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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:17 am Reply with quote

Greetings All,
I have received about enough HATE mail over users and others getting banned for using Proxies. I have the block proxies turned off.

I have gone all the way through this site. I have done everything mentioned and people are still getting blocked. At this point I just want to turn it off....comment it out or whatever else I have to do to get it stopped.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:05 pm Reply with quote

hate mail?
then its a good thing they got banned anyway....
But if your block proxy is set to off then it means its off,then the problem lays somewhere else..
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:47 pm Reply with quote

It's AOL members.....but not all of them.
It's people at big companies.....
It is proxies.

I followed a couple other threads.

See my post about unknown attackes....

Raven sent me off to this thread....

and this thread.....

I have done all of that......and for the most part it cleared up. (My dad is on AOL and he can get in) I still have several members from AOL that are blocked. Along with some guy from a TV station from out west.

Let's talk HATE MAIL here....
Go give a bunch of hungry dawgs a thick steak and then take it away and see what kind of mail you get!! LOL. These people are like crack addicts! I'm telling you! I'm getting hate mail here.....

The only thing I have not done....it al those thread is uninstall Protector. ( I do not have the install instructions) I can not believe it is the issue......and I will tell you why. They get a Sentinal ban page. Protector hasbeen there a long time and not bothered anyone. So I doubt that is the reason.

I am on 7.2 with 3.1 patch and I just did the update to sentianal pl3 I think. (It was doing this before pl3, ever since I did all the updates about a week or so ago.)

I have got to get this stopped!


PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:10 pm Reply with quote

well i doubt if you ever can find what the problem is..
If your father can enter and he's on aol and others cant then it will be a tough job finding the problem.
Or find out what the others have in common.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:31 pm Reply with quote

Well Protector also as a Deny Proxy option. Checked that already?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:12 pm Reply with quote

Protector Deny Proxy: is and has been set to No.

I E-Mailed several of the blocked people. One of them is the Local Vol Fire Department computer.....It is still out. Out of 7 E-Mails I sent this evening....4 came back still blocked....3 came back good to go.

I am scratching my head on this one.....
Did I install the wrong patch? I don't think so....Pretty sure it was 3.1
Did I set something wrong? I doubled checked that everything was set to E-Mail only.
I commented out the part of mainfile....
I did not have a problem with () in the database....nothing to do there.
I removed and reuploaded Abuse and the other files from NS.

I have the old Protector System 1.14.b2. I will root around for a set on install instructions tonight to see if I can uninstall it all together.

If anyone has any ideas....where to look or what to look at or threads to read....I am listening! Heck if I know?

One of the "issues" I have with my site is that it is several years old on this build. It does have it's own personality. There is a bug or two running around in it. I have learned a lot over the last couple years. I would love to move to RN and I plan on it ASAP. It will still be a while. My site is hugh and is full of custom Modules that I wrote and modules that have been customized to fit our needs. Frankly the thought of redoing all that SUXS!

Well if nothing else I feel better after tapping this out! It is a start!


PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:08 am Reply with quote

well one thing you will read at more places that it isnt needed or recommended to use 2 security scripts.
that doesnt mean they are causing the problem.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:53 am Reply with quote

Anyone have any other ideas on this? I got another round of hate mail today. The weather is nice so everyone is thinking fishing....I guess.

RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Jun 12, 2004
Posts: 654
Location: Ohio

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:36 pm Reply with quote

Just a thought....have you checked with your webhost themselves to see if they have the ip address of these other users who can't get in blocked for some reason? Did you try running the site without Sentinel to see if blocked ips could get in? Like Hitwalker said, it seems strange that some from the same proxy get in and others don't.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:53 pm Reply with quote

I have now killed and removed all traces of Protector.

For the record....Just cause it was a real PAIN in the butt to find here are the Install instructs for Protector...

Protector - A PHPNuke-phpBB add on for banning IP numbers from your site + more.

Copyright (C) 2003 Marcus aka Mister (mister@warcenter.mine.nu)
phpNuke 6.5-7

1. Features
2. How to install / update
4. Copyright



1. Possibility to add a single IP or a whole range.
2. Logging of ALL IP(s) that hit your PHP-Nuke site.
3. If a member joins the site the logger fetches the username and stores it with their IP. (othewise the IP gets the username Anonymous)
4. If a member changes IP addresses it will be stored again with their new IP and same username.
5. Logging of the real IP not just the proxy IP if that is the case.
6. Search function (with wildcards *) after the logged IP and user name. And sort order.
7. Protection of your IP is done when you first install this system. That means that no one can ban that IP.
8. As head admin (GOD) you can add several protected IP(s) in the Admin Panel.
   All other admins just see personal settings where they can changes total amount of row the want to display in the banned & locate IP panels.
9. Automatically update the date of a logged IP so that you can see when a particular IP/user was on your site.
10. You can dns/trace/ping and more after you query the IP with the query tool that I have implemented.
12. It is totally themes integrated system.
13. Security check so that you can't ban yourself (the IP you currently use when your in the admin panel) or protected IP.
14. Double check so that there is no banning or logging of the same information twice.
15. If a banned member is banned and they change their IP. The system will check the banned database and compare if the username(s) match.
    If it does a new row with the new IP and same username is added in the ban list. So they are banned again automatically with the new IP.
16. Counts on how many times a banned user is trying to reach the site.
17. Possibility to instant ban people from your list with logged IP. (Logged IP can be found in the "Locate Panel")
18. You can of course un-ban IP numbers.
19. Very simple to install, The Ban System will create all needed tables for the MySQL Database on the first run.
20. As Forum admin can you reach the Edit User Function from the "Locate Panel". Also, a direct link to the public user information is there.
21. In the Locate panel there are 4 different images close to the IP number.
   1. A Green dot indicates that the IP is just logged.
   2. A Red dot indicates that IP is banned.
   3. A Start indicates that this IP number is the IP you are currently using.
   4. A blinking computer gif indicates if that logged user/IP is online.
22. A small stat page where you can see some stats on the Ban Protector System.
23. Anti hammering protection system.
25. Special Notes to each logged IP is possible.
26. Close the site function. Only admins are able to be on the site when active.
27. + more features......


Beta test more a lot. =)



1. Upload ALL files and just owerwite the old once.
2. Look in the folder updates. There should be more folders there like "1.13b-1.13b2"!
3. So if your running version 1.13b then you need to upload the update.php thats in that folder to update to next version 1.13b2.
4. And if theres more folders like "1.13b2-1.13b3" then you must upload each update.php (and run) to get to the latest version.

The update file will run when you go to your Protector icon in the admin panel.
Then remove the install_blocked.php and update.php

Dont be alarmed if there is no file in there that just means that this version don't need any database updates.
Then you dont need to upload install_blocked.php either!



HOW TO INSTALL. You MUST follow the steps in correct order to get the system to work.

Step 1

Upload all the files in the html folder(the structure is correct so just upload in to your nuke dir)
It should be OBVIOUS where everything goes according to the Directory structure
Step 2

Go in to your admin.php and there should be a "Ban System" or Protector link/button there now.
Just click that "button" and all the tables will be created in your database.
It's VERY important that you DO THIS before you go to step 3 or step 4


Step 3

Open header.php and find include("includes/meta.php");
Above add include("includes/blocker.php");

find this ->   include("includes/meta.php");

add above:
just add -->    include("includes/blocker.php"); 

It should look like this:


Step 4 (IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!)

You must do some "hacking" in /admin.php and admin/modules/authors.php
if you have a clean admin.php/authors.php (that means a file where you have done no changes to)
,I have in the extra folder put a admin.php/authors.php which have the changes already made for you.(NUKE 6.5 ONLY)
You can use those files if you are not comfortable making the follwing changes.

(open admin.php)
Find around line 157 (it's under the function GraphicAdmin())

$sql = "SELECT radminarticle,radmintopic,radminuser,radminsurvey,radminsection,radminlink,radminephem,radminfaq,radmindownload,radminreviews,radminnewsletter,radminforum,radmincontent,radminency,radminsuper FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'";
Replace with:

$sql = "SELECT radminarticle,radmintopic,radminuser,radminsurvey,radminsection,radminlink,radminephem,radminfaq,radmindownload,radminreviews,radminnewsletter,radminforum,radmincontent,radminency,radminsuper,radminblocker FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'";

Find around line 174

$radminsuper = $row[radminsuper];
Add directly under:

$radminblocker = $row[radminblocker];

open admin/modules/authors.php

Find around line 395

$result = sql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_authors values ('$add_aid', '$add_name', '$add_url', '$add_email', '$add_pwd', '0', '$add_radminarticle','$add_radmintopic','$add_radminuser','$add_radminsurvey','$add_radminsection','$add_radminlink','$add_radminephem','$add_radminfaq','$add_radmindownload','$add_radminreviews','$add_radminnewsletter','$add_radminforum','$add_radmincontent','$add_radminency','$add_radminsuper','$add_admlanguage')", $dbi);
Replace with:
$result = sql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_authors values ('$add_aid', '$add_name', '$add_url', '$add_email', '$add_pwd', '0', '$add_radminarticle','$add_radmintopic','$add_radminuser','$add_radminsurvey','$add_radminsection','$add_radminlink','$add_radminephem','$add_radminfaq','$add_radmindownload','$add_radminreviews','$add_radminnewsletter','$add_radminforum','$add_radmincontent','$add_radminency','$add_radminsuper','$add_admlanguage','$add_radminblocker')", $dbi);


Thats it your done and ready to get nasty and ban some  =)


You use this system at your own risk.. bla .. bla so don't blame me if your site goes down 

Well I think that covers it all =P ... Have a nice day and please don't ban me =)


COPYRIGHT. and notes .... and stuff ....

Creator: Marcus aka Mister
Mail: mister@warcenter.se
Home page: http://www.warcenter.se
Support page: http://protector.warcenter.se

And All Rights Reserved. and so on .....

A big thx to my bug tester:

mikem from http://www.nukemods.com
swampy from http://www.zanzibarnightclub.co.uk/

And many more!!

Ban System is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL license. (any one that actually read the whole license ?? =) )

Please mail me if ANY bugs is found or if you want any more functions and so on......

This is a BETA so it might have bugs, but i have test it and some of my friends on their sites with no problem so far.

This is also my first nuke scrIPt ever some please don't nag me coz bad scrIPting. =) We all are new bees from the beginning.
And at least it works ....

Like I said just because it was hard to find....

OK...Anyone got any other Grand Ideas here?

Raven, If you get a moment please read through this thread. I am getting ALOT of hate mail. My folks are like Crackheads....You take away their FIX and they get all bent out of shape....!!! LOL!
Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Twisted Evil Wink

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