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New Member

Joined: Feb 21, 2006
Posts: 2
Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:56 am |
Good afternoon all,
I wish I had found this site earlier.
I have tried to seach the forum for scripts to downgrade from 7.9 to 7.6 and then across to RN7.6.
I am only able to find 7.7/7.8 download scripts is there a link someone could post to point me in the right direction, or will these scripts work on a 7.9 site.
Also will my current 7.9 themes work in RN7.6
Many thanks
Andrew |
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Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:49 am |
If I remember correctly the downgrader script is available from
The downgrader should work fine for 7.9 as I'm not aware of any database alterations between that version and 7.7 / 7.8
Themes for 7.9 should work ok with the excpetion that the author, just for giggles, decided to change the variable name for inlcuding banners but that is easily fixed and required only one simple alteration. |

Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:12 am |
Thanks for the quick reply,
I take it I can search for the theme alteration on the forum some where.
Thanks again
Andy |
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Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:23 pm |
I was running phpnuke 7.9, and just ran the downgrade script from 7.8 to 7.6 to downgrade the database, I then loaded the lastest raven nuke over the top of my existing installation, and ran the rndb_upgrade.php to convert the database to raven nuke.
So far so good it. Everything working  |
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Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:20 am |
Awesome work! These are words we like to hear...  |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:38 am |
Spoke too Soon, I have one prob, New Users can't register, they just get registration error, I did have approve membership for phpnuke7.9, could this be the problem, I tryed downloading the version for 7.6, and installed as per instructions, but now get a blank screen when I click user registration.
Help Please |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:21 am |
Enable error reporting in config.php and check your error logs. |
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Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:31 am |
Got registration working, there was a line in the database missing
see this topic, the post by Montego
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New Member

Joined: Feb 11, 2007
Posts: 13
Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:51 am |
Just by referring to above posts, i have downgraded phpnuke 7.9 to phpnuke 7.6.
1. i overwrite the files with RavenNuke v2.10.01
2. Ran downgrade78-76.php
((result: - ALTER TABLE nuke_modules failed
Operation Complete!
You MUST upload the PHP-Nuke 7.6 files to your server for the downgrade to be complete. )). I hope this can be solved later?
3. Ran rndb_upgrade.php
((result: This program updates your Ravennuke tables from version 2.02 to version 2.10 or from Ravennuke 2.10.00 to version 2.10.01. For the upgrade from 2.02 you will also need to run NukeSentinel upgrades and the HTML newsletter portion of the installSQL.php that comes with the RN2.10.01 distribution. For the upgrade from 2.10.00 you just need to run the separate NukeSentinel database upgrade. Support for this program is available thru the Forums at
You may wish to print the output from this program or capture it to a file to assist in diagnosing any problems that occur when you try to run the distribution.
Your RavenNuke configuration value was detected as rn2.10.01
(This is the value that is in the "Version_Num" field of your config table.)
This program will simply update your Version_Num field to rn2.10.01 and terminate.
You may want to independently validate that this has occurred
UPDATE nuke_config SET Version_Num='rn2.10.01' Succeeded.))
4. Everything seems ok with me.
I can post news, and edit..
Heres a problem!
I cant Create new blocks:( However, I will check again and get back soon!
let me check out and get back if i have further issues. Not forgetting the "Search" rule as well:))
Cheers..  |
_________________ |

Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:35 pm |
Poumai, unfortunately, I think you could be out-of-sync here. I would have rather you followed the instructions in the HowToInstall manual provided with the 2.10.01 download as I think you are missing some things.
You will need to reconcile what you have done against the instructions on the Upgrade page. Look at the second set of instructions (for "Migrating"). |

Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:17 am |
thanks montego:) I tried that too. Is there any clearer instructions? Maybe a shortcut? Read and reread the instructions on the HowtoInstall page. Didn't work:(
Now i have deleted the entire files and database. I have backup copy the database.
Steps i would do again:
1. Create fresh mysql database
2. dump the 7.9 database into it
3. upload 7.6 files (edit config) ( or RavenNuke? Do i have to reupload RavenNuke files later? ) is it necessary to upload 7.6 files?
3. run the downgrade script
( 7.8 - 7.6 or 7.7-76? a confusion here since my version is 7.9) or should i patch 7.9 first and go to downgrade step?
4. Run the rndb_upgrade.php
Anything left after that? |

Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:26 am |
Poumai, there is not shortcuts in life! Those instructions are a culmination of years of supporting this and tries to keep you out of trouble.
For example, in your list of steps up there, I see no reference to using installSQL.php to run the steps as highlighted in the HowToInstall manual Upgrade page. Some things will work without doing that, but it is a required step in this process!
Regards 3), you only need to upload the RN files if all you used is standard nuke and not any add-ons. If you go this approach, you may need to install some of your add-ons. This is also why the HowToInstall manual talks about taking an inventory of your add-ons.
You cannot do 4) without first having done the steps I mention above. This is why you need to follow the HowToInstall manual as best you can. |

Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:44 pm |
Yup. I will try again. thanks  |