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Join RavenNuke(tm) Official Group on Facebook More about

Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 19:42:13 CDT in RavenNuke Book
by Raven

jestrella writes:  

Hey you, come join the official group of our beloved CMS RavenNuke(tm) on Facebook and help spread the word by joining and inviting all your friends to meet the greatest CMS out there.

Note: the group will not be used for support purposes, for that matter you can always get first class support on these superb forums.

We'll be awaiting for you at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=27481859091


RavenNuke(tm) v2.40.01 Released! More about

Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 @ 00:37:50 CDT in RavenNuke Book
by Raven

Yes, after many delays due to various (personal/health) issues, RavenNuke™ v2.40.01 has been released! It's mainly a fix release but the NukeSentinel™ refresh is as of March 28, 2010 :). Enjoy!


Sponsorship for RavenNuke(tm) - Can we make it a reality?

The RavenNuke(tm) Team are excited to announce that RavenNuke(tm) v2.40.01 is slated to be released the week of February 7th! This release culminates months of debugging and a few enhancements. Also to be included with this release will be a minor upgrade to NukeSentinel(tm), including a complete IP2C table refresh!

Just a note as to the planned future for RavenNuke(tm). Keep in mind that nothing is ground in stone. How fast we move and how much we can incorporate in any given amount of time is solely dependent on the amount of time the RN Team (voluntary army) can devote to the project. After factoring in their family obligations, job obligations, sanity obligations (R&R), vacations, etc., they can then devote the time left to RN. Oh yes, I forgot a few other small details: eating, sleeping, and waste removal :wink:.

How can YOU help, you ask? The biggest help would be to get someone or a group of people or a company or a group of companies that use(s) RN to sponsor the future development! If there was a set/minimum amount of money allocated each month or for a set of months to be dispersed amongst the development then I'm sure that would be the incentive to work a little harder and to cut into all their extra time that they devote to other things. This would be the best and fastest way to help develop the next major release which is going to be leaps and bounds above what we have done so far.

Any takers? How about it? Anyone work for a company that uses RN? If so, please talk with your management and contact me personally at sponsorship@ravennuke.com. For an open discussion concerning Sponsorship, please use this forum:

Sponsorship for RavenNuke(tm) - Can we make it a reality?

We had to move the release date out 1 week - sorry :)


RavenNuke(tm) v2.40.00 Final Released! More about

Posted on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 04:41:27 CDT in RavenNuke Book
by Raven

On behalf of the RavenNuke(tm) Team I am excited and proud to announce the release of Raven CMS version 2.40.00 Final. There are way too many enhancements and changes to list them here. Please read the Change Log for specifics.

One very important announcement is the release of our new Wiki! While it does contain most all of the data that was formally contained in the HowToInstall section, it is very much a work in process. For the time being we are limiting editing to the RN Team and/or by invitation only. Once we stabilize a bit more it will be opened up :). Please bear with us during this transition time :). Access the Wiki at Raven CMS Wiki

We have added some new themes and converted some old ones. We are still working on some of them.

In any event, please have fun, read the Wiki documentation, and try to find solutions before posting issues :)

Raven Web Services LLC


AlienCart(tm) Site is Live More about

Posted on Monday, September 28, 2009 @ 19:10:07 CDT in RavenNuke Book
by Raven

alien73 writes:  
I'm proud to announce that the AlienCart(tm) demo site is finally up and running. I chose "Raven's Web Hosting which is great" Thanks a lot Raven.

AlienCart(tm) is a Complete Ecommerce Solution for RavenNuke(tm) CMS, based on RavenNuke(tm) v2.4. The Alien Cart(tm) site is currently under construction, but please stop back often as we update often. Were about to open the forums for discussion and post some screen shots of all the features. The demo is live now but keep in mind there's alot of changes being made in the checkout section and more. Keep posted for updates!

Thanks alien73: Visit http://www.aliencart.com


Alien Cart - Complete e-commerce solution for RavenNuke (tm) More about Read More...

Posted on Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 00:12:27 CDT in RavenNuke Book
by Raven

alien73 writes:  
"Alien Cart" is currently in the development stages and we plan on releasing a Alpha version in the coming months. Alien Cart is the much needed professional e-commerce solution made exclusively for Raven Nuke(tm).

Alien Cart is a fork of Emporium which was released under GPL after the original author stopped development many years ago. After much success with CCart Pro and NOscart, Alien Cart will have the best of both and more.. Features at a glance:

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