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Joined: Mar 09, 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:53 am Reply with quote

I have 7.6 platinum w/ 2.9 patch and nukesentinel 2.20 p1 installed.

I would like to use email validation but I tried to turn it on - and when I tested it - I got forwarded to canalmail junk.. No email abt the site at all.. Now I just get spammed by them.

Any module that has the generic validation code in it?

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:16 am Reply with quote

Sounds like a custom redirection setup on your server to me. The registration email uses the php mail() function which is basic SMTP without Authentification. Contact your host and adk if this is supported. If it is there could be an issue with the line returns used in the email. But it sounds a lot like it is not and that they have a redirection setup that is sposed to bring would be spammers to canalmail.

There is a thread where using SMTP is discussed which may be something you'll have to consider. The next release of CNB YA will have this option but its about 5-6 weeks away from public release.

[b][size=5]openSUSE 11.4-x86 | Linux i686 | KDE: 4.6.41>=4.7 | XFCE 4.8 | AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3000+ | MSI K7N2 Delta-L | 3GB Black Diamond DDR
| GeForce 6200@433Mhz 512MB | Xorg 1.9.3 | NVIDIA 270.30[/size:2b8 
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:06 am Reply with quote

Well I looked through the code and it does have canal mail in there.. let me see if i can find the code.. its in modules/your_account/index.php

most of this module is in spanish anyways...
this is right after you submit for validation.. Does anyone have a copy that isnt in spanish and does work w/ email validation?


echo " <table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='1'>
<tr valign='top'>
<td>You connect yourself by broadband:</td>
<td> <font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'>
<select name='pais' >
<option value='ESP' >Yes</option>
<option value='ESP' >No</option>
<tr valign='top'>
<td class='bg3' >Security Code: 07006</td>
<td class='bg1' >
<input type='text' name='cp' size='8' maxlength='6' />

<tr valign='top'>
<td > Age: </td>
<td >
<select name=\"fec_ncto\" >
<option value=\"'01-01-1987'\" >16 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1986'\" >17 Years </option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1985'\" >18 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1984'\" >19 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1983'\" >20 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1982'\" >21 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1981'\" >22 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1980'\" >23 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1979'\" >24 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1978'\" >25 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1977'\" >26 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1976'\" >27 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1975'\" >28 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1974'\" >29 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1973'\" >30 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1972'\" >31 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1971'\" >32 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1970'\" >33 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1969'\" >34 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1968'\" >35 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1967'\" >36 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1966'\" >37 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1965'\" >38 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1964'\" >39 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1963'\" >40 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1962'\" >41 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1961'\" >42 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1960'\" >43 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1959'\" >44 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1958'\" >45 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1957'\" >46 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1956'\" >47 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1955'\" >48 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1954'\" >49 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1953'\" >50 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1952'\" >51 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1951'\" >52 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1950'\" >53 Years</option>
<option value=\"'01-01-1949'\" > >de 53 Years</option>
</select> </td>
<tr valign='top'>
<td> Sex: </td>
<input type='radio' name='sexo' value='H' >
<font size='2'>Man <font color='#007EBB'></font></font>
<font size='2'>
<input type='radio' name='sexo' value='M' >
<tr valign='top'>
<tr valign='top'>
<td > ¿How you knew us?: </td>
<td >
<select class='searchBox' name='sector' >
<option value='15' >Recommended by a friend</option>
<option value='15' >In a finder</option>
<option value='15' >In a page friend</option>
<tr valign='top'>
<td > Operating system: </td>
<td >
<select name='ocupacion'>
<option value='6' >Windows</option>
<option value='6' >Linux</option>
<option value='6' >Mac</option>
<option value='6' >Freebs</option>
<tr valign='top'>
<td ></td>
<td><div align='right'>&nbsp; </td>
<table width='370' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' >
<td height='22' valign='top' width='78'><font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' ><font size='1'><font size='1'><font size='1'><font size='1'><font size='2'><b>
<input type='checkbox' checked name='listas' value='1' >
<a name='1'><b><font size='1'>Acceptance of Terms and Conditions</font></b></a></b></font></font><font size='2'><b>



<div style='visibility:hidden;'>
<IFRAME name='frmIframe' id='frmIframe' style='width:0px; height:0px; border: 0px' SRC='' onload='iframeLoaded()'></IFRAME>


// Fin de Canalmail

if (extension_loaded("gd") AND ($gfx_chk == 3 OR $gfx_chk == 4 OR $gfx_chk == 6 OR $gfx_chk == 7)) {
echo "<tr><td>"._SECURITYCODE.":</td><td><img src='modules.php?name=$module_name&op=gfx&random_num=$random_num' border='1' alt='"._SECURITYCODE."' title='"._SECURITYCODE."'></td></tr>\n"
."<tr><td>"._TYPESECCODE.":</td><td><input type=\"text\" NAME=\"gfx_check\" SIZE=\"7\" MAXLENGTH=\"6\"></td></tr>\n"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"random_num\" value=\"$random_num\">\n";

// Aquí va el legal

// include "legal.php";
// include "javas_cript.php";

// Fin del legal.

echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>\n"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"new user\">\n"
."<input type=\"button\" onClick=\"submit_page(this.form); \"; value=\""._NEWUSER."\">\n"

// Inicio JAvascript

<script language=JavaScript>

function submit_page(formulario)
hayError = false;

var numlistas=0;

if (document.Register.listas)

// Comprueba que ha marcado alguna lista o categoría genérica

for (var k=0;k<numlistas;k++)

if (document.Register.listas[k].checked) break;
if (k==document.Register.listas.length-1)
alert('Debe marcar alguna lista de interés.');

if(hayError == false && document.Register.user_email.value=='')
alert('El campo dirección de e-mail no puede quedar en blanco.');
hayError = true;
if (hayError==false && (formulario.pais.value=='') )
alert('Debe seleccionar un pais');
hayError = true;
if (hayError==false)
if (CompruebaCp()== true)

var validaEmail= esEmailValido(formulario.user_email.value);
if(hayError == false && validaEmail!=0 )
if (validaEmail==1) {

alert('No es una dirección de email valida.');
hayError = true;
if (validaEmail==2)
alert('Email incorrecto. El campo email no puede contener espacios.');
hayError = true;

if(hayError == false && esMenorLongitud(formulario.user_email, 60) == false)
alert('La dirección de e-mail es demasiado largo.');
hayError = true;

// chequeo del sexo y la edad

if (hayError==false && (document.Register.sexo[0].checked == false )
&& (document.Register.sexo[1].checked == false ) )

alert ('selecciona tu sexo ');
hayError=true ;

if ( hayError == false && formulario.fec_ncto.value == 99 )
alert ('Tienes que seleccionar tu edad');
hayError = true;

if ( hayError == false && formulario.ocupacion.value == 99 )
alert ('Tienes que seleccionar tu ocupacion');
hayError = true;

if ( hayError == false && formulario.sector.value == 99 )
alert ('Tienes que seleccionar tu Sector');
hayError = true;

if ( hayError== false && ((document.Register.username.value=='')))
alert('Debes seleccionar tu nombre de usuario');

if(hayError == false)
var numlistas = document.Register.listas.length;
var pais = document.Register.pais.value;
var email = document.Register.user_email.value;
var fec_ncto = document.Register.fec_ncto.value;
var cp = document.Register.cp.value;
var ocupacion = document.Register.ocupacion.value;
var sector = document.Register.sector.value;

// Lo hacemos para las listas
var listas ='';
for (var k=0;k<numlistas;k++)
if (document.Register.listas[k].checked)
listas = listas+'&listas='+document.Register.listas[k].value;

// Lo hacemos para sexo

var indice;
if (document.Register.sexo[0].checked)
var sexo = document.Register.sexo[indice].value;


//Comienza el envio para correoafiliados

var frmBirthYear;
frmBirthYear = document.Register.fec_ncto.value.split(\"-\");
frmBirthYear = frmBirthYear[2];
frmBirthYear = frmBirthYear.substring(0,4);

var frmProfesion;
if (ocupacion==6) frmProfesion=8;
if(ocupacion==1) frmProfesion=7;
if(ocupacion==3) frmProfesion=19;
if(ocupacion==5) frmProfesion=27;
if(ocupacion==9) frmProfesion=10;
if(ocupacion==12) frmProfesion=16;

var frmPais;
if (pais=='ARG') frmPais=2;
if (pais=='BOL') frmPais=9;
if (pais=='BRA') frmPais=7;
if (pais=='CHL') frmPais=4;
if (pais=='COL') frmPais=6;
if (pais=='CRI') frmPais=24;
if (pais=='CUB') frmPais=10;
if (pais=='ESA') frmPais=18;
if (pais=='ESP') frmPais=1;
if (pais=='USA') frmPais=22;
if (pais=='ECU') frmPais=12;
if (pais=='GUA') frmPais=13;
if (pais=='HON') frmPais=17;
if (pais=='MEX') frmPais=3;
if (pais=='NIC') frmPais=16;
if (pais=='PAN') frmPais=15;
if (pais=='PAR') frmPais=19;
if (pais=='PER') frmPais=20;
if (pais=='POR') frmPais=5;
if (pais=='PUE') frmPais=21;
if (pais=='DOM') frmPais=11;
if (pais=='URU') frmPais=14;
if (pais=='VEN') frmPais=23;

var numlistas2 = document.Register.listas.length;
var categorias ='';
for (var cont=0;cont<numlistas2;cont++)
if (document.Register.listas[cont].checked)
var tipo = document.Register.listas[cont].value;
switch (tipo)
case '2420':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[16]=1';
case '8':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[3]=1';
case '2418':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[20]=1';
case '7':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[19]=1';
case '11':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[22]=1';
case '13':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[6]=1';
case '90':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[7]=1';
case '41':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[1]=1';
case '692':
categorias = categorias + '&frmCategoria[310]=1';

//fin de la adaptacion

var url2='http://www.correoafiliados.com/publicidad/alta_integrado.php?frmIDWebsite='+299+'&frmEmail='+email+'&frmSexo='+sexo+'&frmPais='+frmPais+'&frmBirthYear='+frmBirthYear+'&frmProvincia=13&frmProfesion='+frmProfesion+'&frmIDWebsiteReferer='+location.hostname+'&frmWindowClose=0';
if (categorias != '')
url2 = url2 + categorias;

return false;


var frmIframeLoaded = false;

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:44 am Reply with quote

Ah nevermind - I had never heard of CNB YA till you mentioned it today - went to version 4.4.0 b2 and worked great! Thanks, As..

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