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RavenNuke(tm) Version 2.51.00 Released! More about

Posted on Sunday, February 17, 2013 @ 19:15:18 CST in RavenNuke
by montego

The RavenNuke(tm) Team is happy to announce this patch release of your favorite CMS. Thanks go to this wonderful community for making this release possible through your many contributions in our forums as well as the tireless activity of the RavenNuke(tm) Team in not only patching the current release but also working diligently on the next major release.

Be sure to read the Change Log for a list of all of the changes. Also be sure to consult the RNWIKI for additional information and help. Please continue to use the existing RN v2.5 forum for reporting issues against this release. Be sure to ONLY use that forum.

Keep in mind that with the 2.5x branch the minimum requirement of PHP v5.2 or newer still applies, but with the 2.51.00 release, we have added support through PHP v5.4. In addition, while we call this a "patch release", the download is a FULL distribution!


RavenNuke(tm) Version 2.50.00 Released! More about

Posted on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 @ 00:15:53 CST in RavenNuke
by Raven

After more than a year since the last release of RavenNuke(tm) (v2.40.01) the RavenNuke(tm) Team is happy to announce the next release of your favorite CMS. There are some major changes, many fixes, enhancements and just too many to list. Be sure to read the Change Log for a list of all of the changes. Also be sure to consult the RNWIKI for additional information and help. There is a separate forum for just RN v2.5 issues. Be sure to ONLY use that forum.

The most important and major change in this release is adding the minimum requirement of PHP v5.2 or newer. You will need to be sure your host has v5.2 or newer installed or some things just won't work.


JotForm More about

Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2011 @ 22:47:26 CDT in RavenNuke
by Raven

papamike writes:  
You will have to see this one to believe it. jotform.com is the place to go for all of your form needs. I created a form which has a Captcha and all of the other form fields I wanted to create. There are themes to select from and the best part is that you can setup seamless PayPal integration, or several other services. You can set up products. add subscriptions, donations, and tons more. You owe it to yourself to visit this site. From setting up a web store to selling hosting it's quick and easy. Add products, display the price, pick more than one item and then head to the checkout counter.

Oh by the way, I'm not getting paid for this, it's all on my own. No spam intended just useful information for the community.

As always, please support RavenNuke (tm) in anyway you can. The development team gives us so much and for no charge.



Error In Posting My Blog More about

Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 @ 01:19:56 CDT in RavenNuke
by Raven

papamike writes:  
I made an error when I posted about my blog. I thought I had the blog theme set as the default, but I had a different theme which destroyed the blog effect. I just now discovered the error and corrected it. Take a look at it now and you'll see the blog as I designed it.

Go Here to see it and leave your mark on my calender.


Blogs More about

Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2011 @ 23:29:27 CDT in RavenNuke
by Raven

papamike writes:  
Everyone knows that RavenNuke(tm) is a powerful and secure CMS, so I started thinking just what else could be done with it. The idea I came upon was to create a RN blog. Most blogs only have one topic for visitors to comment on. With the RN blog there can be, who-knows, how many. Plus you can use my theming utility PMCCT to create the theme and grab other trinkets from around the Internet to add to your creation. I had fun creating my blog and it took all of two days from start to finish. I actually created my blog for members of the community to look at and just see what can be done. I've been thinking of making a RN store next. Visit my blog RIGHT HERE


RavenNuke ™ More about

Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 @ 00:42:58 CDT in RavenNuke
by Raven

Southern writes:  
RavenNuke ™ is a content management system platform for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. The system includes features such as page caching to improve performance, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, website searching, and language internationalization.

It is written in the PHP programming language and uses the MySQL database system to store information. RavenNuke ™ is the result of a fork of PHP-Nuke. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, RavenNuke ™ is free software.

more: Wikipedia: RavenNuke ™

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