pcnuke writes:Pc-Nuke! has created a new project for:
Coppermine for Nuke module from the standalone version of coppermine photo gallery which is currently at v1.46
You can find out what this version includes by visiting this link: Check Standalone version options
Because our Team members are limited, and since we could find interests within the Nuke community to get involved in this project, PCN has offered the project to outside bids, and more info on that can be found here: Check the Status
PCN will pay the out of pocket costs to have this module created for the Nuke community, but PCN will then need to regain its expenses from individuals within the community who are interested in keeping this module active & up to date. So PCN will only offer support to the individuals for this project through a Limited Access forum and downloadable copies of the new module will only be offered to project Donators... After a donation is made that individual will be sent a copy of the new version.
If anyone then takes a copy of the module and gives it away to outside sources (which we know it is allowed by GPL), and undercutting our ability to pay back the invested costs, PCN will cease any futher involvement in this and other projects & close down all support for it.
So its up to people withing the Nuke Community to police it and keep the project alive...
PCN has many ideas for more Nuke projects (like a good calendar for starts, etc). But we will see how this project goes first. If anyone would like to Donate in advance for this project, that can be done by using the Donation block in the top left of our website: http://www.max.pcnuke.com and then sending a PM to the moderator (hammer). These names will be added to a list of Supporters.
Keep up to date on all developments on our Project Board.
thanks for your interests
Although I went ahead and posted this, I do not agree with your attempt to do an end run around the GPL. You are, imo, violating the GPL by threatening to continue support if someone follows the licensing of the GPL. I, for one, would not use your product with the altered GPL.
Re: Pc-Nuke! starts Coppermine v1.46 module project (Score: 1) | ![]() | I wouldn't use it either based on their current posturing. |
Re: Pc-Nuke! starts Coppermine v1.46 module project (Score: 1) by pcnuke on Monday, May 29, 2006 @ 16:05:15 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Note taken, but We see no way elso of bringing a project to the community except by paying to have it made then trying to regain our costs... or dont develop an updated module not many choices there pcn |
Re: Pc-Nuke! starts Coppermine v1.46 module project (Score: 1) by pcnuke on Monday, May 29, 2006 @ 16:15:53 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Actually raven you are probably right, the nuke community doesnt seem willing to back a project like this or any other that we have seen, that would bring new and updated modules into the nuke community, so why should PCN take the inititive to help make that happen. Let the community suffer with the outdated addons, this seem to be the majority is saying. I can tell from the responces that the nuke community would rather do without good and updated addons. So PCN will stop this project and any other that may be helpful to the community & go back to living in our little world. pcn |
Re: Pc-Nuke! starts Coppermine v1.46 module project (Score: 1) by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Monday, May 29, 2006 @ 23:30:04 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I loved Coppermine from the moment I first tried it. Unfortunately, it took some pretty serious hits on exploits and many had to stop using it. Personally, I have found that if you publish a good product, the nuke community will give you support. Will you get a reasonable ROI? Probably not. But there are many who offer monthly or semi-monthly, or one time donations towards many products that I have offered over the years. I'd encourage you to go ahead with your project and get something into the hands of the community. Once they can touch and taste it, if it is good, you will get some loyal supporters. At least I have found that to be true. |
Re: Pc-Nuke! starts Coppermine v1.46 module project (Score: 1) by pcnuke on Monday, May 29, 2006 @ 16:36:26 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
and Curtis if you have something to say, then say it... pcn |
Re: Pc-Nuke! starts Coppermine v1.46 module project (Score: 1) by CurtisH (curthanc1@yahoo.com) on Tuesday, May 30, 2006 @ 07:09:06 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) http://facebook.com/curt.hancock | |
I did say it. No attempt at being rude, just my opinion only. |
Re: Pc-Nuke! starts Coppermine v1.46 module project (Score: 1) | ![]() | i allways liked coppermine but its to famous among hackers..and the added stuff to the previous release isnt my choice either. |
Re: Pc-Nuke! starts Coppermine v1.46 module project (Score: 1) | ![]() | Pcnuke i think we all should do same way Telli did, create stuff that you need for your site and then offer that stuff for only monthly subscribers. I been around for two years now and since i first started working with nuke what has become of the nuke community now ... people come download stuff if the have some problem they post on your forum you fix their problem and they never come back. My site is mostly about our theme designs and bunch downloads, we all would be in much better position if we (major nuke sites) would back each other (if you need good scripts go to pcnuke -codezwiz - raven, need good hosting go to raven, need themes go to DD - Phpcusa and stuff like that) but i find people donating my commercial theme and people having my commercial theme free for downloads. It seams like that our time is not worth damn penny to most people. Pcnuke i do back you up to 100% with your desicion to cancel coppermine module for nuke. Heck the coppermine create is not supporting php-nuke anymore why should you, why should you take out of your pocket and put it to get that done for people that would not even say "thank you". Ok that's it :-) |