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PMC-Nuke More about

Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2015 @ 05:37:17 CST in PHP-Nuke
by kguske

papamike writes:  


-- Just a few minutes ago I finally opened my site after quite a bit of work. I have forked RavenNuke to create PMC-Nuke. I decided to do this once I heard about RavenCMS. You won't see themes for any version of Nuke that are better than the ones I made for PMC-Nuke. With this fork I changed a lot of things. Here's a small bit of what I've done thus far.

-- Over 20+ years experience and I have never used an editor and don't plan on starting now. So Bootstrap, SASS and {less} well I won't say how I feel about them.

-- 10 new themes and growing. The themes themselves are pure CSS3 gradient. I did add 20x20px button icons to spice it up a bit and some larger graphics at the top of the different modules.

-- I completely revamped the Your Account area, registration and forums. Those areas will look alien to you now.

-- I spent a lot of time on the forums and private message areas. All of the forum files are HTML5 compliant. I stripped out a ton of unnecessary code and left the images for now.

-- There are no graphics in the header logo area just colors, gradients and special fonts over shadows. Also there are no graphics in the themes image folder either. I built the core base of the theme system and now a theme can be designed and finished within an hour.

-- You'll see two fonts (besides the usual ones)  throughout all 10 themes, they are, Walkway and UpperEastSide.

-- Security wasn't compromised in any of the PHP files I edited. Also the ones I did edit are HTML5 compliant and I have plans on making the entire package HTML5.

-- LOL I've been open just a few minutes and already have an abuse notification in my email.

-- I closed all options to selecting an instant messenger and replaced it with social media access. I don't think anyone uses IM's anymore do they?

-- Since it is a news site I added 125 of the most popular news sources and blogs. I read through them all of the time. I also have a secure contact form at the bottom of the page where I can get quick contacts from members.

-- I could go on-and-on but I'll quit here. Stop in, become a member and have a look around.


Mike (PapaMike)



PHP-Nuke Flash Player v0.3.2 More about

Posted on Monday, August 29, 2011 @ 02:29:54 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven

KennyW writes:  
What´s New in This Release v0.3.2: Update JW player to new version (v5.7.1896) Remove preview.swf,swfobject.js,video.flv files (not need) Module now not use JS code (many problem IE browser old swfobj lib) Preview now simple image not a swf file JW Player not supported more logo to not licenced version (settings removed) Fake EQ not support new JW player version (settings removed) Added tooltip.js to info text and jscolor.js (color picker) to easy coloring player layout Categories list and file list rewrite to table view not a select Integrated comment Chapta patch Updated block file and embed media file (removed swfobj lib, not support func.) Update about other bug fix Read More...


PHPNukeProfessional change the history of the cms More about

Posted on Friday, June 18, 2010 @ 07:02:35 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven

rino writes:  

www.phpnukefordonkeys.com announces the development start of PHPNukeProfessional.

PHPNuke Professional is not a new version but a method that teaches how to transform your PHPNuke - any version you want to use - in a professional website in appearance and functionality.
Nobody will recognize your new site and never believe it was made with PHPNuke: sure why now is a PHPNuke Professional!

You can use any html/flash templates and no longer PHPNuke classics themes!
You can insert blocks anywhere in any module.

For more features and examples please visit this page (and click on the flag at top page to traduce).
Note: you can see a PHPNukeProfessional application also at my site www.phpnukefordonkeys.com and other, under construction, here (with a flash template).

Our project involves the release of a book or a series of videos showing step-by-step changes to be done on your PHPNuke site. We hope to produce the material by the end of the year. Stay tuned! :-)



NukeAjax (and more) Updated! More about

Posted on Sunday, September 27, 2009 @ 02:45:51 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven

meotoo writes:  

We are proud to announce the immediate availability of NukeAjax V1.0 "beta3" with great improvements, such as we reached the stage where it should be considered as a rock stable release. NukeAjax is an addon/hack which will convert your Nuke site into a full-featured AJAX-handled website, this will save you a lot of bandwidth usage and your users will notice a faster browsing!.

During the last week(s), we've updated some other of our products as well, such as AddGameBatch (For V3Arcade mod), new GamesPack, etc, and added some new modules available for free.

For further details and everything related, please go to our website at http://www.meotoo.com/

This is a commercial script


NuNuke Advanced Admin Stats Index More about

Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2009 @ 14:04:18 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven

gazj writes:  
Hey guys i have just finished a new look admin page i replaced the regular graphicadmin function with a new one it now shows stats like the forums admin only more detailed for the nuke side. Available in the downloads now there are 2 downloads.
1) phpnuke 7.6-7.8
2) phpnuke 7.9-8.1


Theme site shutting down. 60+ themes More about

Posted on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 10:58:28 CDT in PHP-Nuke
by Raven

drakken20 writes:  
I have tried to sell my site for sometime now, and was unsuccessful, so I have
put my themes up for sale as a package.

I am currently studying C++ and working in PHP, and will probably not be making themes anymore.

There are 60+ themes in the package, and it is selling for 29.99 .

There are a few GPL forum templates in there as well.

No restrictions on use, just can't give them away.

Click here to order.

Click here, and use the drop down on the left to preview themes..

Thanks for your time,

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