Ravens PHP Scripts: Thoughts and Ideas

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RavenNuke Fork More about

Posted on Wednesday, January 06, 2016 @ 11:34:53 CST in Thoughts and Ideas
by kguske

papamike writes:  

 I wrote at an earlier time about forking RavenNuke but have now decided not to. The reason is simple, there is nothing that can be forked. It's such a complete system I find nothing to improve on except the theme system. So that's the reason for my post. 

I work on the integration of my new module each evening until late at night, I'm a noon day sleeper. Anyhow, I have been completely rebuilding the process of designing themes. But until I complete the entire module I can't offer any of the 21 I have now for download. They won't work on any other Nuke site now. 

One thing I wanted to mention is the button maker I have on my site now. It produces the css3 code which can be inserted into your style sheet and called up as either a class or id in any container div, span, p. I use it all over my site. Take a look if you find some extra time on your hands, you don't need to be a member to use it. 

My thinking has always been if you have a website then all pages  should look the same. I have a simple drop down menu now but that is going to change. I have an idea in mind that I may run with. There's no blocks like the ones we are used to I will be integrating side sliding content features. I have already coded them and just need to study over them some.

I can build a nice theme in under 5 minutes. Well enough typing  :)




Bitnami More about

Posted on Tuesday, July 07, 2015 @ 02:24:55 CDT in Thoughts and Ideas
by Raven

papamike writes:  

 Has anyone thought about adding RavenNuke to Bitnami?




I Have Opened My Own Blog: Montego Musings More about

Posted on Thursday, August 30, 2007 @ 00:31:06 CDT in Thoughts and Ideas
by Raven

montego writes:  
I was helping a family member about a month back get her blog and web site going and started thinking if I should give 'er a go. Well, I finally broke down and did it. Montego Musings is officially open! I have a whole list of topics that I want to cover related to web site design, PHP, mySQL, compliance, PHP-Nuke and RavenNuke(tm), etc. So, come on over and check it out and let me know your thoughts. Feel free to debate, expound, etc. in the comments. However, spammers beware as I am "watching you"...

nukeevangelist writes:  
We are only a few steps away from the path that is going straight ahead! Let us do some major changes in the architecture of the Nuke: Let us install a CVS and get rid of some bottlenecks in core development: The bottleneck is quite too big - we have to be aware of the advantages of CVS.

What is CVS? CVS is a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. It fills a similar role to the free software RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages.

Why do we need CVS? To speed up the development - and to push it and to take it out of the hand of one single friend. We have great documents - and knowledgeable folks all over the planet - we can rely on thousands and thousands of user, developer, supporter and friends.

Admin comment: I am not commenting on the pros/cons of the suggestion here. But I did want to say that working with SubVersion is far superior to CVS, imo. Get more info on SubVersion.

takaharu writes:  
After giving the idea a lot of time to mature i decided to open my new site which is dedicated to the dragonfly cms and the ways to integrate adsense and other different options for additional revenue into the cms. Read More...


Make money with clickbank on phpnuke and other portals More about Read More...

Posted on Saturday, April 23, 2005 @ 08:54:48 CDT in Thoughts and Ideas
by Raven

takaharu writes:  
After Googles addsense, the Europermission affiliate program and clicksor you can now put clickbank search and mini adds ( like google addsense) on your site and you will get a more than decent income. The clickbank search and miniadds are part of a seperate program/script that can be integrated in parts of your phpnuke portal. you can add the mini-adds in a center block or in the forum header, news header, etc....  Read More...

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