NukeForge Beta Launch
Posted on Thursday, June 17, 2004 @ 10:57:04 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven
valkster writes: After a week of closed beta testing, we are taking the next step for our new project and allowing an open beta of the site.
Zamboozle and
KwikInc are proud to announce, the opensource site for your Nuke based creations.We have worked very hard over the past month to install and configure this animal on our first dedicated server. With your help NUKEFORGE will assist all Nuke flavored developers with their projects. There will undoubtedly be issues with the site while in beta, but so far our response from the closed beta team has been positive. There is more to do as far as features go, but the site is very usable today!
NUKEFORGE today and please tell others about the site.
Zamboozle Support