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Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 293
Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:30 pm |
Gt on 7.5.
Crawling Problem:
Only home appears in the gt block
Almost Everything appears to work and have html tags
Looksmart will crawl but others dont.
I have sitemap done
I have gathered that it maybe something to do with
Quote: | The sessions ids are used in the forums and this is a problem for google but of course also for other crawlers they don´t like session ids. |
I dont know about or how to change session ids.
Essentually all I need is engines to crawl web links and the sticky posts in the forums.
When I have the mouse over the forums link on the front page (top toolbar)I get
Once in the forums all the links appear as
I sort of get the feeling that it may have something to do with the forms link on the front page not being html and search engines not able to follow that.???
If so how and where do I change the forum tool bar link?
I added a ' posts since last visited" link when loggen in in my user info...that has a html link..I have no idea how or why that is like that..thu I think thats good?
Tuning GT:
I see in the .htacess rewrite things for parts of the site
RewriteRule ^submit.html submit.html [L]
Then corrosponding files in Root/Googletap/GT-Submit_News.php
As I only need googe to search some parts, Forums, web links, couple web link blocks... surveys, top ten etc are not used and/or dont need to be crawled, do I need those files/entries? can I delete them? is there anything else I need to delete or 'clean up'?
Adding the code for the web links I think I can work out once I know how to take the stuff that doesnt need to be crawled ot.
This is all the stuff that doesnt need to be crawled or not used
AvantGo, Encyclopedia, Feedback, FAQ, Journal, Members List, Private Messages, Recommend Us, Search, Sections, Statistics, Surveys, Submit_News, Top10, Webmail, Your Account
I have done the site map thing... with just forums and think?? it would be good to have the site map, GT, robots.txt meta tags all doing the same thing. Like designing/ tuning up a Hot Rod so all the compents are 'matched' and doing the same thing. |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
Posts: 3191
Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support
Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:24 am |
First of all. I don´t have the code for your sessions.php to remove the sids for Google &Co.
Your forum is full with session ids.If you try spiders eye, you should see all the sessions ids.If you check your logfiles you`ll probably find such requests with long sids: The sids aren´t search engine friendly. - - [06/Aug/2005:00:00:50 +0200] "GET /ftopict-379.html?sid=515d8b646c01920be7296e8fedh527594 HTTP/1.0" 200 34416 "-" "msnbot/1.0
2004 was a discussion at about short urls also about session ids.This was the first time I was confronted with this problem. With a stand alone phpBB forum they all was able to remove the sids for spider.So if you install a new phpbb forum take a look at this great discussion. In the meantime there are about 105 pages or more about this topic.
But it´doesn´t work with the nuke forum because the sessions.php is different. I tried it and had no luck.phpBB had also problems before the used this function.e.g. you have 100.000 posts but with session ids are only 30 - 45 % in the search engine index.
But your problem is not only the forums session ids.Your link popularity isn´t high enough and the meta tags are not complete. You can use deeplinking to your forum,this should work.
And of course there are several ways to optimize a forum. I´m using different keywords and descr. and a lot of other things. I´m not talking about this, the most I´ve forgotten.
You can change your forums overall header and you can also try dynamic titles for better results.
Check your meta tags again. I found this:
Found no robots meta tag.
This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page.
The web page contain adult words and poisons keywords .
Do you have also the language defined in your meta-tags ? You should have this too.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="">
About poison keywords we had a discussion before.The word "forum" is only one of this words. But doesn´t matter. I renamed only some words.
See also:
If you have webmail modules installed, delete it immediatly because its a high security risk !
Something to read and you can try the sessions.php from yoinda.When I tried this in 2004 I got too many 404 errors .It wasn´t my solution. But it´s working and this code helped many peoples.
So we are looking for this short piece of code: if you are a spider...... |

Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:27 pm |
The 1st 4 paragraghs I have no idea what u are talking ignorance lol
Quote: |
Your link popularity isn´t high enough and the meta tags are not complete
For the subject we are rated on the front page....yes thanks, I was messing around the other day and // out a line I shouldnt have...the robots line.
Our meta tag
Code:echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset="._CHARSET."\">\n";
echo "<META NAME=\"Title\" CONTENT=\"Kakariki, Care, Breeding, Ecology, and Conservation\">\n";
echo "<META NAME=\"AUTHOR\" CONTENT=\"Steptoe\">\n";
echo "<META NAME=\"COPYRIGHT\" CONTENT=\"Copyright (c) 2004 2005 by\">\n";
echo "<META NAME=\"KEYWORDS\" CONTENT=\"kakariki, kakarikis, breeding, mutation, feeding, diet, food, care, aviary, aviaries, cage, breed, mutations, native_parrot , red, yellow, orange, blue, red_crown, red_fronted, yellow_crown, yellow_fronted, Orange_Fronted, orange_crown, New_Zealand, NZ, Antipodes, Enderby, Bollen, Tiritiri, Department_of_Conservation, DoC, flight, nest, parrot, cyanoramphus, auriceps, novaezelandiae, malherbi, unicolor\">\n";
echo "<META NAME=\"DESCRIPTION\" CONTENT=\"Experienced Members Have Created a Resource of Information on Kakariki Care, Aviaries, Breeding, Mutations, Diet, Health, Behaviour, Conservation and Related Subjects.\">\n";
echo "<META NAME=\"DESIGNER\" CONTENT=\"Steptoe\">\n";
echo "<META NAME=\"PUBLISHER\" CONTENT=\"Steptoe\">\n";
///echo "<META NAME=\"ROBOTS\" CONTENT=\"all,\">\n";
Quote: |
Do you have also the language defined in your meta-tags ? You should have this too.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="">
Althu our site is english, many of the members are European/ Asian etc should I still add it?
Quote: | The web page contain adult words and poisons keywords |
No we dont have those sorts of words??
Yes went there and refferd back here.
Quote: |
If you have webmail modules installed, delete it immediatly because its a high security risk !
| it is installed and set active, thu only visible to Admin, Im using postcast smtp server, do I still need web mail activated to have the email to work...It was my understanding web mail was 'sort of' not active in version 7.5 due to security issues along with couple other modules??
From my orginal post...
Quote: |
When I have the mouse over the forums link on the front page (top toolbar)I get
Once in the forums all the links (including the top task bar forum link changes) appear as html
I sort of get the feeling that it may have something to do with the forms link on the front page not being html and search engines not able to follow that.???
I found this in my /deepblue/theme.php on the lines that make the buttons to forums etc in the task bar below the banner, front page
Code:."<a href=\"index.php\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"themes/DeepBlue/images/home.gif\" width=\"140\" height=\"18\"></a>"
/// ."<a href=\"forums.html\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"themes/DeepBlue/images/Forum.gif\" width=\"140\" height=\"18\" alt=\"Forums\"></a>"
////orginal line above
."<a href=\"forums.html\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"themes/DeepBlue/images/Forum.gif\" width=\"140\" height=\"18\" alt=\"Forums\"></a>"
."<a href=\"modules.php?name=gallery\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"themes/DeepBlue/images/Gallery.gif\" width=\"140\" height=\"18\" alt=\"Gallery\"></a>"
Code:a href=\"forums.html\
Code:a href=\"forums.html\
Now makes the forum link on the front page appear as and im not getting or can find any errors happening...could this be a soln to getting google to crawl forums from that link? could this be an oversigt in GT...or maybe mine lol.
I really appreciate your time
Steps |

Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:02 pm |
A side boo boo in the meta tag mentioned above has been rather dramatic...within a couple days of making it we have dropped from the top 50 pages on google for every seach parameter except a cuople, and they (except seach "kakarki" ) have droped way down.
Previous to my boo boo on the 6th Aug theres where our ratings for search parameters
The general comments around the place is " meta tags are now longer used or are not high on the list by many search engines for site rating"
I would conclude from this meta tags are more important than than is generally accepted. |

Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:11 pm |
Code:meta tags are now longer used or are not high on the list by many search engines for site rating
Time changes.
There are a lot of search engines not only "G",Yahoo and MSN and of course the algorithm of the search engines isn `t always the same. But you don´t have to understand this.
Just use your meta tags and try to get more link pop !
For deeplinks you need links to your instead of the main site. Have you ever checked Ravens linkpopularity ? It´s more than great its fantastic.
You can use this tool they have the poison keywords warning.
But its often better to use several tools:
"G" can also follow such links:
You ´ll find also such links in the Google index.
Without describtion.
I quess its normal, but Im not the Next Gen Google Tap expert, so if you need further information about this ask again in the forum.
Of course links without ? and session ids are better. For the 1. we are using GT Next Gen and the 2. we are looking for this piece of code if you are a spider........
Navigation:Of course you can change your links in the theme.php.
."<a href=\"downloads.html\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"themes/DeepBlue/images/kakariki.gif\"alt=\"Downloads\" width=\"140\" height=\"18\"></a>"
Language:Add your languages into the metatags.But of course if you don`t speak chinese you should`t add this language. This tag is interesting for multilingual websites.
See also:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="">
You can also use the page topic metatag.
<META NAME="page-topic" CONTENT="e.g. Internet">
See also the warning about Webmail Attack: |

Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:09 pm |
Great stuff
so u dont actually need web mail for replies to posts /pms /registarion etc....its gone lol
The web page contain adult words. xxx this is in the ip on user info block
Changed that to a 'y'
The web page contain poison keywords. 'forum, search engine'
"Search engine" is the name of a forum thread, changed that.
"forum" will have to change words in news items... and part of the page...will work on rewording that...thats a difficult one in some cases
Quote: |
Have you ever checked Ravens linkpopularity
| yes you hit the nail on the head here...when using google, seaching for and answer to a issue I may have, This and many other sites come up with the actual forum post....our site just comes up with the front posts is what I would like to achieve on our site, in particular the sticky threads.
The report from the sites u mention above report "This page contains too many URLs." can links like submit news, reconmend us, your a/c, lost pw, regist, Stats etc be 'blocked'?
I have tryed diff stuff in the robots.txt but doesnt seem to work.
Also see P.S. below.
I see there are sort of 'commercial' link exchange sites one can use...some how these dont 'feel right' to use. We have been link exchanging with related sites, the draw back to many of these is they have poor meta tags, or none at all. I didnt think to submitt the forums retropect would have been far more logical.
I try to get 2 links per week..a time thing lol
P.S just checked the site logs, Google hit us last night.... 2262 hits in the forums (there is about 200 threads and 1000 posts)
Many are like /modules.php?name=Forums&file=posting&mode=reply&t=246
I assume these are follwing the links off the reply/quote buttons ???
Can google be helped out a bit by bocking these in the robots.txt, edit/delete parts of GT, etc
As far as editing GT Im having trouble finding info, and what is there is not clear.
EG in the /Google tap/ folder there are files like GT-Statistics.php can these just be deleted, along with the corrosponding enties in /.htaccess like
Code:RewriteRule ^index.html index.php
RewriteRule ^stats-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*).html modules.php?name=Statistics&op=DailyStats&year=$1&month=$2&date=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^stats-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*).html modules.php?name=Statistics&op=MonthlyStats&year=$1&month=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^stats-([0-9]*).html modules.php?name=Statistics&op=YearlyStats&year=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^advstats.html modules.php?name=Statistics&op=Stats [L]
RewriteRule ^stats.html stats.html [L]
Sorry for all the questions....thu I do have to blame you for that, your answers are in a lay forumat and the 1st time I can get my head around things. lol
Im sure this thread would be of help to many others in the future.
Cheers Steps |

Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:03 pm |
Quote: | Some Search Engines have problems with more than 100 urls on a page. |
To reduce the links is only a proposal but of course you can remove some links from your start page e.g. stats.html.
About the robots.txt You ´ll also find at Google several information for webmaster.
There is nothing to delete in the Google Tap folder or in your htaccess.About the real logic behind links from and to a website and how it works, I feel we are in the wrong forum.
We can discuss this at
Deeplinks are sometimes very helpful, believe me. If you need more information how it works send me a PM.
Of course sitemaps are also a useful way.
The important question how to remove the forum sids has been not answered yet. Where are the php experts ?
Btw:(Did´t you know that your block background is black and the font color is also black. But doesn´t matter black is beautiful and "G" can follow such links ) |
Last edited by Susann on Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:58 am; edited 1 time in total |

Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:32 pm |
You8r answer just came after just as I finished going over everything...did find a code error ..mine in GT doing the GT 4a update from some months ago.
I didnt have the 'edit box in the Amin/cp/modules...I do now but when I edit to say
forums.html the go back to check the entry is not there??
Yes I do have the url sql entry in the db.
Also the GT modules block (mentioned in a post above) is now working thu it is visible to Admin only
Quote: |
To reduce the links is only a proposal but of course you can remove some links from your start page e.g. stats.html
Stats link is only in the custom user info block (needs finishing and cant figure out how to do last bit.. in...) althu stats turned visible to regist only still shows from user info
The links that can be removed are all to user proflies in
last 10 post block (10)
news items posted by xxxx (10)
in user info new members and members logged on (3 + 1 or 2 for members)
Log out/my account on the top task bar and user info (2)
Plus these links
Links in ...these are visible when logged in.
weather channel link in weather blocks (2)
links in quick search block.. (5)
members sites block (11)
conservation sites block (10)
Links in news items body (6)
Total approx (62) links
I have know idea how to do these.
Sitemaps...yep done that the other day
Quote: |
Did´t you know that your block background is black and the font color is also black.
| yep. its a customised deep blue...the black loads then the .gifs load over them...I did that custonising sortly after 1st publishing the site, this is my 1st and only attempt at a web site...I have never actually opened Front page or ever coded anything before except the odd simple batch file...everything is cut paste and try. That and a couple other things, basically cosmetic, I will go back later and figure out...Im sure it makes the site load a lot slower than it should??
Quote: |
About the real logic behind links from and to a website and how it works, I feel we are in the wrong forum.
We can discuss this at
you mean the
Quote: |
Can google be helped out a bit by bocking these in the robots.txt, edit/delete parts of GT, etc ................

Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:53 pm |

Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:14 pm |
I was using a little free prog from to check ratings BUT if one uses it too often then Google considers that they are getting spammed from that IP...Sooo, all my ratings google ratings for search parameters went low, too low to find, except for kakariki.
Now after a week most parameters have suddenly appeared...sigh of realf lol
Google has done a big several 1000 page craw of the site a while back, but not since...and when runing a google kakariki search then hit 'similar pages' nothing lol
Yet MNS lycos, etc have 100s of pages with links to forums etc.
Have got a few links to us with (sry another plug) with other related subject sites...yet google doesnt go there.
As far as other seach engines google rating content compared to other seach engines is bad...extreme example want to design and build a kike aviary....all the other engines rate well , the 1000 or so in front of us have no info lol
Maybe google isnt coded for kakariki lol |

Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:29 pm |
Hi Steptoe,
a week isn´t so long time.Maybe Google was lazy or busy with our site.
You should really change the links in the navigation to weblinks.html, downloads.html, And of course your site isn´t WC3 valid Html The session ids are also no pleasure for googlebots.
You can also place a link to your forums.html into your text and there between the first 200 words.
And if you don´t need all those funktions search or the translations in the navigation remove this. I´m sure the sitemap is a good thing. Be careful with the word kike is this also new zealand accent ? (kike aviary) ! |

Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:11 pm |
Quote: |
Be careful with the word kike is this also new zealand accent ? (kike aviary) !
The generally accepted nic has been kak...but as pionted out some time by a member, kak to many European/Sth African members looses something in I used the Kiwi (NZer) term kike..I checked kike out as a bad word for serach engines and came back ok. Kike is now becoming a generally accepted nic for a kakariki. lol
I did have in the user info visitor ips with the last numbers hidden with xxx that got changed to zzz
Downloads..not worried about those...members only
most of the web links are on the members sites and conservation sites blocks, google and other engines hit those np
Edit: from the links u provided analyis said to many links on the page, so eliminated the links to author delails of news items..dont need those
Also have a bit of code from Chris at karakas to take out similar links in the user info so only visble when logged in ...dont need those either and going to look at taking similar links in forums...thread starter and last poster. |