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Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:24 pm |
64bitguy wrote: | P.S. Help me integrate phpBB groups, Nuke Groups and NSN Groups into one big groups table (instead of ... I lost track.. too many) and I'll buy you a new video card. |
NukeGroups = 2 tables
phpBB Groups = 2 tables
NSN Groups = 3 tables
Total = 7 tables
that could very possiblily be reduced to 3 if they were all merged with the 2 phpBB tables and one additional for configuration. Unless you wanted to keep the lame points system then 4 tables. Only problem I see is that I hoover at phpBB scripting  |
_________________ Bob Marion
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Joined: Aug 05, 2005
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:58 pm |
steph i have phpbb groups and nuke groups as one table i can enlighten you if you want with some of my code
just let me know if you want the code i zip them with the premod 7.6 files i have
i sure nsn should not be much problem to add either |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

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Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:16 am |
While off-topic, I'm going to keep going with this to share my so-called, "problems"/"concepts".
IMHO, I hate points, but I don't want to screw-up default Nuke's Points system (no, it is NOT groups at all, it is a lousy points system and yes, a complete waste of time). In actuality, if FB had stolen it properly, it would already be integrated into bbgroups.
The ideal scenario would be rather to create a solution that would merely alter the existing tables to support "True" groups functionality in Nuke (what NSN does), without eliminating anything functionality wise, yet having that table consolidated into the bbgroups table.
There are several reasons behind my thinking this way.
First, IMHO one of the big problems with phpBB is that there is no "memberlist" type function to actually see who is a member of any particular "private" forum.
This is a true bitch of mine. If everyone of that forum is in a GROUP, then yes, you can see the members, but the biggest mistake you can ever make is adding indvididual users to any private forum because unless you manually surf the bbauth_access table and look for rogue user ID's (that match up to the forum number in question) you'll never know who has access to what.
Hence why you MUST use groups if you want an easy way to see who has access to what.
To complicate matters, if you've ever messed with this table (I nod my head as guilty) you could have created problems when you implemented NSN Groups because of replicated definitions of moderator, etc... with non-common values) (I did this and boy did it cause me problems).
By consolidating the bbgroups with NSN groups in a common table, you eliminate this posibility. You also create a situation where group ID numbers progress correctly in numerical order as they exist in a common table.
Finally, the biggest advantage is that if creating private forums, the default group IDs remain constant to established Nuke Group IDs.
The best scenario I can think of is merging (nsngr_groups with bbgroups) and likewise allowing bbauth_access to continue to feed from the existing bbgroups table)
My next step would be to actually merge the points system into this as well, the way it should have been in the first place.
The bottom line is that you could have distinct groups for distinct sections of Nuke (for example you could even have individidual groups access permissions to certain categories of Weblinks and downloads!) as well as specific groups control for specific private forums, all in a common table sharing a common numbering and naming methodology and with zero potential for replication of either the name, number or association.
That's my thought. I know it can be done (especially as phpBB does it now), it's just a matter of putting the pieces together.
What do you think Bob?
UPDATE: Sure phoenix, you are always welcomed to share the code. The problem with the Nuke aspect of this is that now that FB has moved forward with his stupid Karma module, a lot of the table associations as well as fields POSTS will need to be updated in the base code. My thought was to get to the points system last and rather deal with true GROUPS functionality consolidation FIRST, but I'll look at whatever you have. Sorry about having to add this update, but I was typing my post and didn't see yours until I finished it.
The advantage of bbgroups and NSN groups is that they both actually do have "Groups" functionality, whereas points doesn't actually grant or alter any global or sectional groups permissions at all.
As a heads-up, I discussed this a while ago here (as one of my "To fork or not to fork" issues). In recent times, I've been going over this with Technocrat as well. |
_________________ Steph Benoit
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Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:48 am |
Point the way and i'll help Steph and Bob. |

Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:18 pm |
well i removed that dam journal long time it just sucks and there always a security loop that pops up after time,
also i merged nuke_groups into bbgroups, group_points into bbpoints, moved phpbb groups into its own module and all the sqls are nuke style and made code a lot cleaner and i removed all the db files except mysql files
that does the job for me
still got other plans as i progress and as i clean and fix |

Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:50 pm |
Back to the NSN Groups to phpBB groups idea/plan. I printed out the tables and noticed it would be a lot easier then I first thought it might be. For example here is the phpBB Groups table:Code:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke1_bbgroups` (
`group_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`group_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
`group_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
`group_description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`group_moderator` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`group_single_user` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`),
KEY `group_single_user` (`group_single_user`)
And the NSN Groups table:Code:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke1_nsngr_groups` (
`gid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`gname` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
`gdesc` text NOT NULL,
`gpublic` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`glimit` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`phpBB` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`muid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
Now let's assume the following:
gid = group_id
gname = group_name
gdesc = group_description
gpublic = group_type
That would leave glimit which could/can be an added field of group_limit.
The users tables for groups are a little different story. The NSN Groups table has 4 fields that would need to be added to the phpBB bbuser_group table which are trial, notice, sdate, and edate. Still easy enough to do provided the phpBB Groups admin can be adapted to take these changes into consideration. Like wise once finial table layouts are decided on NSN Groups admin can then be adapted to work in conjunction on the Nuke side of the system. |

Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:53 pm |
Chat, look at and tell me what you think of that Downloads tweak Once I have a little free time I'm planning on adding a second url and an updated date (swiped that idea from you). |

Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:17 am |
Cool deal.
I started working up a new admin screen for this puppy as I have a hard times sometimes finding and adding users to groups based on the layout of having them in that long list and multiple pages. When you get up to 3000 users, it can be a pain to find people
I'm rather trying different things like drop down lists and search functions similar to how the new CNB YA 5 module handles these big lists.
Now in reference to that, should there be any change in the YA/Profile management of how all of this comes together including adding optional fields to display the group membership information including group names, group description, start date, end date, etc...?
I also have test domains where we can all play with these various ideas. If you (Bob), Raven or Chatserv want phpMyAdmin, file and/or superuser access to any of these, let me know.
Finally, in dealing with this "hack?" are we screwing up BBtoNuke or can we make this part of the BBtoNuke build? And if so, should we attempt to use the points system in the same manner in which phpBB deals with that mod? Ideas? Thoughts?
Steph |

Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:11 pm |
BobMarion wrote: | Chat, look at and tell me what you think of that Downloads tweak Once I have a little free time I'm planning on adding a second url and an updated date (swiped that idea from you). |
maybe we can also combine it with my last updated mod? it's what i use on nukeresources and scriptheaven. |

Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:38 pm |
I'm just following up to see if anyone has gotten anywhere with combining all of these group functions.
Starting point?
Steph |