/* */
/* MS-Weather: class.msweather.php */
/* v3.0c 11-07-2003 FOR PHP-NUKE 6.5 */
/* */
/* Copyright © 2002 by: Maty Scripts ( */
/* */
/* */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */
/* */
global $TableBar, $TableBackGround, $TableFontColor, $TempFontColor;
// Colors that can be changed for the Weather Overview in the Module
include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/msw_config.php' );
class msweather
/* */
/* Constructor function msweather() */
/* */
function msweather()
/* */
/* Constructor function msw_openpage() */
/* */
function msw_openpage( $citycode, $unit )
// Page to open
if( $unit == 0 ) { $openfile = "".$citycode."_c.html"; }
else { $openfile = "".$citycode."_f.html"; }
$openerror = 0;
$mswdata = @implode ( '', file( $openfile ) );
if( $mswdata == FALSE ) {
$mswdata = ""._MSW_OPENERROR."";
$openerror = 1;
return( $mswdata );
/* */
/* function get_msw_blockdata() */
/* */
function msw_saveblockdata( $cityname, $citycode, $unit, $cache_file, $module_name )
global $TempFontColor;
// Open en load Yahoo Weather page
$rf = $this->msw_openpage( $citycode, $unit );
if( $rf <> ""._MSW_OPENERROR."" ) {
// Filter ALL Required data for selected City
eregi( "<!--CURCON-->(.*)<!--END CURCON-->", $rf, $all );
// Display Information for Weather block
$MSWblock = "<center><b>".$cityname." "._MSW_TODAY."</b></center>";
$MSWblock .= "<center>".$all[ 1 ]."</center>";
$MSWblock .= "<center><b><a href=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=".$module_name."&file=index&op=MSWeatherShowForcast\">"._MSW_FORECAST."</a></b></center>";
// Set font size and colors of temperature block
$MSWblock = $this->msw_settempcolors( $MSWblock, $TempFontColor );
// Decode Language
$MSWblock = $this->msw_languagedecode( $MSWblock, 0 );
// Setup Select City Mechanism
$MSWblock .= $this->msw_displaycities( $cityname, $module_name );
// Write filtered information to cache File
$MSWwrite = @fopen( $cache_file, 'w' );
if( !$MSWwrite ) {
$errormessage = ""._MSW_WRITEERROR."";
} else {
fputs( $MSWwrite, "$MSWblock" );
fclose( $MSWwrite );
} else {
$errormessage = ""._MSW_OPENERROR."";
// Return data for block
if( isset( $errormessage ) ) { return( $errormessage ); }
else {
return( $MSWblock );
/* */
/* function get_msw_readblockdata */
/* */
function msw_readblockdata( $cache_file )
if( file_exists( $cache_file) ) {
$MSWread = fopen( $cache_file, 'r' );
$MSWblock = fread( $MSWread, filesize( $cache_file ) );
fclose( $MSWread );
return( $MSWblock );
} else {
return( "Error!" );
/* */
/* function get_msw_getmoduledata() */
/* */
function msw_getmoduledata( $cityname, $citycode, $unit, $module_name, $showgeneral, $showforecast, $showmore )
global $TableBar, $TableBackGround, $TableFontColor, $TempFontColor;
// Open en load Yahoo Weather page
$rf = $this->msw_openpage( $citycode, $unit );
if( $rf <> ""._MSW_OPENERROR."" ) {
$rf = $this->msw_settempcolors( $rf, $TempFontColor );
$rf = $this->msw_languagedecode( $rf, 1 );
$MSWModule = "";
if( $showgeneral ) {
$MSWModule .= "<div align=\"center\"><center><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"50%\"><tr><td width=\"100%\">\n";
// Display General Overview
eregi( "<!--CURCON-->(.*)<!--endscale-->", $rf, $all );
if( $unit == 0 ) {
$MSWModule .= "<center><a href=modules.php?name=$module_name&file=index&op=MSWeatherShowForcast&cityname=$cityname&citycode=$citycode&unit=1><b>Fº</b></a> | <b>Cº</b></center>";
} else {
$MSWModule .= "<center><b>Fº</b> | <a href=modules.php?name=$module_name&file=index&op=MSWeatherShowForcast&cityname=$cityname&citycode=$citycode&unit=0><b>Cº</b></a></center>";
$MSWModule .= "<center>".$all[ 1 ]."</center><br><br>";
$MSWModule .= "</td></tr></table></center></div>\n";
if( $showforecast ) {
// Display Forecast
eregi( "<!----------------------- FORECAST ------------------------->(.*)<!--ENDFC-->", $rf, $all );
$all[ 1 ] = str_replace( "<!-- SpaceID=0 robot -->", "<A target=\"_blank\" href=\"".$citycode."?par=yahoo&\">"._MSW_EXTENDED."</A>", $all[ 1 ] );
$all[ 1 ] = str_replace( "=#333333", "=".$TableBar, $all[ 1 ] );
$all[ 1 ] = str_replace( "=#333333", "=".$TableBackGround, $all[ 1 ] );
$all[ 1 ] = str_replace( "face=Arial", "face=Arial size=2 color=".$TableFontColor, $all[ 1 ] );
$MSWModule .= "<center>".$all[ 1 ]."</center><br><br>";
if( $showmore ) {
// Display Current Conditions
eregi( "<!--MORE CC-->(.*)<!--ENDMORE CC-->", $rf, $all );
$all[ 1 ] = str_replace( _MSW_SHOWMORE, "<td bgColor=".$TableBar." width=\"100%\"><font face=\"Arial\" color=".$TableFontColor." size=\"2\"><center><b>"._MSW_SHOWMORE."</b></center></font></td>", $all[ 1 ] );
$all[ 1 ] = str_replace( "face=Arial", "face=Arial size=2 color=".$TableFontColor, $all[ 1 ] );
$all[ 1 ] = str_replace( "<td>", "<td bgcolor=".$TableBackGround.">", $all[ 1 ] );
$MSWModule .= "<center>".$all[ 1 ]."</center>";
return( $MSWModule );
} else {
return( ""._MSW_OPENERROR."" );
/* */
/* function msw_displaycities() */
/* */
function msw_displaycities( $cityname, $module_name )
global $db, $prefix;
$selcity = "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" action=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=$module_name&file=index&op=MSWeatherDecode&pcity=$pcity\">";
$selcity .= "<center>"._MSW_SELECTCITY."<select name=\"pcity\" onChange=\"submit()\">";
$result = $db->sql_query( "select mswv1, mswv2 from $prefix"._msweather." where type='4' ORDER BY mswv1 ASC" );
while( list( $dbcityname, $dbcitycode ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) {
if( $dbcityname == $cityname ) { $selcity .= "<option selected>".$dbcityname."</option>"; }
else { $selcity .= "<option>".$dbcityname."</option>"; }
$selcity .="</select></center></form>";
return( $selcity );
/* */
/* function msw_settempcolors( ) */
/* Set font size + color temperature block */
function msw_settempcolors( $rf, $TempFontColor )
$rf = str_replace( "<font face=Arial size=2>Currently:", "<font color=".$TempFontColor." face=Arial size=2>Currently:", $rf ); // Temp now
$rf = str_replace( "<font size=\"5\"", "<font size=\"5\" color=".$TempFontColor, $rf ); // Temp Now
$rf = str_replace( "<!-- teswt -->", "<!-- teswt --><font face=Arial size=2 color=".$TempFontColor.">", $rf ); // Weather Tekst
$rf = str_replace( "Hi:", "</font><font face=Arial color=".$TempFontColor." size=2>Hi:", $rf ); // Temp Hi
$rf = str_replace( "Lo:", "</font><font face=Arial color=".$TempFontColor." size=2>Lo:", $rf ); // Temp Lo
return( $rf );
/* */
/* function msw_languagedecode() */
/* */
function msw_languagedecode( $rf, $BorM )
$rf = str_replace( "More Current Conditions", _MSW_MORECURRENT, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Feels Like", _MSW_FEELSLIKE, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Barometer", _MSW_BAROMETER, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Humidity", _MSW_HUMIDITY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Visibility", _MSW_VISIBILITY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Dewpoint", _MSW_DEWPOINT, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Sunrise", _MSW_SUNRISE, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Sunset", _MSW_SUNSET, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Unavailable", _MSW_UNAVAILABLE, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Unlimited", _MSW_UNLIMITED, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "in the", _MSW_INTHE, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Scattered", _MSW_SCATTERED, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Isolated", _MSW_ISOLATED, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Thunderstorms", _MSW_THUNDERSTORMS, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "with", _MSW_WITH, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Thunder", _MSW_THUNDER, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Showers", _MSW_SHOWERS, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Shower", _MSW_SHOWER, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Partly", _MSW_PARTLY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Mostly", _MSW_MOSTLY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Light", _MSW_LIGHT, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Heavy", _MSW_HEAVY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Cloudy", _MSW_CLOUDY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Snow", _MSW_SNOW, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Haze", _MSW_HAZE, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Drizzle", _MSW_DRIZZLE, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Sunny", _MSW_SUNNY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Fair", _MSW_FAIR, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Rain", _MSW_RAIN, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Wind", _MSW_WIND, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "AM", _MSW_AM, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "PM", _MSW_PM, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Few", _MSW_FEW, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Vicinity", _MSW_VICINITY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Clouds", _MSW_CLOUDS, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Early", _MSW_EARLY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Clearing", _MSW_CLEARING, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Late", _MSW_LATE, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Fog", _MSW_FOG, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Clear", _MSW_CLEAR, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Drifting", _MSW_DRIFTING, $rf );
if( $BorM == 0 ) {
// Use for the block shorter translations, otherwise the block becomes to wide
$rf = str_replace( "Currently:", _MSW_NOW, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Hi: ", _MSW_HI."<br>", $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Lo: ", _MSW_LO."<br>", $rf );
} else {
// For the Modul display there are no restrictions with respect to the length of the names
$rf = str_replace( "Currently:", _MSW_CURRENTLY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Hi: ", _MSW_HIGH."<br>", $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Lo: ", _MSW_LOW."<br>", $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "High:", _MSW_HIGH, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Low:", _MSW_LOW, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Today", _MSW_TODAY, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Tomorrow", _MSW_TOMORROW, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Sun", _MSW_SUN, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Mon", _MSW_MON, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Tue", _MSW_TUE, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Wed", _MSW_WED, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Thu", _MSW_THU, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Fri", _MSW_FRI, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Sat", _MSW_SAT, $rf );
$rf = str_replace( "Day", _MSW_DAY, $rf );
return( $rf );