/* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System */
/* =========================== */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2002 by Francisco Burzi */
/* */
/* */
/* Enhanced with NukeStats Module Version 1.0 */
/* ========================================== */
/* Copyright 2002 by Harry Mangindaan ( and */
/* Sudirman ( */
/* */
/* */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */
/* Additional security & Abstraction layer conversion */
/* 2003 chatserv */
/* -- */
if ( !defined('MODULE_FILE') )
die("You can't access this file directly...");
$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$pagetitle = "- "._STATS."";
if (isset($year)) {
$year = intval($year);
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
$now = date("d-m-Y");
$dot = explode ("-",$now);
$nowdate = $dot[0];
$nowmonth = $dot[1];
$nowyear = $dot[2];
function Stats_Main() {
global $prefix, $db, $startdate, $sitename, $ThemeSel, $user_prefix, $Version_Num, $module_name, $textcolor2;
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT type, var, count from ".$prefix."_counter order by type desc");
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$type = stripslashes(check_html($row['type'], "nohtml"));
$var = stripslashes(check_html($row['var'], "nohtml"));
$count = intval($row['count']);
if(($type == "total") && ($var == "hits")) {
$total = $count;
} elseif($type == "browser") {
if($var == "FireFox") {
$firefox[] = $count;
$firefox[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$firefox[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "Netscape") {
$netscape[] = $count;
$netscape[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$netscape[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "MSIE") {
$msie[] = $count;
$msie[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$msie[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "Konqueror") {
$konqueror[] = $count;
$konqueror[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$konqueror[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "Opera") {
$opera[] = $count;
$opera[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$opera[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "Lynx") {
$lynx[] = $count;
$lynx[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);;
$lynx[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "Bot") {
$bot[] = $count;
$bot[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$bot[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif(($type == "browser") && ($var == "Other")) {
$b_other[] = $count;
$b_other[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$b_other[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($type == "os") {
if($var == "Windows") {
$windows[] = $count;
$windows[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$windows[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "Mac") {
$mac[] = $count;
$mac[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$mac[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "Linux") {
$linux[] = $count;
$linux[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$linux[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "FreeBSD") {
$freebsd[] = $count;
$freebsd[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$freebsd[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "SunOS") {
$sunos[] = $count;
$sunos[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$sunos[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "IRIX") {
$irix[] = $count;
$irix[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$irix[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "BeOS") {
$beos[] = $count;
$beos[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$beos[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "OS/2") {
$os2[] = $count;
$os2[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$os2[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif($var == "AIX") {
$aix[] = $count;
$aix[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$aix[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
} elseif(($type == "os") && ($var == "Other")) {
$os_other[] = $count;
$os_other[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 5);
$os_other[] = substr(100 * $count / $total, 0, 2);
title("$sitename "._STATS."");
echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>$sitename "._STATS."</b></font><br /><br />"._WERECEIVED." <b>$total</b> "._PAGESVIEWS." $startdate<br /><br />"
."[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name&op=Stats\">"._VIEWDETAILED."</a> ]</center>";
echo "<br /><br />";
$l_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif");
$m_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif");
$r_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif");
echo "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\">\n";
echo "<center><font color=\"$textcolor2\"><b>"._BROWSERS."</b></font></center><br /></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/explorer.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> MSIE: </td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"Internet Explorer\" title=\"Internet Explorer\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"Internet Explorer\" title=\"Internet Explorer\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $msie[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"Internet Explorer\" title=\"Internet Explorer\" /> $msie[1] % ($msie[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/firefox.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> FireFox: </td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"FireFox\" title=\"FireFox\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"FireFox\" title=\"FireFox\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $firefox[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"FireFox\" title=\"FireFox\" /> $firefox[1] % ($firefox[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/netscape.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> Netscape: </td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"Netscape\" title=\"Netscape\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"Netscape\" title=\"Netscape\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $netscape[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"Netscape\" title=\"Netscape\" /> $netscape[1] % ($netscape[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/opera.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> Opera: </td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"Opera\" title=\"Opera\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"Opera\" title=\"Opera\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $opera[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"Opera\" title=\"Opera\" /> $opera[1] % ($opera[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/konqueror.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> Konqueror: </td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"Konqueror\" title=\"Konqueror\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"Konqueror\" title=\"Konqueror\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $konqueror[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"Konqueror\" title=\"Konqueror\" /> $konqueror[1] % ($konqueror[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/lynx.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> Lynx: </td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"Lynx\" title=\"Lynx\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"Lynx\" title=\"Lynx\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $lynx[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"Lynx\" title=\"Lynx\" /> $lynx[1] % ($lynx[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/altavista.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._SEARCHENGINES.": </td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\""._BOTS."\" title=\""._BOTS."\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\""._BOTS."\" title=\""._BOTS."\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $bot[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\""._BOTS."\" title=\""._BOTS."\" /> $bot[1] % ($bot[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/question.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._UNKNOWN.": </td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\""._OTHER."\" title=\""._OTHER."\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\""._OTHER."\" title=\""._OTHER."\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $b_other[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\""._OTHER."\" title=\""._OTHER."\" /> $b_other[1] % ($b_other[0])\n";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "<br /><br />\n";
echo "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\">\n";
echo "<center><font color=\"$textcolor2\"><b>"._OPERATINGSYS."</b></font></center><br /></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/windows.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> Windows:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"Windows\" title=\"Windows\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"Windows\" title=\"Windows\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $windows[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"Windows\" title=\"Windows\" /> $windows[1] % ($windows[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/linux.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> Linux:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"Linux\" title=\"Linux\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"Linux\" title=\"Linux\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $linux[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"Linux\" title=\"Linux\" /> $linux[1] % ($linux[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/mac.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> Mac/PPC:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"Mac/PPC\" title=\"Mac/PPC\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"Mac/PPC\" title=\"Mac/PPC\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $mac[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"Mac/PPC\" title=\"Mac/PPC\" /> $mac[1] % ($mac[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/bsd.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> FreeBSD:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"FreeBSD\" title=\"FreeBSD\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"FreeBSD\" title=\"FreeBSD\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $freebsd[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"FreeBSD\" title=\"FreeBSD\" /> $freebsd[1] % ($freebsd[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/sun.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> SunOS:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"SunOS\" title=\"SunOS\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"SunOS\" title=\"SunOS\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $sunos[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"SunOS\" title=\"SunOS\" /> $sunos[1] % ($sunos[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/irix.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> IRIX:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"SGI Irix\" title=\"SGI Irix\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"SGI Irix\" title=\"SGI Irix\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $irix[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"SGI Irix\" title=\"SGI Irix\" /> $irix[1] % ($irix[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/be.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> BeOS:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"BeOS\" title=\"BeOS\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"BeOS\" title=\"BeOS\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $beos[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"BeOS\" title=\"BeOS\" /> $beos[1] % ($beos[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/os2.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> OS/2:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"OS/2\" title=\"OS/2\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"OS/2\" title=\"OS/2\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $os2[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"OS/2\" title=\"OS/2\" /> $os2[1] % ($os2[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/aix.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> AIX:</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\"AIX\" title=\"AIX\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" Alt=\"AIX\" title=\"AIX\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $aix[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\"AIX\" title=\"AIX\" /> $aix[1] % ($aix[0])</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/question.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._UNKNOWN.":</td><td><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" Alt=\""._OTHER."\" title=\""._OTHER."\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" ALt=\""._OTHER."\" title=\""._OTHER."\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=", $os_other[2] * 2, " /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" Alt=\""._OTHER."\" title=\""._OTHER."\" /> $os_other[1] % ($os_other[0])\n";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "<br /><br />\n";
$unum = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select user_id from ".$user_prefix."_users"));
$anum = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_authors"));
$snum = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select sid from ".$prefix."_stories"));
$cnum = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select tid from ".$prefix."_comments"));
$subnum = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_queue"));
if (is_active("Topics")) {
$tnum = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_topics"));
if (is_active("Web_Links")) {
$links = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_links_links"));
$cat = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_links_categories"));
echo "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\">\n";
echo "<center><font color=\"$textcolor2\"><b>"._MISCSTATS."</b></font></center><br /></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/users.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._REGUSERS."</td><td><b>$unum</b></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/authors.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._ACTIVEAUTHORS."</td><td><b>$anum</b></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/news.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._STORIESPUBLISHED."</td><td><b>$snum</b></td></tr>\n";
if (is_active("Topics")) {
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/topics.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._SACTIVETOPICS."</td><td><b>$tnum</b></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/comments.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._COMMENTSPOSTED."</td><td><b>$cnum</b></td></tr>\n";
if (is_active("Web_Links")) {
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/topics.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._LINKSINLINKS."</td><td><b>$links</b></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/sections.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._LINKSCAT."</td><td><b>$cat</b></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><img src=\"modules/$module_name/images/waiting.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" /> "._NEWSWAITING."</td><td><b>$subnum</b></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
function Stats($total) {
global $hlpfile,$nowyear,$nowmonth,$nowdate,$nowhour, $sitename, $startdate, $prefix, $db, $now, $module_name;
$row = $db->sql_query("SELECT count from ".$prefix."_counter order by type desc");
list($total) = $db->sql_fetchrow($row);
title("$sitename "._STATS."");
echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>$sitename "._STATS."</b></font><br /><br />"._WERECEIVED." <b>$total</b> "._PAGESVIEWS." $startdate<br />"._TODAYIS.": $now[0]/$now[1]/$now[2]<br /><br />";
$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT year, month, hits from ".$prefix."_stats_month order by hits DESC limit 0,1"));
$year = intval($row2['year']);
$month = intval($row2['month']);
$hits = intval($row2['hits']);
if ($month == 1) {$month = _JANUARY;} elseif ($month == 2) {$month = _FEBRUARY;} elseif ($month == 3) {$month = _MARCH;} elseif ($month == 4) {$month = _APRIL;} elseif ($month == 5) {$month = _MAY;} elseif ($month == 6) {$month = _JUNE;} elseif ($month == 7) {$month = _JULY;} elseif ($month == 8) {$month = _AUGUST;} elseif ($month == 9) {$month = _SEPTEMBER;} elseif ($month == 10) {$month = _OCTOBER;} elseif ($month == 11) {$month = _NOVEMBER;} elseif ($month == 12) {$month = _DECEMBER;}
echo ""._MOSTMONTH.": $month $year ($hits "._HITS.")<br />";
$row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT year, month, date, hits from ".$prefix."_stats_date order by hits DESC limit 0,1"));
$year = intval($row3['year']);
$month = intval($row3['month']);
$date = intval($row3['date']);
$hits = intval($row3['hits']);
if ($month == 1) {$month = _JANUARY;} elseif ($month == 2) {$month = _FEBRUARY;} elseif ($month == 3) {$month = _MARCH;} elseif ($month == 4) {$month = _APRIL;} elseif ($month == 5) {$month = _MAY;} elseif ($month == 6) {$month = _JUNE;} elseif ($month == 7) {$month = _JULY;} elseif ($month == 8) {$month = _AUGUST;} elseif ($month == 9) {$month = _SEPTEMBER;} elseif ($month == 10) {$month = _OCTOBER;} elseif ($month == 11) {$month = _NOVEMBER;} elseif ($month == 12) {$month = _DECEMBER;}
echo ""._MOSTDAY.": $date $month $year ($hits "._HITS.")<br />";
$row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT year, month, date, hour, hits from ".$prefix."_stats_hour order by hits DESC limit 0,1"));
$year = intval($row4['year']);
$month = intval($row4['month']);
$date = intval($row4['date']);
$hour = intval($row4['hour']);
$hits = intval($row4['hits']);
if ($month == 1) {$month = _JANUARY;} elseif ($month == 2) {$month = _FEBRUARY;} elseif ($month == 3) {$month = _MARCH;} elseif ($month == 4) {$month = _APRIL;} elseif ($month == 5) {$month = _MAY;} elseif ($month == 6) {$month = _JUNE;} elseif ($month == 7) {$month = _JULY;} elseif ($month == 8) {$month = _AUGUST;} elseif ($month == 9) {$month = _SEPTEMBER;} elseif ($month == 10) {$month = _OCTOBER;} elseif ($month == 11) {$month = _NOVEMBER;} elseif ($month == 12) {$month = _DECEMBER;}
if ($hour < 10) {
$hour = "0$hour:00 - 0$hour:59";
} else {
$hour = "$hour:00 - $hour:59";
echo ""._MOSTHOUR.": $hour "._ON." $month $date, $year ($hits "._HITS.")<br /><br />"
."[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name\">"._RETURNBASICSTATS."</a> ]</center>";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br /><center>"._GOBACK."</center><br /><br />";
function YearlyStats($year){
global $hlpfile,$nowyear,$nowmonth,$nowdate, $sitename, $module_name;
title("$sitename "._STATS."");
$year = intval($year);
$nowmonth = intval($nowmonth);
echo "<br />";
echo "<center>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name\">"._BACKTOMAIN."</a> | <a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name&op=Stats\">"._BACKTODETSTATS."</a> ]</center>";
function MonthlyStats($year,$month){
global $sitename, $module_name, $nowdate;
title("$sitename "._STATS."");
$year = intval($year);
$month = intval($month);
$nowdate = intval($nowdate);
echo "<br />";
echo "<center>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name\">"._BACKTOMAIN."</a> | <a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name&op=Stats\">"._BACKTODETSTATS."</a> ]</center>";
function DailyStats($year,$month,$date){
global $sitename, $module_name;
title("$sitename "._STATS."");
$year = intval($year);
$month = intval($month);
$date = intval($date);
echo "<br />";
echo "<center>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name\">"._BACKTOMAIN."</a> | <a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name&op=Stats\">"._BACKTODETSTATS."</a> ]</center>";
function showYearStats($nowyear){
global $db,$prefix,$bgcolor1,$bgcolor2, $ThemeSel, $module_name;
$l_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif");
$m_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif");
$r_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif");
$resulttotal = $db->sql_query("SELECT sum(hits) as TotalHitsYear from ".$prefix."_stats_year");
list($TotalHitsYear) = $db->sql_fetchrow($resulttotal);
$result = $db->sql_query("select year,hits from ".$prefix."_stats_year order by year");
echo "<center><b>"._YEARLYSTATS."</b></center><br />";
echo "<table align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\">";
echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"._YEAR."</td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"._SPAGESVIEWS."</td></tr>";
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$year = intval($row['year']);
$hits = intval($row['hits']);
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><td>";
if ($year != $nowyear) {
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name&op=YearlyStats&year=$year\">$year</a>";
} else {
echo "$year";
echo "</td><td>";
$WidthIMG = round(100 * $hits/$TotalHitsYear,0);
echo "<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" Alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=",$WidthIMG * 2," Alt=\"\" title=\"\" />"
."<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" Alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" /> ($hits)</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
function showMonthStats($nowyear,$nowmonth){
global $prefix,$bgcolor1,$bgcolor2,$db, $ThemeSel, $module_name;
$l_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif");
$m_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif");
$r_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif");
$resultmonth = $db->sql_query("SELECT sum(hits) as TotalHitsMonth from ".$prefix."_stats_month where year='$nowyear'");
list($TotalHitsMonth) = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultmonth);
$result = $db->sql_query("select month,hits from ".$prefix."_stats_month where year='$nowyear'");
echo "<center><b>"._MONTLYSTATS." $nowyear</b></center><br />";
echo "<table align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\">";
echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"._UMONTH."</td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"._SPAGESVIEWS."</td></tr>";
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$month = intval($row['month']);
$hits = intval($row['hits']);
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><td>";
if ($month != $nowmonth) {
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name&op=MonthlyStats&year=$nowyear&month=$month\" class=\"hover_orange\">";
echo "</a>";
} else {
echo "</td><td>";
$WidthIMG = round(100 * $hits/$TotalHitsMonth,0);
echo "<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" Alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=",$WidthIMG * 2," Alt=\"\" title=\"\" />";
echo "<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" Alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" /> ($hits)";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
function showDailyStats($year,$month,$nowdate){
global $prefix,$bgcolor1,$bgcolor2,$db, $ThemeSel, $module_name;
$l_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif");
$m_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif");
$r_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif");
$resulttotal = $db->sql_query("SELECT sum(hits) as TotalHitsDate from ".$prefix."_stats_date where year='$year' and month='$month'");
list($TotalHitsDate) = $db->sql_fetchrow($resulttotal);
$result = $db->sql_query("select year,month,date,hits from ".$prefix."_stats_date where year='$year' and month='$month' order by date");
$total = $db->sql_numrows($result);
echo "<center><b>"._DAILYSTATS." ";
echo ", $year</b></center><br />";
echo "<table align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\">";
echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"._DATE."</td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"._SPAGESVIEWS."</td></tr>";
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$year = intval($row['year']);
$month = intval($row['month']);
$date = intval($row['date']);
$hits = intval($row['hits']);
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><td>";
if ($date != $nowdate) {
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name&op=DailyStats&year=$year&month=$month&date=$date\" class=\"hover_orange\">";
echo $date;
echo "</a>";
} else {
echo $date;
echo "</td><td>";
if ($hits == 0) {
$WidthIMG = 0;
$d_percent = 0;
} else {
$WidthIMG = round(100 * $hits/$TotalHitsDate,0);
$d_percent = substr(100 * $hits / $TotalHitsDate, 0, 5);
echo "<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" Alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=",$WidthIMG * 2," Alt=\"\" title=\"\" />"
."<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" Alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" /> $d_percent% ($hits)"
echo "</table>";
function showHourlyStats($year,$month,$date){
global $prefix,$bgcolor1,$bgcolor2,$db, $ThemeSel;
$l_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif");
$m_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif");
$r_size = getimagesize("themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif");
$resulttotal = $db->sql_query("SELECT sum(hits) as TotalHitsHour from ".$prefix."_stats_hour where year='$year' and month='$month' and date='$date'");
list($TotalHitsHour) = $db->sql_fetchrow($resulttotal);
$nowdate = date("d-m-Y");
$nowdate_arr = explode("-",$nowdate);
echo "<center><b>"._HOURLYSTATS." ";
echo getmonth($month)." ".$date.", " .$year."</b></center><br />";
echo "<table align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\">";
echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"._HOUR."</td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\" width=\"70%\">"._SPAGESVIEWS."</td></tr>";
for ($k = 0;$k<=23;$k++) {
$result = $db->sql_query("select hour,hits from ".$prefix."_stats_hour where year='$year' and month='$month' and date='$date' and hour='$k'");
if ($db->sql_numrows($result) == 0){
} else {
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$hour = intval($row['hour']);
$hits = intval($row['hits']);
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\">";
if ($k < 10) {
$a = "0$k";
} else {
$a = $k;
echo "$a:00 - $a:59";
$a = "";
echo "</td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\">";
if ($hits == 0) {
$WidthIMG = 0;
$d_percent = 0;
} else {
$WidthIMG = round(100 * $hits/$TotalHitsHour,0);
$d_percent = substr(100 * $hits / $TotalHitsHour, 0, 5);
echo "<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/leftbar.gif\" Alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"$l_size[0]\" height=\"$l_size[1]\" /><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/mainbar.gif\" height=\"$m_size[1]\" width=",$WidthIMG * 2," Alt=\"\" title=\"\" />"
."<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/rightbar.gif\" Alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"$r_size[0]\" height=\"$r_size[1]\" /> $d_percent% ($hits)"
echo "</table>";
function getmonth($month){
if ($month == 1) echo ""._JANUARY."";
if ($month == 2) echo ""._FEBRUARY."";
if ($month == 3) echo ""._MARCH."";
if ($month == 4) echo ""._APRIL."";
if ($month == 5) echo ""._MAY."";
if ($month == 6) echo ""._JUNE."";
if ($month == 7) echo ""._JULY."";
if ($month == 8) echo ""._AUGUST."";
if ($month == 9) echo ""._SEPTEMBER."";
if ($month == 10) echo ""._OCTOBER."";
if ($month == 11) echo ""._NOVEMBER."";
if ($month == 12) echo ""._DECEMBER."";
switch($op) {
case "Stats":
case "YearlyStats":
case "MonthlyStats":
case "DailyStats":