. I just installed the news module of ton 2.6 and replaced every file as told in the read me. but no .. still the same. I also tried to edit an old article and that works good.
I can start smoking again  |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:44 am |
Then it could be you have a issue with the db-fields. Turn on the error reporting and activate the sql log level (1) in rnconfig.php and check the the dblog file in the rnlogs folder after set write permissions to 755 to the dblog file. Then you should see the sql errors while storing data in the database. Compare the stories db-table from the RN core package and your old stories db-table. |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:20 am |
I see some errors..
August 5, 2013, 12:59 pm File: /home/***REMOVED***/db/mysqli.php - Line: 201
more than one nuke_seo_feed table not exist ... (I just inserted it all)
Code: 1064 - Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where pollID='0'' at line 1
SQL was: UPDATE nuke_poll_desc SET artid= where pollID='0'
August 5, 2013, 12:59 pm File: /home/***REMOVED***/db/mysqli.php - Line: 201
Code: 1064 - Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND ug.user_pending = 0 AND a.group_id = ug.group_id' at line 1
SQL was: SELECT a.forum_id, auth_view, auth_read, a.auth_mod FROM `nuke_bbauth_access` a, `nuke_bbuser_group` ug WHERE ug.user_id = AND ug.user_pending = 0 AND a.group_id = ug.group_id
what about the mysqli.. I think it is mysql in phpnuke. |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:57 am |
RN using mysqli and not more mysql, that is the reason why the mysqli.php returns errors.
Your first error shows you, that you don't have passed a value for the field artid= because there must be a value like artid=1. The reason for this is, that the insert query to store the article is not working and then can't find the select query the new id. Please check the logfile again, there must be more errors before the error with the polls was reported. |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:04 am |
right I can see the poll error
Code:Code: 1064 - Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where pollID='0'' at line 1
SQL was: UPDATE nuke_poll_desc SET artid= where pollID='0'
So do I have to do something around the mysqli?? or even the database.
I can send you a copy of the log file if it is safe and okey |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:12 am |
RN using mysqli and you don't must do nothing if you are using the lates RN. Only if you want port old modules, then you must do some changes but this is another story.
Make dump of the structure (not the data) from your _stories db-table and post it here, please. Then search in your logfile an error with a insert query for the _stories table and post the error also here. |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:39 am |
Code:August 5, 2013, 1:01 pm File: /home/***REMOVED***/db/mysqli.php - Line: 201
Code: 1136 - Message: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
SQL was: insert into nuke_stories values (NULL, '0', 'admin', 'test88877', now(), '<p> ,kjh.lkj./kjmn</p>', '<p> /l.kj</p>', 0, 0, '1', 'admin', '', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', 0, 0, '')
This error from your dblog shows you that your stories have not all needed fields. It seems you don't have upgraded the _stories db-table from your old nuke to RN structure of this table.
Try to rename your old nuke_stories table and run this one in your phpmyadmin. After that you must insert your existing articles from the renamed table or you can add the needed field-structure in your existing nuke_stories table.
Code:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke_stories` (
`catid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`aid` varchar(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`title` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL,
`time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`hometext` text,
`bodytext` text NOT NULL,
`comments` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
`counter` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`topic` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`informant` varchar(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`notes` text NOT NULL,
`ihome` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`alanguage` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`acomm` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`haspoll` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`pollID` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`score` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`ratings` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`associated` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`sid`),
KEY `catid` (`catid`),
KEY `counter` (`counter`),
KEY `topic` (`topic`)

Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:03 am |
It works now but of course without my old articles.. I want thank you first
Now I want try to find out how to insert my existing articles.. after that I can publish the new site I guess
it would be great if you can tell me how to do that.
Danke  |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:25 am |
I can write it for you but i need the name of your old table, i mean the renamed table with the existing articles. |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:36 am |
doffer83 wrote: | this is the file I was renamed it to nuke_stories2 |
open: modules/News/admin/case.php
Add after break;:
Code: case 'newstransfer':
include_once('modules/' . $module_name . '/admin/transfer.php');
After that it should looks like this:
Code:switch($op) {
case 'YesDelCategory':
case 'subdelete':
case 'DelCategory':
case 'NoMoveCategory':
case 'EditCategory':
case 'SaveEditCategory':
case 'AddCategory':
case 'SaveCategory':
case 'DisplayStory':
case 'PreviewAgain':
case 'PostStory':
case 'EditStory':
case 'RemoveStory':
case 'ChangeStory':
case 'DeleteStory':
case 'adminStory':
case 'PreviewAdminStory':
case 'PostAdminStory':
case 'autoDelete':
case 'autoEdit':
case 'autoSaveEdit':
case 'submissions':
case 'newsedit':
case 'tonSave':
case 'newstransfer':
include_once('modules/' . $module_name . '/admin/transfer.php');
Create a new php-file with the name transfer.php and place it with the following code inside in the admin folder of the News module:
if (!defined('ADMIN_FILE')) {die ('Access Denied');}
if (!defined('PHP_EOL')) define('PHP_EOL', strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN') ? "\r\n" : "\n");
$module_name = basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
if (is_mod_admin('admin') || is_mod_admin($module_name)) {
if (!isset($ok)) $ok = '';
if (!isset($op)) $op = '';
switch($op) {
case 'newstransfer':
} else {
include_once 'header.php';
echo '<div class="text-center"><span class="thick">ERROR</span><br /><br />You do not have administration permission.</div>' , PHP_EOL;
include_once 'footer.php';
function news_transfer($ok=0) {
global $prefix, $db, $module_name, $admin_file, $op;
list($article_count) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query('SELECT COUNT(`sid`) FROM `' . $prefix . '_stories2`'), SQL_NUM);
if ($ok && $article_count > 0) {
$status = 0;
$count = 0;
$delqry = $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM `' . $prefix . '_stories`');
if ($delqry) {
list($check) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query('SELECT COUNT(`sid`) FROM `' . $prefix . '_stories`'), SQL_NUM);
if ($check == 0) {
$db->sql_query('ALTER TABLE `' . $prefix . '_stories` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1');
$status = 1;
if ($status == 1) {
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . $prefix . '_stories2` ORDER BY `sid` ASC');
if ($db->sql_numrows($result) > 0) {
while ($transfer = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$aid = $transfer['aid'];
$catid = $transfer['catid'];
$title = $db->sql_escape_string(htmlspecialchars_decode(check_html($transfer['title'], 'nohtml'),ENT_QUOTES));
$time = $transfer['time'];
$hometext = $db->sql_escape_string(check_html($transfer['hometext'], ''));
$bodytext = $db->sql_escape_string(check_html($transfer['bodytext'], ''));
$comments = $transfer['comments'];
if (!is_numeric($comments)) $comments = 0;
$counter = $transfer['counter'];
if (!is_numeric($counter)) $counter = 0;
$topic = $transfer['topic'];
if (is_numeric($topic)) $topic = 1;
$informant = $db->sql_escape_string(htmlspecialchars_decode(check_html($transfer['informant'], 'nohtml'),ENT_QUOTES));
$notes = $db->sql_escape_string(check_html($transfer['notes'], ''));
$ihome = $transfer['ihome'];
if (!is_numeric($ihome)) $ihome = 0;
$alanguage = $db->sql_escape_string($transfer['alanguage']);
$acomm = $transfer['acomm'];
if (!is_numeric($acomm)) $acomm = 0;
$haspoll = $transfer['haspoll'];
if (is_numeric($haspoll)) $haspoll = 0;
$pollID = $transfer['pollID'];
if (!is_numeric($pollID)) $pollID = 0;
$score = $transfer['score'];
if (!is_numeric($score)) $score = 0;
$ratings = $transfer['ratings'];
if (!is_numeric($ratings)) $ratings = 0;
$associated = $db->sql_escape_string($transfer['associated']);
$insert = $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO `' . $prefix . '_stories` VALUES '."(NULL, '$catid', '$aid', '$title', '$time', '$hometext', '$bodytext', '$comments', '$counter', '$topic', '$informant', '$notes', '$ihome', '$alanguage', '$acomm', '$haspoll', '$pollID', '$score', '$ratings', '$associated')");
if ($insert) {
if ($count == 1000) {
} # end of while
include_once 'header.php';
echo '<div class="text-center">' , PHP_EOL
, 'You have ' , $count , ' articles transfered!' , PHP_EOL
, '<br /><br />' , PHP_EOL
, '[ <a href="' , $admin_file , '.php">Go back!</a> ]' , PHP_EOL
, '<br /><br />' , PHP_EOL
, '</div>' , PHP_EOL;
include_once 'footer.php';
} else {
include_once 'header.php';
echo '<div class="text-center">' , PHP_EOL;
if ($article_count > 0) {
echo 'You can ' , $article_count , ' articles transfer to the new db-table!' , PHP_EOL
, '<br /><br />' , PHP_EOL
, '[ <a class="rn_csrf" href="' , $admin_file , '.php?op=' , $op , '&ok=1">' , _YES , '</a> ] - [ <a href="' , $admin_file , '.php">' , _NO , '</a> ]' , PHP_EOL
, '<br /><br />' , PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'No old articles found!' , PHP_EOL;
echo '</div>' , PHP_EOL;
include_once 'footer.php';
After the download the placement in the admin-folder of the News module you should call the function newstransfer from the downloaded file as admin:
Now you should see the a counting of your old articles in the renamed table. If you have pressed YES, then the new _stories would cleared and set back to the AUTO_INCREMENT = 1. After that runs a loop over your old articles and should store all old articles in the new _stories table. Please note, all new entries gets new article IDs. If its will not work, then let me know it and post here the error messages. |
Last edited by neralex on Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:10 pm; edited 3 times in total |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:52 am |
Great job neralex.. I saw the totale number of the articles;
You can 1265 articles transfer to the new db-table. Only just the first article ever of the
site has been transferd. more articles would be amazing solution
high 5 |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:25 am |
Do you have checked the dblog file for errors or get you php errors? |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:47 am |
Neralex :
August 5, 2013, 5:52 pm File: /home/***REMOVED***/db/mysqli.php - Line: 201
Code: 1064 - Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND ug.user_pending = 0 AND a.group_id = ug.group_id' at line 1
SQL was: SELECT a.forum_id, auth_view, auth_read, a.auth_mod FROM `nuke_bbauth_access` a, `nuke_bbuser_group` ug WHERE ug.user_id = AND ug.user_pending = 0 AND a.group_id = ug.group_id
only that I find in the log file |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:07 pm |
Ok that's are not issues with the news transfer. I have the transfer.php a little bit modified and self tested with 300 entries from your dump - it works! So i can't find a issue. Please use the code of the transfer.php in the post before. Wait so long until the loop ends. After that you should get a message with the transfered entries. |
Last edited by neralex on Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:06 pm; edited 3 times in total |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:52 pm |
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it is done |

Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:41 pm |
cool!  |