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Patch, Or Your Solid State Drives Roll Over And Die More about

Posted on Thursday, December 12, 2019 @ 18:57:45 CST in Bugs
by neralex

southern writes:  

Expiration dates for computer drives? That’s what a line of HP solid-state drives are facing as the variable for their uptime counter is running out. When it does, the drive “expires” and, well, no more data storage for you!

There are a series of stages in the evolution of a software developer as they master their art, and one of those stages comes in understanding that while they may have a handle on the abstracted world presented by their development environment they perhaps haven’t considered the moments in which the real computer that lives behind it intrudes. Think of the first time you saw an SQL injection attack on a website, for example, or the moment you realised that a variable type is linked to the physical constraints of the number of memory locations it has reserved for it. So people who write software surround themselves with an armoury of things they watch out for as they code, and thus endeavour to produce software less likely to break. Firmly in that arena is the size of the variables you use and what will happen when that limit is reached.

Sometimes though even developers that should know better get it wrong, and this week has brought an unfortunate example for the enterprise wing of the hardware giant HP. Their manufacturer has notified them that certain models of solid-state disk drives supplied in enterprise storage systems contain an unfortunate bug, in which they stop working after 32,768 hours of uptime. That’s a familiar number to anyone working with base-2 numbers and hints at a 16-bit signed integer in use to log the hours of uptime. When it rolls over the value will then be negative and, rather than the drive believing itself to be in a renewed flush of youth, it will instead stop working.

more: Hackaday



WARNING: NukeSentinel™ Bug More about

Posted on Monday, July 26, 2004 @ 23:12:51 CDT in Bugs
by BobMarion

Do not use the Clear Expired Blocks function in NukeSentinel™ admin. A bug has been found that can completely empty your htaccess file. Instead delete each expired block by way of the Blocked IP's List. This function does not use the same logic as the mass clearing does and therefore does not have this danger.

Open admin/modules/sentinel.php in a text editor and replace the current case "ABClearExpired"; function with the one HERE. The logic has been recoded to prevent it from deleting the complete htaccess file.


Sec-Fix Patch 3 for PHP-Nuke 6.5 More about

Posted on Wednesday, April 16, 2003 @ 20:47:27 CDT in Bugs
by gcf

From Chatserv at NukeCops

Third compilation of fixes to known PHP-Nuke 6.5 bugs, Just upload to the main Nuke folder so that the included files replace the existing ones. Please note that you do NOT need to apply the other fixpacks. This is, basically, cumulative ++!


1-Private Messages within the Journal module broken link due to lines that were meant to be commented breaking the code.
2-Link to Offsite avatars not displaying.
3-Error when clicking the e-mail button in member list.
4-Clicking page number causes invalid session message on Forums.
5-Forum asks to delete install/ and contrib/ directories.
6-Saving Forum profile info changes theme.
7-Couldn't delete auth access info.
8-phpBB logo broken link in the phpBB admin section.
9-Preview Forum: call to undefined function: opentable.
10-Broken rank images in Forum admin section.

There are more fixes in this. Please go to Nuke Cops to get more details and the download.


Head's up for those using phpNuke with PHP v4.3.0 More about Read More...

Posted on Friday, December 27, 2002 @ 17:20:51 CST in Bugs
by gcf

I have found a few modifications that need to be made to keep from filling your server logs up, when running phpNuke with PHP v4.3.0. Read More...


KISGB 4.2.0 Released - MUST UPGRADE!! More about

Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 @ 11:13:50 CST in Bugs
by gcf

This is a must upgrade!!!
Through discussions and testing with the bug testing team at php.net, I discovered that using the flock($fp,1) function under win32, with the upcoming 4.3.0 PHP release, requires very careful handling. Under previous releases of PHP and/or win32, the behavior appeared to be working and non-fatal. However, under the forth-coming 4.3.0 release of PHP, the flock($fp,1) call, under windows and used the way KISGB implemented it, will cause an erasure of your entire guestbook when you attempt to edit a message - not good. Apparently *nix handles the call a different way and so the problem, although always there, never surfaced. Read on for instructions on how to patch your current version, should you not choose to upgrade. Read More...


KISGB 4.1.1 FIX For Addtogb.php Module More about

Posted on Saturday, November 23, 2002 @ 07:35:28 CST in Bugs
by gcf

If you have been receiving a "headers already sent message", when adding a new message, it is traceable to the addtogb.php module. I have placed a new addtogb.php module in the download area. In addition I have modified the kisgb download file to include this fix. If you downloaded kisgb 4.1.1 before 8:25 November 23, 2002, then just download the addtogb.zip file and replace your current one. Otherwise you have the current one.

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