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Hangin' Around

Joined: Dec 27, 2003
Posts: 45

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:32 am Reply with quote


i want to duplicate the contect module into sevrel content modules and adding the feture of adding a sub category into main category.
can any one help me with that ?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:25 pm Reply with quote

Roy - I know this is a fairly old post, but have you succeeded in cloning the Content Module and using it for other purposes? If so, how did it go?
A few weeks ago I got the idea that the Content Module could be cloned and used to create sub-sites within a Nuke site by adding an html template (for the sub-site). The idea came to me cause a few of my web site clients want to update the content in their own sites which are currently static html sites, usually done in FrontPage.

As it turned out, it really works out well. I've since created three user-editable web sites that are exact clones of the original html sites, and the site owner can add, edit or delete content in the pages on their own after I set up an Admin account for them with access restricted only to their module (only their module shows in the Admin Panel when they log in).

So - there's a lot of room for exploration here. Naturally, there's lots of modding to do to make each new module 'site-specific'... the d'base tables and all references in the module's files have to be changed to eliminate cross-interference with the Content Module. So I added a set of $variables to the top of all files to replace all d'base table references throughout the script, so that all I need to do to make a new module is insert the new table names in the $variables at the top of the file and they apply globally throughout the file. Then I add in the template - usually broken into two or three new functions, change the language definition references to make them site-specific also.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:44 pm Reply with quote

Sounds interesting - thanks for sharing this! It would seem to me that you would only need to make 1 modded Contents module and tables. Then, you could store all the static pages in the same table but have them secured in someway that ties them to each user/pass so that others could not edit them. The functions would have to be modified to allow for the passing of the static identifiers, but it might be less maintenance that way. This would, of course, depend on how many 'clones' you were dealing with. For just a couple it's easier to just clone as you have done. Welcome to our community!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:24 pm Reply with quote

Thanks for the welcome, Raven. I'm an old retired guy who started building a few FrontPage sites about a year ago with no previous experience other than 20+ years in the graphic arts / offset printing industry. A friend challenged me to find out what it would take to build a CMS last Christmas... little did I know what I was in for when I started with Nuke in February. So I have been visiting your site and forums from time to time over the last several months while browsing for solutions.

It was my intent to make one sub-site module and see if it worked. It did, so I made a few more to replace active sites. What you're suggesting - that one modded module could contain a number of pages by different users - each with access restricted to their own pages only - would be quite useful for, say, posting news articles under one general identity.

I now see that a major function of my Portal will be to serve as a "shell" for several other smaller website modules each with their own distinct identities and purposes, some are just straight html (static modules) while others are now user-editable. And - if each of these sub-sites are to have their own distinct identities - say one for a classic car club, one for a welding shop and another for a wilderness hunting lodge - then they each need their own templates planted within the structure of the module's index.php page so that content entered in through the module's Admin Panel will display within designated cells within the template itself.

Since it appears to work as well as it does (photos are also storing and displaying well too), I will want to streamline and 'globalize' the "Birth Mother" module as much as possible so that creating others from it will be reduced to a minimum amount of time. I would also like to add a few more fields to the tables once I learn more about that so that I can divide the content displayed within the template into more sections... perhaps 8 to 10 content cells in total.

I want to give something back to the Nuke community for all that it has provided me during my learning period, so I will share a generic copy of the module once I get it refined. But that might not be till Christmas... I have to concentrate on getting my Portal done and online. My problem is I am constantly changing and modding things as I learn more... it is like a never ending process and I don't think you ever actually "finish" a Nuke site. I love it none-the-less.
Hangin' Around

Joined: Sep 10, 2005
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:14 am Reply with quote

Hello !

My page is being used by a number of smaller groups, each of them would like to post their own content independently of each other..

Cloning content modules would be a perfect solution for me, so i was wondering whether anyone has managed to produce detailed instructions how to do it ?

I am using Ravenphpscript 1.05.00 ...
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