Should I Bundle? - PLEASE COMMENT!

Posted on Wednesday, August 20, 2003 @ 13:27:47 CDT in Thoughts and Ideas
by Raven

I have had a number of requests to 'bundle' certain applications in with Nuke releases (it seems to be a growing trend). I see pros and cons, but I would like your feedback on this. Read on ...If I were to 'pre-install' certain packages, like a calendar and photo application just to name a couple, would this be a good thing? If so, which ones? I am not trying to compete with anyone in this. My site is for a service to the community as much as a one man show can do. But I regularly install sites and certain applications are most always requested. This might make it easier all the way around. Please give your opinions. Thanks!
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Re: Should I Bundle? (Score: 1)
by Nukeum66 ( on Wednesday, August 20, 2003 @ 16:27:03 CDT

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I think that would be a good idea, but maybe limit it to just one or two application. For the simple fact that if someone has everything they need already installed they wouldn't visit your site as much.

Maybe a block "Site Info" and mod "Guestbook"

Now if you are being paid for your service of installing sites and applications. I think I would bundle one with all the fixin's for your personal uses, but not for mass release.


Re: Should I Bundle? (Score: 1)
by Nukeum66 ( on Thursday, August 21, 2003 @ 15:40:06 CDT

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LOL! ........... Come on people help the man out !

Re: Should I Bundle? (Score: 1)
by Raven
on Thursday, August 21, 2003 @ 16:10:51 CDT
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Thanks nukeum. I have never understood why with all the hits and downloads, why people won't just take the time to respond to my simple questions. Maybe if I required membership for all downloads? Because of the script kiddies I no longer allow Anonymous posting. I guess maybe no response means not in favor of?

Re: Should I Bundle? (Score: 1)
by Nukeum66
( on Thursday, August 21, 2003 @ 17:59:20 CDT
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"Maybe if I required membership for all downloads?"
That's not a bad idea at all!


Re: Should I Bundle? (Score: 1)
by sharlein on Friday, August 22, 2003 @ 00:02:31 CDT

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Raven, I feel it would be a very good idea. I would include your fantastic KISGB, and maybe a photo album. Everyone I see has its weak points, and watching the posts, a pain to install. I would like to see the Site Info block included, too. Thanks for asking. Steve


Re: Should I Bundle? (Score: 1)
by Craigster on Saturday, August 23, 2003 @ 14:45:25 CDT
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I think it's a great idea. I find that I add certian modules (site info, gallery,MS-Info etc), but then after completing an upgrade sometimes need to go back in and complete a few changes to get things working again. It would be nice to have a basic package with some of the more popular blocks already configure and installed, so when there is an update, we can do the update a bit quicker.
Thanks for the bundle you provided for 6.9.

Re: Should I Bundle? (Score: 1)
by Dilborg
on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 @ 14:34:08 CDT
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A most excellent comment . . .


Re: Should I Bundle? - PLEASE COMMENT! (Score: 1)
by Nukeum66 ( on Sunday, August 24, 2003 @ 20:41:06 CDT

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I can't see it! Out of all the visitors to this
site getting downloads and help for FREE!
Only a few people can answer such a small request.
It's not like he is asking for for house or car !!


Re: Should I Bundle? - PLEASE COMMENT! (Score: 1)
by Raven on Sunday, August 24, 2003 @ 21:14:29 CDT

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I sincerely appreciate those that have commented and those with the gift of exhortation :). I will still be considering it, but unless there is a demand I will probably not make it a priority. I will continue to release the patched versions the best I can.


Re: Should I Bundle? - PLEASE COMMENT! (Score: 1)
by mattomus on Monday, August 25, 2003 @ 00:23:49 CDT

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Raven, it seems like this would make good sense, after all one of the advantages of PHP-nuke is its modularity, If I don't need a feature I don't turn it on, right?.

It probably wont add significantly to the distributions file size. It may save time, energy and frustration on the part of the new nuke user and also those that would potentially wind up troubleshooting a botched mod for them. At the same time, a well commented addition can provide a solid foundation for the "inclined" to learn from your good examples.

To sum up: by bundling the often requested mods, you have a shot at teaching future developers some good stuff, you create a richer experience for the end user and more free time for the developer to follow his bliss. I believe thats the name of the game.

Bundle On!


Re: Should I Bundle? - PLEASE COMMENT! (Score: 1)
by Dilborg on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 @ 14:31:59 CDT

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Bundle away!!!

Might I recommend you include a CHANGES file, add info like:
PHP-Nuke: Advanced Content Management System

September 10, 2003: Version 6.9 Enhanced

- Added the following blocks:

- Incorporated the following modules:

- Applied the following fixes:

Handy Block: Advanced Forums Block
Useful module: MS Analysis

Re: Should I Bundle? - PLEASE COMMENT! (Score: 1)
by Raven
on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 @ 20:09:31 CDT
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Very nice! Thanks for the template :)


Re: Should I Bundle? - PLEASE COMMENT! (Score: 1)
by unklesam on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 @ 22:37:16 CDT
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I like the bundle idea, as far as you competing with anyone, screw them, its all free software.

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