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Released Clean Nuke 1.7! A clean and simple nuke fork! More about Read More...

Posted on Monday, May 16, 2011 @ 00:16:24 CDT in Code Hacks
by Raven

matteoiamma writes:  
Clean Nuke is a cms based on the phpnuke 7.6/Wl Nuke 1.1, it's a simple/content page manager system!

For download it go here
For try a demo and/or more info(themes, mods etc..) go here


TegoNuke(tm) Mailer 1.1.0 Released More about

Posted on Saturday, December 11, 2010 @ 14:53:52 CST in Code Hacks
by Raven

montego writes:  
The new TegoNuke(tm) Mailer is finally here after a long wait. It sports PHP 5.2+ only, revamped Swift Mailer and administration module, many new exciting features and loads of on-line documentation. For a more detailed explanation of the TegoNuke(tm) Mailer and a more detailed list of features, check out the TegoNuke(tm) Mailer Wiki page.

While the Mailer was developed on RavenNuke(tm) for RavenNuke(tm) and PHP-Nuke, it may be possible to use on other *nuke variants with slight variations. Come get the latest download.


Nuke Wysiwyg Syntax Highlighter 2.1.0 More about

Posted on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 23:33:53 CDT in Code Hacks
by Raven

floppydrivez writes:  

Basic Features:

  • Highlighting (not all included) available for ActionScript, Bash/Shell, C#, C++, CSS, Delphi, Diff, Groovy, Javascript, Java, JavaFX, Perl, PHP, Plain Text, Powershell, Python, Ruby, Scala, SQL, Visual Basic, XML (please see note about XML)
  • Print Highlighted Code
  • Plain Text View
  • Copy to Clipboard
  • Focus attention on specific lines
  • much more...


Nuke Wysiwyg from NukeSeo.com (registration required)

Original Authors:

http://psykoptic.com/ (FCKEditor Plugin for SyntaxHighlighter)

http://alexgorbatchev.com/ (Author of SyntaxHighlighter)

Installation and Download:

Nuke Wysiwyg Syntax Highlighting(no registration required)



Ducks Fix Groups Script Released More about

Posted on Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 11:16:12 CDT in Code Hacks
by Raven

Duck writes:  
Hi all thought I would let you know that during the preparation of PNC 4.5 we worked on some improvements to group management. As such during that improvement process we thought what about all those users that may have messed up groups from what was once a poorly messed system?

Two places for creating groups was bound to be a cause for issues for many users especially since if you created them in PHPbb it was only one way. As well users joining via phpbb was one way. Well as of PNC 4.5 that is no longer a concern but fixing the already messed up groups and users could be.

So I did a quick and dirty script to mesh up the groups. It may not be elegant but it gets the Job done. I even tested it on a live site where I had a bunch of groups that were so messed up it is not funny. Forums Permissions were out of whack and everything. So far she's done a good job and have had no complaints.

While this Script is available in the PNC 4.5 package (so upgrading users can fix their groups) I have decided to release it as a stand-alone script for other users of other versions of nuke that may wish to use it. It hasn't been tested on anything but PNC 3.2, PNC 4.4 and PNC 4.5 but I don't see any reason it shouldn't work on any version of nuke that uses the $db sql layer. As always though it is recommended to back up your tables first. And of course once finished don't leave the file in your root!


TegoNuke™ Mailer 1.0.0 More about

Posted on Sunday, March 16, 2008 @ 15:45:30 CDT in Code Hacks
by Raven

montego writes:  
Why would someone need something like this? PHP-Nuke uses the PHP mail() function and many web hosts these days are shutting off access to this function. These hosts are now requiring authenticated SMTP. Hence the need for a replacement for PHP-Nuke's mailer functions. For example, the user registration process will not work properly as it requires an email activation link (to try and slow down spammers from auto registration).

For a more detailed explanation of the TegoNuke™ Mailer and a more detailed list of features, check out the TegoNuke™ Mailer NukeForge page.

This mailer was created for RavenNuke™ 2.20.x and is just a few key-clicks away from being able to use with SMTP (click on the TegoNuke Mailer link within the Administration Control Panel). For you non-RavenNukers (shame on you - lol), come Download TegoNuke Mailer now!

NOTE: You may be asking "why another mailer@quot;? When I had started to look for mailers to add to RavenNuke™ last year, I had reviewed PHPNukeMailer and I liked what I saw, especially in the admin area, but it had looked like it was no longer an active project. That is no longer the case! Also at the time, I liked what I was seeing out of Swift Mailer more than PHPMailer. TegoNuke™ Mailer AND PHPNukeMailer will both make fine alternatives for the community. So, since I had already implemented my stitched together Mailer into RavenNuke™, I might as well give the non-RavenNukers choice as well. :-)


TegoNuke[tm] ShortLinks 1.2.1 Released More about

Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 12:35:31 CST in Code Hacks
by Raven

montego writes:  
This is strictly a bug fix release, what I call a "Maintenance" release. No new features will be added under the 1.x branch, however, as "taps" are found to be missing or in error, these will be updated for as long as these issues are found. The changes in this release are also in the upcoming RavenNuke(tm) 2.20.01 patch release.

This new release is available in the Downloads now.

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