The Page Rank Backdoor: Search Engine Dance

Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2005 @ 00:22:45 CDT in Discussion Topics
by Raven

elrayjones writes:  
Search engines and their robots are crafty little things. To learn the search engine dance you must be fast on your feet and think 300 steps ahead just to keep up. Just about the time you think you got the dance fingered out, the band changes the tone and pitch of the music, and sometimes will change the song they're playing right in the middle of the one your listening to. Is that fair? We'll yes; search engines owe you nothing. They guarantee nothing, and promise nothing.
You must learn their dance, listen to their music and dance to their beat. In the past few months I have watched my page rank climb from 1 to 4. I'm no SEO guru nor do I want to be. I just studied hard, and had a lot of patience. The most important thing you must have is patience. Let me define the word patience: SYNONYMS patience, long-suffering, resignation, forbearance. These nouns denote the capacity to endure hardship, difficulty, or inconvenience without complaint. So with my dancing shoes and patience in hand I set out to learn these search engine dance steps.
The Page Rank Backdoor: Search Engine Dance

Search engines and their robots are crafty little things. To learn the search engine dance you must be fast on your feet and think 300 steps ahead just to keep up. Just about the time you think you got the dance fingered out, the band changes the tone and pitch of the music, and sometimes will change the song they're playing right in the middle of the one your listening to. Is that fair? We'll yes; search engines owe you nothing. They guarantee nothing, and promise nothing.
You must learn their dance, listen to their music and dance to their beat. In the past few months I have watched my page rank climb from 1 to 4. I'm no SEO guru nor do I want to be. I just studied hard, and had a lot of patience. The most important thing you must have is patience. Let me define the word patience: SYNONYMS patience, long-suffering, resignation, forbearance. These nouns denote the capacity to endure hardship, difficulty, or inconvenience without complaint. So with my dancing shoes and patience in hand I set out to learn these search engine dance steps.

The first step I took was to pay a few dollars to have someone look at my keywords. The company I used was . They only charged $25.95 and did a good job with clean reports and good customer service. Sometimes it is better to have two pair of eyes look over work. What you think is a good keyword rich page may not have the best keywords that people on search engines are looking for. Plus paying this fee is a time saver and gives you some assurance that this part of the job is right.

My next dance step was to investigate links. I once heard that reciprocal linking with a site that has a higher page rank than yours was the fastest and most important way to climb the PR latter. However, because of wide spread web master abuse of the method reciprocal linking is not what it once was. So I chose the non reciprocal linking dance step. There are fifteen major steps in non reciprocal linking:

*1) Get your site listed in the major human edited directories
*2) Get your site listed in directories relevant to your particular product or service
*3) Obtaining Links From Other Web Sites
4) Purchasing Ad Banners on Other Web Sites
5) Get Your Product or Service Reviewed by other Websites
6) Issue a Press Release
7) E-mail Lists
*8) Newsgroup/forum Announcements
*9) Publish Articles on Other Web Sites
*10) Provide Quality l Content on Your Own Site
11) Running On-Site Events
12) Conducting Direct e-Marketing Campaigns
13) Issuing an E-Newsletter
14) Integrating Your Traditional Marketing and Sales Programs
*15) Measure your results

I have only learned seven.

The two most important human edited directories known to mankind are Yahoo and the Open Directory Project . Both have there pit falls. To be listed in Yahoo ( ) cost $299.00. Is it worth it? Yes; but you should wait until your site is making a profit of $200.00 a month or more, then put some of that money back into your site. The Open Directory Project can take months on months just to get a answer because of the back log of submissions. However, you need to do your best to try and get listed. The following is what I have done in the past few months, and the results have been, well good. Will this work for you? There are too many factors in search engines to state that. But it has worked for me. First I setup a small free directory service at . I offer free listings and offer link back code at the site. I then went to online web master forums and announced the service. The feed back has been good. I have gotten two high ranking sites to link back to me because of this directory.
Next I listed on every free directory service I could find. There is a list of these directories at http:/ under Free Directories.
Then I started to write articles like this one and submit them to free submission sites. You can find a directory of free submission sites here: .

In conclusion setting up an organic(see article: ) method of SEO is not a hands off type of job. Learning the dance can help. How do I learn to dance? Study, put you hands on your site and make it dance. The rewards are worth your time.

Free submit article Post it anywhere. Do Not Edit Links

Elray Jones
Business Card at

see web site at
web master directory at
Copyright(c)2005 Elray Jones
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Re: The Page Rank Backdoor: Search Engine Dance (Score: 1)
by Susann on Thursday, April 07, 2005 @ 08:12:29 CDT

(User Info | Send a Message)

Very useful article !
It´s awful, but I saw a lot of php-nuke sites without her own keywords. Possible they forgot to modify the meta.php.
On page optimizing is very important, but the phpBB forums isn`t google friendly, because google don`t like session ids.

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