bcmx55 writes:PHP-Nuke 7.6 (chatserv 2.9)
Spaw 1.1 First in putting the version of PHP-Nuke with Spaw 1.1
FCK-Editor 2.0 RC3 First in putting the version of PHP-Nuke with FCK-Editor RC3
FAQ module 2.6
Search Package 1.1B
RP-Web Links 2.0
BBCode v 4.5.0
PHPBB 2.1.3 (BBtoNuke 2.0.13) (independent Forums you can install single those that she wants)
PHPBBPlus 1.5 (independent Forums you can install single those that she wants)
Hack Alert Plus 2.8
NukeSentinel 760 2.1.3a IP2C SP1
NSN GR Downloads 7.6
Contact Plus 3.2
AvantGo 1.8
And many extras .....
Acceleration 25% Of Base De PHP-Nuke
increase of the speed 30x compared in PHP-Nuke
reduction of 30% in low code
Global functions (that can be reused for any module)
Acceleration 20% Of Base of data Of PHPNuke
It replaced all $$dbi called to $$db
Applications 50% Little Data base
and solutions to others bugs found by our equipment.
Demo forums
Forums message (adons)
Initial design to fisubsilver
Completed the global translation in Ingles.Acceleration 25% Of Base De PHP-Nuke
increase of the speed 30x compared in PHP-Nuke
reduction of 30% in low code
Global functions (that can be reused for any module)
Acceleration 20% Of Base of data Of PHP-Nuke
It replaced all $$dbi called to $$db
Applications 50% Little Data base
eliminated errors (tedious) advanced of the question of the
data base
Security Outpost
Insured against the UNION and cotra attacks
WebMail cleared for the increasing security
Code of selectionable security (only demonstrated where and to
whom you wish)
The security code is based on subject
Section of the Admin controlled by sessions
integration of i18n Utf-8
Aid the International Of the Language
PHP - languages and systems of Nuke Autodetects like defect
All the languages completely in Utf-8
Català, Français, Italian, Português, Espanõl, English German and.
forums of the PHPBB
Driven overflow, completely burglaryable, package of the plank of announcements
Groups integration and administration (paladin.to intaleather.com.au)
PHPBB completely integrated v2.1.1 (PHPbb.com)
Clean leaguing together (the identification of the session
takes off of the URL)
Enhancements De BBcode
BBcode in all postings uses
Aid of the HTML
Aid of the multimedia (flash, etc)
Characteristics De Sitio De PHP-Nuke
Complete access of moment CVS to request
Access Completely Browsable of HTML CVS
De Demo Admin Counts Completes
Characteristic Outposts Of the Administration
Administration of the groups (area of admin)
Administration of the members (area of admin)
The custom smiles with the aid of the language of i18n
Menu of the Admin requested by Category
HTML without restriction for posts of the Admin
The requested news (it allows that you fix the order of the
Historias and Submissons of the news of BBcode
Characteristics Of order Of the Group
Blocks: Blocks of the system to be visible to only group to members
Messages: Fix the messages to be visible to only group to members
Modules: Fix the modules to be visible to only group to members
Characteristics Of The Subject De PHP-Nuke
System Of the previous Inspection Of the Subject
The subjects have folding Sideblocks
Lazy skinall the blocks in commando
Characteristics Of order Of the Block De PHP-Nuke
Assemble a block of the groups (allows that the visitors
quality of member of group) Block of the selection of the
(international languages selections i18n) Block of the subject
of the inspection
previous (subject of the previous inspection until change of
the page)
Block of the Info user (usuary optimized Info)
Characteristics Of order Of the Modules De PHP-Nuke
Assemble a module of the groups
Module Highly Advanced Of "My Account"
The system of the aggregations as soon as it installs what you
My Cuenta
Form in the agreement of Customizable COPPA (area of config of
the qualities of member)
Page of the registry of the user of Customizable (area of
config of the qualities of member)
Totally configurables qualities of member (area of config of
the qualities of member)
Advanced system of Avatar (area of the Info user)
aid of the email
Wide mail of full site smtpPHP, aid of the email
New Version Optimized PHP-Nuke 7.6 RC4Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 @ 18:57:50 CST in PHP-Nuke |