Ravens PHP Scripts: Announcements

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Upgrade done! More about

Posted on Friday, April 19, 2019 @ 17:51:16 CDT in Announcements
by neralex

RPS is patched to the current version and installed on a new server. The website is using PHP 7.3.4 and has been optimized for it. Furthermore the RNWIKI and the demo page have been updated.



Raven Is Back At Least For A While! More about

Posted on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 @ 02:43:10 CDT in Announcements
by Raven

Greetings to all!  My health is doing better and I'm trying to get back in some kind of regular routine. I feel like I'm having to learn to walk all over again, but things are starting to fall into place, somewhat, LOL!  I have missed many of you and hope to catch up the best I can. Please let me hear from those of you that are still using RavenNuke (tm) to show you still want development.  I will basically support v2.51 the best I can while Neralex will be leading the charge in RavenCMS, at least that's the plan for now. I will open up a Forum topic also for your responses.



Papa Mike Creations More about

Posted on Saturday, July 25, 2015 @ 06:30:49 CDT in Announcements
by kguske

papamike writes:  

 I have re-opened http://papamikecreations.com stop in anytime I'll be up and running by Aug. 1, 2015



Where's Raven? More about

Posted on Tuesday, July 07, 2015 @ 02:19:11 CDT in Announcements
by Raven

Read Raven's Swan Song for an important message from Raven!



Kissoftware For Sale! More about

Posted on Friday, February 07, 2014 @ 22:57:52 CST in Announcements
by Raven

lippylion writes:  

I have to announce that I am putting Kissoftware and Nukequiz up for sale as I am no longer able to support either the website or module anymore.

I would hope that someone would like to take upi the project and move it on to improve it.

kissoftware.co.uk and kissoftware.org.uk are both the main domains together with nukequiz.co.uk that are up for grabs.

It is illness that is forcing me to make this decison, nothing more having spent a number of years with php nuke.

All the files for Nukequiz will be made available on dropbox to download together with all the additional help files in word format and images, screenshots etc. that I have used in the past for the help manual.

I shall also supply all of the modified modules, such as Nukedownloads, Sentinel, NSN groups and more, all used on teh main kissoftware site.

It seems that the best way to approach this is by people sending offers via email to support(at)kissoftware.co.uk

Best wishes for the future to all the sites like this, I have used and supported in the past and who have supported me

Regards lippylion




Downloads are now points free More about

Posted on Friday, September 21, 2012 @ 20:36:47 CDT in Announcements
by Admin

nextgen writes:  
alterednuke.com has removed the points costs for all downloads as i have now gotten enough information to see that it is a very good working mod and can consider it a steady and is ready for live sites. I will not add the points to downloads except for certain ones that are High in quality and very time consuming to complete. So stop in to http://www.alterednuke.com and grab one of my new themes for Ravennuke 2.5 and some accessories to match your theme as well.

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