Ravens PHP Scripts: Modules

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Holy Bible module and block released. More about

Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2014 @ 20:51:48 CDT in Modules
by Raven

thebrumby writes:  
For a long time, we had searched for a module to display the entire Bible online in our site, and the a Bible verse of the Day block, but it seems these are no longer maintained. Well now we have working versions and these are now available for download.




RavenNuke(TM) Database Backup More about

Posted on Friday, July 29, 2011 @ 23:35:11 CDT in Modules
by Raven

papamike writes:  
A couple of years ago I wrote a script that would backup the RN database and incorporated it with Big Dump to handle the restore functions. I shelved my mod after going through a ton of testing with great results. I then got onto something else that, at the time, was a lot more important, and shelved it.

I blew the dust off of it today and will finish it up. Instead of using my backup script I found a better more feature rich backup script that I will be using along with Big Dump.

This will be a large mod and I'll need to have a place in Raven's forums for discussion. My Php coding skills are rusty so input will be necessary. Anyhow, more to come through Raven's forums (I hope).

As I always say and believe, please support RavenNuke(tm) anyway you can.

Mike (papamike)


GamerCards Module Released More about

Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 19:46:22 CDT in Modules
by Raven

snype writes:  
This module is very basic but yet very good, It was made because there is nothing for phpnuke that allows one's users to generate there own type of gamercard and that's where this module (GamerCards) comes into it, This module will let you generate a gamercard for the following applications:


It will then output the result in image form to show you what the card will look like before you go ahead and use it.

It generates the [html] and [bbcode] for use on and throughout your site and others. It has a menu separating each of the three cards so your users get to choose what card they want by clicking the relevant menu. It is very user friendly and 100% XHMTL compliment it has no admin side to it and no SQL tables need installing.


NukeTAGS 2.1 has been released. More about

Posted on Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 00:38:24 CST in Modules
by Raven

meotoo writes:  

A new version of the popular TagClouds module for phpnuke-based CMSs has been just released, and its ChangeLog is as follow:

NukeTAGS 2.1 - 2010/01/21

  • TagClouds for pages whose access is restricted to non-registered users will no longer be gathered while visited by such users...
  • OPTIMIZE TABLE will be now used after expunging tags for old pages.
  • index.php?newlang=[lang] will be now ignored from being gathered.
  • Added a new configuration option which will control how to handle non-english (or non-yoursitelang, better say) pages. Previously we gathered pages the same way regardless the user's choosen-language, we'll now take this into account. What this mean, you ask? well, if your site's language is English and a user is viewing it in German, the tagclouds for your pages could be overwritten with German words as if they are in English. The new configuration option is 'langDiff' and its possible values are:
    1. Do not handle pages which aren't in your site's language
    2. Handle pages language regardless (that's how it worked previously)
    3. Handle yoursitelang and non-yoursitelang pages individually.

Online Demo: http://www.meotoo.com/nuketags.html
Product Page: http://www.meotoo.com/catalog-product8.html
For further details, and everything else related, please go to http://www.meotoo.com/


E-Commerce 4 Nuke More about

Posted on Monday, November 09, 2009 @ 20:52:41 CST in Modules
by Raven

bdmdesign writes:  
The Project Site E-Commerce 4 Nuke is out now.
You will find here the osc-Cart4nuke Modules, which works with Raven Nuke 2.4.x. You will find here AddOns and custom Themes/Templates for the Modules, too.

Visit us on http://www.e-commerce4nuke.org

Text in other Languages than German still comes later.

Best Regards



NSLookup Domain to IP Tool for PHP-Nuke More about

Posted on Saturday, October 10, 2009 @ 20:04:54 CDT in Modules
by Raven

link writes:  
NSLookup Module for php-nuke allows webmaster to add a valuable domain to ip lookup tool to their website in seconds. The tool performs the same functions that the windows dos version does. Just type in a domain and hit go. The module will perform an nslookup and resolve the ip. It comes with built in domain verification (it can tell if users are typing in junk and not real domains) for a bit more security. So download the NSLookup Module here see a lookup demo of the module. Module is powered by 1nslookup.com

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