montego writes:Since RavenNuke(tm) 2.10.00 was originally released with TegoNuke(tm) ShortLinks 1.0.0, a few issues have been reported with certain "taps". This is a minor patch release to address these shortcomings for the non-RavenNukers; if you are using RavenNuke(tm) 2.10.00, the patch release to 2.10.01 will also address these shortcomings.
Visit Montego Script's Project Page for more detailed information about this add-on/hack. You may also get the 1.0.1 download directly from the Download Page.Here is what is included in this patch release:
+ Fixed Private Message pop-up message issue
+ Added article send to a friend tap
+ Added missing Sections taps and .htaccess for the older PHP-Nukes
+ Added missing NSN Groups Info tap
+ Added missing tap in GTB-block-Old_Articles.php for the overall module
+ Added new GT-forumsbackend.php tap for the forums RSS feed
- Removed from GTB-block-Login.php the tap on gfx code - causes problems
+ Added taps for Downloads and Web Links for RavenNuke(tm) 2.10.01 patch
+ Other misc small "tweaks"
Brought to you by montego from Montego Scripts.
TegoNuke[tm] ShortLinks 1.0.1 Patch ReleasedPosted on Wednesday, May 02, 2007 @ 01:47:52 CDT in Code Hacks |