nextgen writes:Nuke Optimized is ready to welcome all Community members. We are dedicated to making and creating mods for the RavenNuke™ CMS. As of right now there are a few downloads available as the site is still being added to, modified and tested for the mods we will be offering. Every mod that will be offered in the downloads section you can see working on the site. The most important thing right now is that if you do decide to visit and register, please note any issues (if any at all), so that we may solve any issues that may have come from any mod added to the RavenNuke™ code. Visit the site by using the following address.
RavenNuke™ Mods - Your home for RavenNuke™ Modifications and Webmaster Resources. Requests are welcomed as well!
Optimized Staffer
Raven Nuke Mods Grand Opening !!Posted on Saturday, July 04, 2009 @ 11:11:34 CDT in RavenNuke |