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Joined: Sep 13, 2003
Posts: 56
Location: Virginia
Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:53 pm |
The two websites that I have installed using Raven's 7.3 final customized distro, each have a problem with the security code for the log in graphic, the graphic shows fine, with the exception of the numerical code..
Here is the "kiker" the security code displays fine on both websites for the Admin log-in. This also happens in using the log-in when selecting Your Account
Is there a FIX for the user log-in/registration that would correct this problem? |
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Bob Miedema |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jul 30, 2003
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Location: Neurotic, State, USA
Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:07 pm |
Have you set $gfx_chk = 0; to $gfx_chk = 7;
I'm not to sure I understand what you are saying. I went to your site here >> and I seen NO security code. |
_________________ Scott Johnson MIS Ubuntu/Linux 11.10 |

Joined: Jul 15, 2004
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Location: OKC, OK
Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:16 pm |
WEll I had the same problem, I gave up and went to virgin 7.3 and put on patches and then added in the options that raven had installed by hand.
You may want to upload the 7.3 you_account and then put the 2.5 patch on top and see if that takes care of it. It almost has to be something in your_account that is causing it. |
_________________ ------------------------------------------
To strive, to seek, to find, but not to yield!
I don't know Kara-te but I do know cra-zy, and I WILL use it! |

Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:14 am |
Nukeum66 wrote: | Have you set $gfx_chk = 0; to $gfx_chk = 7;
I'm not to sure I understand what you are saying. I went to your site here >> and I seen NO security code. |
Hi Scott...
Yes, I have set my $gfx_chk=7;
Oh, that is a problem that has existed for over 2 months, when my hosting service updated their Apache server and didn't activate the GD extensions. I just can't seem to get them to respond, although they acknowledge my support feedback. I don't think they have taken the time to do this, I know that their other customers must be having the same problem if they want to use $gfx and I have it set to 0; on each of those site.
I am trying to get this problem resolved on my Apache LOCAL HOST server running on my laptop with WinXP/Pro
Thanks for checking my website (actually I am running 2 domains on that same server directory with PHPNuke) and they both are unable to show the security code in either the Admin or User log-in |
Last edited by neophite on Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:24 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:20 am |
Tao_Man wrote: | WEll I had the same problem, I gave up and went to virgin 7.3 and put on patches and then added in the options that raven had installed by hand.
You may want to upload the 7.3 you_account and then put the 2.5 patch on top and see if that takes care of it. It almost has to be something in your_account that is causing it. |
I am thinking that my your_account is the problem area.
Doesn't Raven's 7.3 customized version have that patch? If not, does that patch work with this new distribution? I thank you for the feedback and will try adding the 2.5 patch and see if that works. |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:04 am |
Are you referring to the login graphic on my site info block? |

Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:25 am |
Raven wrote: | Are you referring to the login graphic on my site info block? |
Yes that is what I use on the main page (it doesn't show the numerical security code), just a place holder with the word security code
However, when trying to log-in using the Your Account link, the same thing happens and yet the security code is present each time that I log into my admin account on either site
Raven...your website theme by Ganjruk and this forum design really ROCKS!! Great job  |

Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:56 pm |
This would indicate that a language file may have a blank line after the closing ?> tag. Check any language files you may have recently updated. |

Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:43 pm |
Raven wrote: | This would indicate that a language file may have a blank line after the closing ?> tag. Check any language files you may have recently updated. |
I love the "QUOTE" option
I have NOT made any changes to any language files on either of my LocalHost webhost sites...
What about the Your_Account modual? Could there be a problem in it?
I did a NEW install of your 7.3 Customized Final Distribution in 2 seperate folders on my LocalHost server and they both have the same problem with a numerical code being generated with the user & the your_account log-in; and on these same sites the numerical code works fine when using my Admin panel log-in
How about an addition to the install script that you created for 7.3 Distro, that would allow me to add data from my second website with a seperate data prefix, so that I could share the site users from each site, and allow me to have different design and data on each site?
The only option that is available in the current installer is to CREATE or REPLACE the database. So, it works smooth as "silk", but would really like to add tables from 2nd website (of course in my config file for each website is already correctly filled with the specific dbprefix and the common user prefix to both sites.
I will pay for such a modification
Thanks Raven for the hours and time you put into your latest distribution.
You provide PHPNuke at it's BEST for us webmasters.  |

Sat Jul 31, 2004 8:38 pm |
I was using the language file, really, as an example. Check any file you may have modified, like config.php to see if there are any extra lines after the closing ?> tag. |

Sun Aug 01, 2004 4:46 pm |
Raven wrote: | I was using the language file, really, as an example. Check any file you may have modified, like config.php to see if there are any extra lines after the closing ?> tag. |
Sorry for the delay in responding, as I watch all reply notices from this site of topics that I am following but I downloaded a trojan that caused havic by infecting my system and I just got my systm back up
You may have caught me..
I am constantly doing a "quick" edit with NOTEPAD instead of using my PHP editor in my website software program although I am getting better at changing this discipline; I gues you pay the price for NOT being careful
Thanks for the feedback, I will try to get back on track and check those various files that I have recently edited with my php editior. |

Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:14 pm |
I bloody well found it, I pulled my hair out for days and had to reinstall all of the options by hand, but I found the file that is causing the problem.
there is a blank line after the closing ?>
It is in the distro like this, why it is not causing more people problems I don't know, I guess diffrent versions of php running on thier servers.
So anyway Raven you may want to check it out and see if what I am saying is correct about it being in the distro like that.
I know it is what caused the problem for me. |

Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:17 pm |
One blank line is normal and expected. More than one IS a problem. If that solved your problem, there may have been some extra character on that line. That's the reason people aren't complaining because that normally isn't the problem and isn't in the distro. Some ftp clients do strange things too. |

Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:16 am |
neophite and I must have a very simerler setup at our hosts, because for me at least just one blank line was enuf. I used a hex editor and looked at the file in the distro and only thing after it was a <cr><lf> on my windows box and a <nl> after ftping to the freeBSD box that I host on.
I even used VI to add and take out just the newline and it broke/fixed the login grahpics.
There are pleanty of other files with one blank line after them that do not seem to cause a problem, why that one does...
I guess my hosting setup is just strange,
So it is not a bug in the distro.
Anyway it works for me now and at least could be a fix for others.
If you hadn't brought up the language files I never would have thought to look there.
I am interested to see if it works for neophite also. |

Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:04 am |
It's only an issue if you are trying to display an image. As soon as the browser sees that blank line it sees that as the end of the headers. But, the image header hasn't been sent yet so when the image header attempts to send the browser rejects it because it has been told that there are no more headers. That language file is included, so just as config.php is included, any included file that sends a space ends the headers. |

Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:46 pm |
Tao_Man wrote: | I am interested to see if it works for neophite also. |
No, I have checked several of the files so far on one site (I have 4 seperate running sites on a localhosted server setup on my laptop (using Apache2Triad on Windows XP Pro) so that I can learn more about PHP, MySQL and PHPNuke.
My Generic PHPNuke that came with Apache2Triad bundle (v7.0) and Raven's v7.0 customized distribution works fine with log-in graphics in both the admin and users log-in panel.
I just can't seem to get the security code graphic to display in the user's info block and the your_account module... this is "narrowed" down to a problem somewhere within the code to deal with user's acccount, which I am still researching.
Raven Thanks so much for your kindness and patience in helping each of us, that come here and show how stupid we are
I do have 2 hosted websites on unix servers, and since June 10th when they upgraded their server software and didn't load the GD library I hav NOT had the security code work on either site (so I have disable them in each config file), those sites were working fine till the upgrade and are running Raven's v7.0 customized distibution (with GD service still NOT installed), after many emails to support and I have given up on trying to get them to load the GD library.
Such is life  |

Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:18 pm |
Come on over to Raven Web Hosting and all your GD problems will be solved
On the other one, PM me your ftp logon info and I'll check it out  |
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Joined: Nov 10, 2003
Posts: 6
Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:56 pm |
I'm also having this problem and found the extra line in the english language file.
I deleted the line but still no security code in the new user account creation page...
Anything else i could try??
The website is running at
I'm waiting for a working fix before i replace the main site at which is still running raven's 7.0 distro
Thanks in advance for your guy's help!!
PS) I have the gfx check = 6 so it only shows the security code on ADMIN login and NEW USER creation only...
**UPDATE** I tryed right clicking on the missing grafic and select properties will show what the code is supposed to be. I enter that code when trying to create a new user and i get an error saying it's the wrong code and to type it exactly as shown... appears to be a problem somewhere.... |

Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:16 pm |
That code you see in properties is not the security code. It is a refernce for the graphic name. Check in config.php and any other file that get's included before the graphic is displayed. |

Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:27 pm |
try deleteing the last line after ?> in these files, I don't know but maybe could help
mainfile.php |

Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:35 am |
Tao_Man wrote: | try deleteing the last line after ?> in these files, I don't know but maybe could help
mainfile.php |
You guys rock! That seemed to do the trick for me.. i noticed some sort of character after the ?> that looked like some sore of ASCII character that looked like a square...
Dunno if it was me or the EditPlus program i used but i deleted it and it seems to be working ok now..
Thanks guys |

Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:38 am |
Yep. That would do it. There can be no chacters at all after the closing ?> tag. When editing on windoze and ftp'ing to *nix, make sure that you strip all trailing lines! |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2005
Posts: 3
Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:48 am |
Another satisfied user ....
Thanks Raven, Tao_Man, neophite, and thediskspaceinc ...
I ran into the described problem with the security graphic on a virgin 7.3 download ( after I revised config.php ).
The solutions below were applied step by step
Deleting the last line after ?> in these files
themes/Theme/theme.php ( where Theme is the theme you have
been recently playing with .... )
Edited 082205 - good also on 7.6 patched full
and the site is up ( crowd cheering in background ) - our non-profit is one step closer to a professional open source based site.
bows to the Master and adepts ... |
Last edited by iridesce on Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:45 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:56 am |