BBtoNuke 2.0.14

Posted on Friday, April 15, 2005 @ 19:56:08 CDT in Modules
by chatserv

The changelog (contained within this release) is as follows:
  • Hardened author and keyword search a bit to not allow very server intensive searches
  • Fixed full path disclosure in bad word parsing
  • Resetting complete userdata array in session code if authentication fails
  • Fixed bug in moderator control panel where certain parameters could lead to an "error creating new session" sql error
  • Fixed bug in session code where empty page ids could lead to an "error creating new session" sql error
  • Fixed html handling in signatures if html is turned off globally
  • Fixed install.php problem with PHP5 register_long_arrays option turned off
  • Fixed potential issues with styling system
  • Added correct class to login_body template file
  • Removed file db/oracle.php from package
  • Removed version number from message body page in /admin (if user is not an admin) - mikelbeck
  • Fixed case-sensitivity issues in postgres7.php - R45

Downloads: Regular version - For Nuke Patched 2.9 or higher - or simply update manually.

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Re: BBtoNuke 2.0.14 (Score: 1)
by 64bitguy on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 @ 09:35:00 CDT

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I wanted to point out a few of my concerns about the first "feature" change by phpBB.

Recently, I remarked to them that many words were no longer searchable at

The answers I got back were typical things I would expect from them lately as well as something you would expect to hear from FB.

This problem is due directly to this new "Feature" change.

I have and will continue to call this change a bug and a problem, not a solution. I highly suggest that users NOT implement the change that restricts search capabilities.

Specifically, you'll find that words like "Mods" "Blocks" "Block" "Module" "Port" and sure, other "common" words won't work, but this can really hamper ones abilities to nail down something specific in a search, especially in an "Include all" search.

My personal feeling is that the feature is more important than the resources it consumes; however, it is also my view that the function does actually need to be completely rewritten (a new methodology) versus this cheap hack of restricting capabilities due to the impacts felt at SOME very large phpBB sites that do not conduct forum pruning or other maintenance.

I want to emphasize that a typical Nuke site with less than 5,000-10,000 posts will not be 'dramatically' impacted by the OLD method, however the database table for this function may grow (which can of course be still be pruned) which regardless, would still allow searching by any keywords, versus this new "feature" which really is just phpBB's cheap way around having to address the real problem.

I also don't like the fact that if you use these "common, yet now forbidden" search words, you are taken to a blank page (which is a serious problem), instead of an error being generated OR the words simply ignored in the search and taken to the results. Thus, I still consider this situation to be a serious bug and not a "feature."

Just a heads up... :)

P.S. I want to mention that none of this is Chatserv's fault or problem... That these changes are coming directly from phpBB itself. Chatserv is merely doing us all of the service of incorporating the updates into his bbtonuke port which is greatly appreciated.

Re: BBtoNuke 2.0.14 (Score: 1)
by chatserv
on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 @ 11:22:29 CDT
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I can see where this change can make searches very restrictive, i would need an example of a broken search, i tried mods and blocks and both returned results, how would you enter these in the search form so that they give you a blank page?

Re: BBtoNuke 2.0.14 (Score: 1)
by 64bitguy
on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 @ 12:49:08 CDT
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Hey Chatserv.

I haven't implemented the change at my domain yet due to the feedback that I was getting from wich was pretty lousy.

In a nutshell, my testing was restricted to what I was experiencing there (do any search by any of the keywords I mentioned and you will get a blank page).

I had planned on testing the bbtonuke version of these changes on my test domain tomorrow. If I get similar results, I'll let you know. If not, I'll let you know that too, but I would be curious as to why it would work with nuke but not with phpbb. I was "assuming" (maybe improperly) that the changes that are affecting phpbb would inherantly affect the nuke version as well.


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