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The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 1123

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:23 am Reply with quote

Testing php 8.1

When I click on ADMIN Blocker Settings I got this error from Nuke Sentinel.

Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: mail() expects at least 3 arguments, 0 given in /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/modules/nukesentinel/ABConfigAdmin.php:98 Stack trace: #0 /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/modules/nukesentinel/ABConfigAdmin.php(98): mail() #1 /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/modules/nukesentinel.php(65): include('...') #2 /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/case/case.nukesentinel.php(184): include('...') #3 /www.bestbuildpc.org/home/admin.php(114): include_once('...') #4 {main} thrown in /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/modules/nukesentinel/ABConfigAdmin.php on line 98


Line 98 from ABConfigAdmin.php
if (TNML_IS_ACTIVE) { $mailtest = true; } else { $mailtest = @mail(); }

Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: mail() expects at least 3 arguments, 0 given in /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/modules/nukesentinel/ABConfigAuthor.php:98 Stack trace: #0 /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/modules/nukesentinel/ABConfigAuthor.php(9Cool: mail() #1 /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/modules/nukesentinel.php(66): include('...') #2 /www.bestbuildpc.org/home/admin/case/case.nukesentinel.php(184): include('...') #3 /web/htdocs/www.bestbuildpc.org/home/admin.php(114): include_once('...') #4 {main} thrown in /www.bestbuildpc.org/admin/modules/nukesentinel/ABConfigAuthor.php on line 98

Line 98 from ABConfigAuthor.php

if (TNML_IS_ACTIVE) { $mailtest = true; } else { $mailtest = @mail(); }

Well it looks like the same lines is affecting all files.

better overview.
echo '</select></td></tr>'."\n";

echo '<tr><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor2.'">'.help_img(_AB_HELP_016).' '._AB_EMAILLOOKUP.':</td>'."\n";
if (TNML_IS_ACTIVE) &#123; $mailtest = true; } else &#123; $mailtest = @mail(); }
if(!$mailtest AND !stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "PHP-CGI")) &#123;
  $sel0 = $sel1 = $sel2 = "";
  if($blocker_row['email_lookup']==1) &#123; $sel1 = ' selected="selected"'; }
  elseif($blocker_row['email_lookup']==2) &#123; $sel2 = ' selected="selected"'; }
  else &#123; $sel0 = ' selected="selected"'; }
  echo '<td><select name="xblocker_row[email_lookup]">'."\n";
  echo '<option value="0"'.$sel0.'>'._AB_OFF.'</option>'."\n";
  echo '<option value="1"'.$sel1.'>Arin.net</option>'."\n";
  echo '<option value="2"'.$sel2.'>DNSStuff.com</option>'."\n";
  echo '</select></td>'."\n";
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Site Admin

Joined: Aug 22, 2007
Posts: 1775

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:41 am Reply with quote

Please stop to flood the forums with you testings. You don't help me with it. I will go step by step through my files and if I need help, then I will open a thread. Thanks.

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The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Mar 06, 2004
Posts: 1164

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:42 pm Reply with quote

Might I suggest relocating this and the other "RavenNuke v2.5x" inquiries that find themselves discussing any PHP version outside the design specifications of each applicable RavenNuke release, be relocated to a different, maybe "Other" sub-forum?

My comment is not intended to be hostile or disruptive, rather as these two distinct RavenNuke releases are "designed for" compliance to "specified" LAMP environments, inquires that assume parameters outside those design specifications are... by their very nature... (and however frustrating that might be to any given user)... outside the scope of "technical support' regarding either of these two specific RavenNuke releases.

While such posts may certainly be worthy of discussion; alterations to base code (especially to deliver features in compliance to ANY modification to LAMP specifications beyond the defined design parameters) would mandate significant investigation and require the establishment of new "best practices" stipulations that define suitability to address the new coding environment. At the same time, it must be understood that implementation of such modifications would impact intended compatibility elsewhere, as definitions that exist outside the default feature set of this "new scope" will be impacted as well.

If someone desires to rewrite RavenNuke and its sub-components for PHP8.2 compliance, so be it; but it would be an entirely new version of RavenNuke as significant (scope altering) definitions would be required for compatibility.

I mention all of this only because it is unfortunately all too easy to take this "RavenNuke(tm) v2.5x" specific forum in a "fork direction"; but from an "Application" clarity perspective (and probably from a Forum user/moderation and tech support perspectives too), it should be stated that RavenNuke 2.51 and 2.52 and the various sub-components, mods and add-on functions are not designed for compatibility with a PHP8.0, PHP8.1 or PHP8.2 runtime environment and attempting to confront the impacts individually would not only be extremely time intensive; but not something that would happen this way (speaking to methodology), as (at least from a coder's perspective) every query, function and table definition would need to be evaluated (including initial creation) and that is outside the scope of support for either present RavenNuke 2.5x release.

It's hard to keep up with HTML and CSS standard modifications (which are not that difficult to fix as the templates are conveniently all located in the same place); but when you start talking about new versions of PHP itself, you are opening a rewrite can of worms that is outside the design and support realms of either of these two existing RavenNuke 2.5x applications and having this PHP8 content in this particular forum may inadvertently lead someone to the misguided conclusion that either RavenNuke 2.5x application was designed to support any PHP version beyond those specified, which I guess I'll just come right out and say, they are not. RavenNuke 2.5x is designed for PHP7. Any attempts to operate RavenNuke or its sub-components outside its coding language version design specifications are at your own risk and peril. In closing humor, I will emphasize that I will not try to stick an F-250 engine in a Tesla model S, and I don't think it's out of line to suggest avoiding the exercise of discussing the procedures to do that in a forum intended to explain how to drain the Oil from a Honda Scooter. Smile

Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. 
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