Clan Themes Members Club

Posted on Friday, April 06, 2007 @ 00:20:22 CDT in Announcements
by Raven

floppydrivez writes:  
Introducing the Clan Themes Members Club,

We started this small area to help cover site cost and advertising. We currently have over 370 files (2.04 gb). For a small fee you can download them all. More than just php-nuke, we have a little bit of it all.

Check it out for yourself,
Clan Themes Members Club

We also have recently added on to our Game Info Center Modules
FEAR Info Centre
Day of Defeat Info Centre
Americas Army Info Centre
Counter Strike Info Centre
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Info Centre
Battlefield 2142 Info Centre
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Info Centre
Battlefield 2 Info Centre

Request an info center for your game today!
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Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by tcbnc on Thursday, April 12, 2007 @ 22:44:46 CDT
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Clan Themes took most all the Limited files from PCN at and put them in their Members Club. PCN used these files that were developed by them to help support the PCN website and the Nuke community. Clan Themes is not showing any respect for the hard work put into developing these files by PCN. Until the files are taking off the Clan Themes site PCN has closed its doors. Will it come back I do not know. You can read more here . Who will they leech off next?


Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by floppydrivez on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 08:46:33 CDT

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I asked you to give me 2-3 days to sort it out. You gave every bit of 8 hours. I stated this many times in correspondence with you that I was looking into it.

What has made some of the Clan Themes Staff reluctant to apply to your request so far are your childish manors. You closed your site and posted many false statements regarding clan themes community. You have to realize your not hurting anyone but yourself by acting in the manor you have chosen.

In the end, you agitated many other Clan Themes administrators and it has turned my 2-3 days of discussion into something that could last a life time. So basically you screwed yourself. What could of been simple is now complicated. Pat yourself on the back.

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by tcbnc
on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 12:10:48 CDT
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I dont think so Floppy. Childish was taking the files in the first place. Support your site with your own files. Not the files used to Support someone elses site. I'm not here to war with you. PCN is close. So that means I (not PCN) want the files taken off your site. Reasons like this is why others have left the Nuke Community to go off and program for other systems. Have at it. You guys made this mess by taken the files in the first place. Who will be next. Everyone who programs for Nuke should leave the Community for sites like yours taking their support files.
Also I did not post my comments until seeing PED was back and his comments in your forums about maybe putting PCN's Subscriber files in the regular downloads on your site.

End of story. You guys grow up and stop acting Childish. Work hard like PCN did to develop files to support your site and hope in the future someone shows you a little respect.


Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by floppydrivez on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 12:47:04 CDT

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Why can't I add these files to my public downloads? Are they not developed under the the GPL license? Oh this is where that resepect thing comes into play right? Tell me more about that? So how about your respect for telli? Sorry I asked, I am sure he gave you permission to use his link to us module and czmodules 4.75.

You don't got no respect man.

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by tcbnc
on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 20:59:50 CDT
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I know the rules of GPL. I don't need to be told but it's cool. Yes it was the Respect thing which I have always shown. Also so that you know it. I was a mod in the forums at PCN. That's it. I helped a lot of users get started and solved many problems at PCN for users in the forums for the last 4 months that I have been a Mod. I paid for the limited downloads just like the other 82 members. My thing the whole time was to have the downloads taken off your site so that PCN might open back up and the other subscribers could get what they paid for. I never showed you guys any disrespect. My goal was the downloads. Anything else you guys need to take up with PCN. I wish all this never happen. I'm sure you guys and also myself are not bad people.
I hope everything works out for the rest. Have a good day!


Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by floppydrivez on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 12:53:24 CDT

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Regardless of any of this bickering. Your files have been removed. As I said within 2-3 days. All this is just childish, note to you tcb if you publish things under gpl anyone and I mean anyone can do whatever they please with it. Keep that in mind for future developments. There is simply nothing you can do about that. If you don't like it, do as many others have done and move on to something not covered under the GPL.

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by tcbnc
on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 21:31:10 CDT
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Thanks Floppy,, you have been a gentleman through all this. I will think about what you said.


Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by xGSTQ on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 14:05:41 CDT
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Shall I tell you why I added your files to our Club, Well if you didn't know in the admin area there is a module called HTTP Referrers which I checked on a daily basis, every now and then YOUR subscribers area was popping up... so I decided to join thinking that you might have our themes in there ... low and behold you have our files (no themes though) in your subscribers area... This was why i added your files, as its not very nice is it ...

So this is a classic example of "Don't do as I do, do as I say!" on your behalf, you should think about where and what you add to your subscribers area, and you also contradict yourself by saying its all your hard work, well obviously its not as you had OUR files in there! and you use Tellis payed scripts in your Nuke Distos ?

I voted NOT to remove the files as floppy stated you only aggravated the situation by lying about this issue.. and threatening to come and pay me a visit in England, now how immature can you get. Floppy removed your files if you must know whilst I was AFK.

I was also very surprised to find commercial themes from Destin Designs in your subscribers theme section ? Yet again a classic example of  "Don't do as I do, do as I say!"

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by tcbnc
on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 21:29:25 CDT
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I think you got me mixed up here. I was a Mod in the forums at PCN. If you have a few files that you don't want at PCN then you need to address this to the Admin and not me if it comes back. I have no control over the downloads or the server, just most of the forums topics. I have been trying to get PCN back online for the 80 plus paid Subscribers nothing else. You fight if you have one is not with me.

The two themes if I remember correctly and I think I did check were released to everyone as non paid themes.
I think they were paid themes but now they are not.

I really don't know you so.... have a nice day.


Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 14:07:26 CDT

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We have been over this many times but I would recommend the thread Can developers legally sell addons created for use with Nuke [] for a very thorough discussion of the GPL, especially in regards to nuke.

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by tcbnc
on Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 21:33:40 CDT
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Raven, I know you don't know me, but I know you as a Rock in the Community. Thanks for everything.

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by astalavistabd
on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 15:17:25 CDT
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wow! Very hot topic.

I am very surprised that you guys did not see this coming specially "pcnuke". :|

Again, this is obvious people, PHPNuke CMS license is weak to protect coders precious work. But "Floppy" get ready to receive complaints and hack since you are on the spotlight now. :)


Free PHPNuke Themes, Modules, Blocks []

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by xGSTQ
on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 15:26:54 CDT
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Why are we in the spotlight ?

We only added files because "pcnuke" has no respect for the community... yet he flames us for adding his files ?

oh well im not really bothered to be honest ...

lets just look at the fact

1) pcnuke has Tellis commercial scripts in there payed distro that Telli has NOT given permission to use.

2) pcnuke has Clan Themes club items in there subscription area

3) pcnuke has a Destine Design commercial theme in there subscribers area

Theses comment were based on the old "Respect" jargon and its very clear that pcnuke has no respect for the community sites, this whole little stunt of theres to make us look the bad guys has really back fired on them terribly ...

And thanks for the prior wanrings of kids trying to hack us, we have upped our security since these allegations started...

Hey hasnt got some of pcnukes downloads ? lol

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by floppydrivez
on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 15:44:40 CDT
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Thanks for the heads up, :) Anyway, while what xGSTQ is true. I have moved on.

I hate spotlights anyway.

Re: Clan Themes Members Club (Score: 1)
by xGSTQ
on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 15:48:08 CDT
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I think its funny :-)

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